Random Flashcards
to grant (fr)
You recognize the impact of the dude who poses,
who talks about a dog’s life,
to give ones paw,
you think you’re the best,
so here’s the bruise,
I’m sending you to the skies because I’ve scouted the basement.
tu reconnais l’impact du keumè qui pose,
qui parle d’une vie de chien,
à s’en donner la patte,
tu te prends pour un crack ,
donc v’la l’ecchymose,
Je t’envoie vers les cieux car j’ai rodé la cave
Very far from the magic of Disney
All the cops cook you because there you are made like a rat
Sounds like aural rape
Suffice to say I just stepped into the arena like a king
Très loin de la magie de Disney
Tous les flics te cuisinent parce que là t’es fait comme un rat
Ça sonne comme un viol auditif
Autant dire que je viens de rentrer dans l’arène comme un roi
Life is a fight when you tumble there are no low blows,
It’s a plot you understood it just a verse and the shot goes off
So don’t think the damage is minimizing,
We eliminate you, it’s DVK who rushes into the pile to better push his limits
La vie est un combat quand on déboule y’a pas d’coups bas,
C’est un complot tu l’as compris juste un couplet et le coup part
Alors crois pas que les dégâts se minimisent,
On t’élimine, c’est DVK qui fonce dans le tas pour mieux repousser ses limites
Let’s attack, stop chatting
Heaven will be praised when the chickens get shot,
It runs without letting go, assembly line work, I’m not in good health, drink to mine,
Cops pick you up for acting tough
Money taunts you, it’s the spirit of war
Passons à l’attaque, arrêtons de bavarder
Le ciel será loué quand les poulets se feront canarder,
Ça cavale sans lâcher, travail à la chaîne, j’ai pas la santé, trinquez à la mienne,
Les flics te ramassent à force de faire le dur,
Le fric te nargue, c’est le nerf de la guerre
Me, I don’t care about the stone, I’ve done the wall so much
That I remain unmoved when someone throws stones at me,
I smash the dams even when I lack clean air
We hide in the dark, stuck in my lair
It works my brain, looking at the moon
And my rage unfolds to hoist my banner
Moi je m’en fous de la caillasse, j’ai tellement fait le mur
Que je reste de marbre quand on me jette la pierre,
Je défonce les barrages même en manquant d’air pur
On se cache dans le noir, coincé dans ma tanière
Ça travaille mes méninges, le regard vers la lune
Et ma rage se dévoile pour hisser ma bannière
It really bothers me that María doesn’t do the dishes after eating.
If you think I stole the cookies, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
Me saca la piedra que María no limpie los platos después de comer.
Si crees que robé las galletas, te estás equivocando de persona.
Glad I had someone who cared
With constructive criticism, he warned me
The intimacy that time cultivated and that made us rise
I am alone without him
Ainda bem que eu tive alguém que se preocupou
Com críticas construtivas, me alertou
A intimidade que o tempo cultivou e que fez a gente subir
Sem ele sozinho estou
I come down from the stage and I go up the blood for the sake of peace
I want unity in the places I go
Of the homes that made room and the message I make
Be More Effective (100% Haikaiss)
Desço do palco e subo o sangue em prol da paz
Quero a união nos lugares que eu passo
Dos lares que deram espaço e a mensagem que eu faço
Ser mais eficaz (100% Haikaiss)
Find your other half (or soulmate)
Carlos found the love of his life and got married.
the blacksmith
the cobbler
encontrar tu media naranja
[lt. to find your half orange. ]
Carlos encontró su media naranja y se casó.
el herrero
el zapatero
The cobbler’s children have no shoes / The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot.
You’re a Spanish teacher and your kids don’t speak Spanish.
leg (2)
En casa de herrero, cuchillo de palo
[lt. in the house of the blacksmith, knife of wood.]
Eres maestro de español y tus hijos no hablan español. En casa de herrero,
cuchillo de palo.
la pata, la pierna
To not mince words (or to speak one’s mind/bluntly).
Sorry if I offended you, it’s just that I am quite a blunt person.
the blacksmith
leg (2)
No tener pelos en la lengua
[lt. to not have hairs on one’s tongue]
Lo siento si te ofendí, es que no tengo pelos en la lengua.
el herrero
la pata, la pierna
to put one’s foot in one’s mouth / to make a blunder / to mess up
I messed up talking about love. I didn’t know they had separated.
the radish
I messed up when I told my friend that his girlfriend is cheating on him
meter la pata
[lt. to put the leg in]
Metí la pata hablando del amor. No sabía que se habían separado.
el rábano
Metí la pata cuando le dije a mi amigo que su novia lo engaña
To not give a fig / to not care at all
I couldn’t care less if Erika has a boyfriend or not.
No importar un rábano, o no importar un pepino
[lt. to not give a radish or a cucumber]
Me importa un rábano si Erika ya tiene novio.
to throw, to pour, to throw out, to put
to make one’s mouth water / to be mouthwatering
It makes my mouth water just thinking about paella.
the radish
se me hace agua la boca
se me hace agua la boca solo pensar en la paella.
el rábano
to give it your all, to give it 110%
Carlos is trying very hard.
to take out the trash
can you repeat it slowly? I got confused with so many numbers.
echarle pichón
Carlos le está echando pichón
sacar la basura
puedes repetirlo más lento? Me enredé con tantos números.
to get on someone’s nerves / to make someone angry
It really bothers me that María doesn’t do the dishes after eating.
there’s a new suspect? This case keeps getting more complicated.
echar (4)
la marcha (3)
sacar la piedra
Me saca la piedra que María no limpie los platos después de comer
hay un sospechoso más? Este caso cada vez se enreda más.
to throw, to throw out, to pour, to put
march, walk, course (of events)
to be flat broke / to have run out of money
I’m out of money, I couldn’t work this week.
to get entangled
the current course of political events in the country is dizzying.
pelar bolas
[lt. to peel balls]
estoy pelando bolas, no pude trabajar esta semana
la marcha actual de los eventos políticos en el país es vertiginosa.
to be tied up in knots / to be confused
Ana María is trying to solve the math exercises, but she is too
confused / she’s tied up in knots
there was a march to protest the increase in the price of gasoline.
volverse un ocho, estar vuelto un ocho
[lt. to turn into an eight, to be turned into an eight]
Ana María está tratando de resolver los ejercicios de matemática, pero está vuelta un ocho.
hubo una marcha para protestar por el aumento en el precio de la gasolina.
you’re barking up the wrong tree
If you think I stole the cookies, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
estás buscando en el lugar equivocado.
[lt. ladrando al árbol equivocado]
[implies that someone is making a false assumption or pursuing a mistaken or misguided line of thought. ]
Si crees que robé las galletas, te estás equivocando de persona.
hold your horses
Hold your horses! I’m coming.
to play it by ear
I’m not sure what time I’ll come over, I’ll play it by ear.
espera un momento!
Calma! Ya voy!
improvisar / decidir sobre la marcha
No estoy seguro de a qué hora pasaré; lo decidiré sobre la marcha.
to jump on the bandwagon
I never liked that music genre, but I jumped on the bandwagon because all my friends did.
subirse al carro (or al tren).
[Meaning: to adopt a popular trend or activity. A “bandwagon” is originally a wagon or cart used to carry a band in a parade]
Nunca me gustó ese género musical, pero me subí al carro porque todos mis amigos lo hicieron.
to ride shotgun
I called it first! I’m riding shotgun!
young pigeon
ir de copiloto.
[Meaning: to sit in the front passenger seat of a vehicle.]
Lo pedí primero! ¡Voy de copiloto!
el pichón
la paloma
—- SP —
to shoot the breeze
we just sat on the porch, shooting the breeze.
young pigeon
[meaning: To chat or converse casually without serious intent.]
nos sentamos en el porche, simplemente charlando.
el pichón
to go back to the drawing board
our proposal was rejected, so it’s time to go back to the drawing board.
volver a empezar
[meaning; Start over again because the current attempt or solution failed.]
nuestra propuesta fue rechazada, así que es hora de volver a empezar.
la paloma
to hit the sack
I’m so tired; I’m going to hit the sack.
Irse a la cama o meterse en la cama.
estoy tan cansado; voy a meterme en la cama.
speak of the devil
Oh, speak of the devil! We were just discussing you.
hablando del rey de Roma.
[meaning: the person we were just talking about has now appeared.]
Oh, hablando del rey de Roma! Justo estábamos hablando de ti.
add fuel to the fire
by shouting, you’re just adding fuel to the fire.
echar más leña al fuego.
[meaning; o make a situation or conflict intensify, especially via provocative comments.]
Al gritar, solo estás echando más leña al fuego.
to take a rain check
I can’t come to your party tonight, but can I take a rain check?
quedar para otra ocasión.
[meaning: to decline an offer or invitation but with the hope or promise of accepting it at a later time.]
No puedo ir a tu fiesta esta noche, pero puede quedar para otra ocasión?
la leña
knock on wood
I’ve never had a car accident, knock on wood.
Hugo used a knife to peel the orange.
tocar madera.
[meaning: A phrase said when one hopes for good luck or that a fortunate situation will continue.]
Nunca he tenido un accidente de coche, tocar madera.
Hugo usó un cuchillo para pelar la naranja.
la leña
to be under the weather
I won’t be coming to work today; I’m feeling a bit under the weather.
We have enough firewood to survive the winter.
sentirse mal
[meaning: To feel ill or sick.]
No iré al trabajo hoy; me siento un poco mal.
Tenemos suficiente leña para sobrevivir el invierno.
to run/rush (around), to chase (women)
I take a breath, everything’s dead,
I roll personal joints, bust your mouth, and everything unravels,
You want some sick beats, we’ll show up within the hour,
and if you think we’re going in circles, it’s because you have the compass in your eye,
Listen to this sweet melody ringing out
This is the story of a cicada among cockroaches
I admire my city and then I question myself,
like that kid who just came out of the closet
Je prends une bouffée d’air, tout est dead
J’roule des pers’ te casse la bouche et tout déferle,
Tu veux du bête de son, on débarque dans l’heure,
et si tu crois qu’on tourne en rond c’est que t’as le compas dans l’œil,
Écoute cette douce mélodie qui résonne
C’est le récit d’une cigale parmi les cafards
J’admire ma ville et puis je me questionne,
comme ce gosse est à peine sorti du placard
Llénalos con veneno y elimínalos.
En otras palabras, los hago Minute Maid
No quiero lastimarlos, pero lo hice en un ataque de ira.
Estoy asesinando de nuevo, nadie lo evadirá.
Encuéntralos, mátalos y arroja todos los malditos cuerpos al lago.
Aniquilando todo, incinerándolos y renegando de ellos.
Y le doy miedo a cualquiera que lo quiera con el bolígrafo.
Pero nadie lo quiere, pero lo conseguirán de todos modos.
(Eminem - Godzilla)
Fill ‘em with the venom and eliminate ‘em
Other words, I Minute Maid ‘em
I don’t wanna hurt ‘em, but I did ‘em in a fit of rage
I’m murderin’ again, nobody will evade him
Finna kill ‘em and dump all the fuckin’ bodies in the lake
Obliterating everything, incinerate and renegade ‘em
And I make anybody who want it with the pen afraid
But don’t nobody want it, but they’re gonna get it anyway
Porque estoy empezando a sentir que estoy mentalmente enfermo
Soy Atilla, mata o muere, soy una abeja asesina, el gorila vainilla
Estás sacando al asesino que hay dentro de mí.
No quieres ser el enemigo del demonio que entró en mí.
O ser el lado receptor de mí, qué estupidez sería
Cada parte de mí es el epítome de un escupidor
Cuando esté cerca, hijo de puta, será mejor que te agaches.
O estarás muerto en el momento en que te encuentres conmigo.
‘Cause I’m beginnin’ to feel like I’m mentally ill
I’m Atilla, kill or be killed, I’m a killer bee, the vanilla gorilla
You’re bringin’ the killer within me out of me
You don’t want to be the enemy of the demon who went in me
Or being the recievin’ end of me, what stupidity it’d be
Every bit of me is the epitome of a spitter
When I’m in the vicinity, motherfucker, you better duck
Or you finna be dead the minute you run into me
I shoot, I shoot, I kill my enemy
I do not turn, but I look
I chase you by sight
I don’t even stop a vampire
I burn him with my pyro
I always say what I think
But I never retire
Cousin, I’m like a sapphire
My rap is fine gold
I hone it and define it how I want
I hit urgently I hurt you
Every topic that I write to you, I do not delirium
I dodge bullets with my style
contagious like a virus
(Kronno Zomber Vs Zarcort)
Tiro, tiro, mato a mi enemigo
No me giro, pero miro
Por la mira te persigo
No me para ni un vampiro
Yo le quemo con mi piro
Siempre digo lo que pienso
Pero nunca me retiro, primo
soy como un zafiro
Mi rap es oro fino
Lo afino y lo defino como quiero
Pego urgiendo te lastimo
Cada tema que te escribo, no delirio
Esquivo balas con mi estilo
Contagioso como un virus
Niños índigo en los reinos celestiales en todos los multiversos, tan devotos del Señor
No me hables de él, ve y descúbrelo tú mismo, gana confianza.
Reunir conocimiento no de las Escrituras, sino de lo que hay dentro de mí.
Esparce fragmentos de pensamientos sobre la tierra quemada
Para bien o para mal, no importa lo que venga después
No te preocupes, siempre sencillo, sin puntos ni comas
Sucederá en un hermoso día de verano.
Cr7Z - Ultima
Indigo-Kinder in himmlischen Sphären in allen Multiversen, dem Herren so ergeben
Erzähl mir nix von ihm, go and find’ das selber raus, sammel’ Selbstvertrauen
Sammel’ Wissen nicht aus Schriften, sondern dem, was sich in mir befindet
Streu’ Splitter der Gedanken auf verbrannte Erde
Auf Verderb und Gedeih, egal, was noch kommen mag
Keine Angst, immer straight-forward, ohne Punkt und Kommata
Es wird gescheh’n an einem schönen Sommertag
Take a long, walk off a short pier
vete al diablo, lárgate, piérdete, vete a la mierda
- “You have to give it your all if you want to approve the exam.”
- “If you really want this job, give it your best shot in the interview.”
- “I know the training is tough, but give it your all and you will see results.”
- “Tienes que echarle pichón si quieres aprobar el examen.”
- “Si realmente quieres ese trabajo, échale pichón en la entrevista.”
- “Sé que el entrenamiento es duro, pero échale pichón y verás resultados.”
calf muscle (pt)
the one who goes is the rabbit
o músculo da panturrilha
quem vai é o coelho
I spent almost a week almost without walking because I couldn’t put my foot on the ground because of the pain I felt.
eu fiquei uma semana praticamente quase sem andar por conta que eu não conseguia colocar o pé no chão de dor que eu sentia.
Tom: We should all go camping next weekend!
Sarah: That sounds like fun! What do we need to take?
Tom: Oh, I didn’t really think about that. Can anyone else solve this?
Sarah: Wait, you suggest the camp and then expect us to make all the plans? It’s the rabbit going, Tom.
Tom: Devíamos todos ir acampar no próximo fim de semana!
Sarah: Isso parece divertido! O que precisamos levar?
Tom: Ah, eu realmente não pensei nisso. Alguém mais pode resolver?
Sarah: Espera, você sugere o acampamento e depois espera que nós façamos todos os planos? Quem vai é o coelho, Tom.
He became apprehensive upon learning that he would have to speak in public.
She took the test with fear of getting a negative result.
Ele ficou receoso ao saber que teria que falar em público.
Ela fez o exame com receio de receber um resultado negativo.
Maria feels uneasy whenever she has to make an important decision.
The students were afraid of talking to the teacher about the issue.
Maria fica receosa sempre que tem que tomar uma decisão importante.
Os estudantes estavam com receio de falar com o professor sobre o problema.
The parents became apprehensive when they found out their son was going to travel
that’s cool / that’s awesome!
Os pais ficaram receosos quando souberam que o filho ia viajar sozinho.
que massa!