NT6 - Distúrbios do Metabolismo da Água e Sódio (1) Flashcards
Composição Fluidos Corporais?
★ Intracelular
★ Extracelular
★ Osmolalidade Plasmática, Posm (mOsm/Kg H2O)
==> 2 x [Na+ ] (mEq/L) + [Glucose] (mg/dL)/18 + [Ureia] (mg/dL)/6
★ Osmolalidade efectiva (Tonicidade)
1. Solutos efectivos: sódio, manitol
2. Solutos não efectivos: glucose*, ureia, etanol
★ Exemplo:
1. Um aumento de 10mEq/L na [Na+]plasma acarreta um aumento de ~20mOsm/Kg na Osmolalidade plasmática e na Tonicidade.
2. Um aumento de 110 mg/dL na [Ureia] plasma acarreta um aumento de ~20mOsm/Kg na Osmolalidade plasmática, mas a Tonicidade permanece intacta.
Metabolismo Água?
★ Each day the body gains and loses fluids through several different processes
– Skin
– Lungs
– Kidneys
– Intestines
★ Regulating sodium and water
– serum sodium level decreases = thirst decreases = ADH release is suppressed = renal water excretion increases
– serum sodium level increases = thirst increases = ADH release increases = renal water excretion diminishes
★ Duto coletor é impermeável á agua na ausência de vasopressina ou outros anti-diuréticos
Distúrbios por Défice Vasopressina (Produção ou Efeito)?
★ Central (Neurogenic) Diabetes Insipidus
★ Osmoreceptor Dysfunction
★ Increased AVP Metabolism
★ Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus
★ Primary Polidipsia (não é distúrbio da vasopressina)
★ Poliúria Hipotónica
★ Colheita Urina 24h:
- Volume > 50ml/kg H20
- Osmolaridade <300mOsm/Kg H2O
- Taxa excreção solutos (UOms x Uvol [L] < 15mOsm/Kg H2O
Test for the diagnosis of Diabetes Insipidus?
★ Fluid Deprivation
★ Procedure:
1. take nothing by mouth after dinner the day before the test
2. obtain plasma and urine osmolality measurements, serum electrolyte levels, and a plasma arginine vasopressin level at the start of the test
3. measure urine volume and osmolarity hourly with each voided urine
Therapies for the treatment of DI?
★ Water
★ Antidiuretic agents
★ Arginine vasopressin
★ Desmopressin
★ Antidiuresis-enhancing drugs
★ Défice corporal água
– 60% x Peso x [1 – (140 / [Na+])]
★ Exemplo:
– Homem 70Kg, [Na+]=160mmol/L, défice água estimado 5.25L.
★ Correcção do défice = 12mmol/L/dia.
★ Atenção à perda contínua de fluidos.
Patogénese e Causas de Hiponatrémia?
★ Presence of ‘effective’ osmoles that raise serum osmolality and can cause hyponatremia
- glucose
- mannitol
- glycine
- maltose
★ Presence of ‘ineffective’ osmoles that raise serum osmolality but do not cause hyponatremia
- urea
- alcohols
- ethylene glycol
★ Presence of endogenous solutes that cause pseudohyponatremia (laboratory artifact)
- triglycerides, cholesterol and protein
- intravenous immunoglobulins
- monoclonal gammapathies
Definition of Hyponatraemia based on biochemical severity?
★ We define ‘mild’ hyponatremia as a biochemical finding of a serum sodium concentration between 130 and 135 mmol/L as measured by ion-specific electrode
★ We define ‘moderate’ hyponatremia as a biochemical finding of a serum sodium concentration between 125 and 129 mmol/L as measured by ion-specific electrode
★ We define ‘profound’ hyponatremia as a biochemical finding of a serum sodium concentration <125 mmol/L as measured by ion-specific electrode
Definition of Hyponatraemia based on time of development?
★ We define ‘acute’ hyponatremia as hyponatremia that is documented to exist <48h
★ We define ‘chronic’ hyponatremia as hyponatremia that is documented to exist for at least 48h
★ If hyponatremia cannot be classified, we consider it being chronic, unless there is clinical or anamnestic evidence of the contrary
Definition of Hyponatraemia based on symptoms?
★ We define ‘moderately symptomatic’ hyponatremia as any biochemical degree of hyponatremia in the presence of moderately severe symptoms of hyponatremia
★ We define ‘severely symptomatic’ hyponatremia as any biochemical degree of hyponatremia in the presence of severe symptoms of hyponatremia
Symptoms of Hypotonicity?
★ Moderately Severe
- nausea without vomiting
- confusion
- headache
★ Severe
- vomiting
- cardiorespiratory distress
- abnormal and deep somnolence
- seizures
- coma
Drugs and conditions associated with acute hyponatraemia?
★ Postoperative phase
★ Post-resection of the prostate, post-resection of endoscopic uterine surgery
★ Polydipsia
★ Exercise
★ Recent thiazides prescription
★ Colonoscopy preparation
★ Cyclophosphamide
★ Oxytocin
★ Recently started desmopressin therapy
★ Recently started terlipressin, vasopressin
Treatment - Hyponatremia with severe symptoms - First-hour management, regardless of wether hyponatremia is acute or chronic?
★ We recommend prompt iv infusion of 150 ml 3% hypertonic over 20 min
★ We suggest checking the serum sodium concentration after 30 min while repeating an infusion of 150 ml 3% hypertonic saline for the next 20 min
★ We suggest repeating the first 2 steps twice or until a target of 5 mmol/l increase in serum sodium concentration is achieved
★ Manage patients with severely symptomatic hyponatremia in an environment where close biochemical and clinical monitoring can be provided
Treatment - Acute Hyponatremia without severe or moderately severe symptoms?
★ Make sure that the serum sodium concentration has been measured using the same technique used for the previous measurement and that no administrative errors in sample handling have ocurred
★ If possible, stop fluids, medications and other factors that can contribute to or provoke hyponatremia
★ We recommend starting prompt diagnostic assessment
★ We recommend cause-specific treatment
Chronic Hyponatremia without severe or moderately severe symptoms - General Management?
★ Stop non-essential fluids, medications and other factors that can contribute to or provoke hyponatremia
★ We recommend cause-specific treatment
★ In mild hyponatremia we suggest against treatment with the sole aim of increasing the serum sodium concentration
★ In moderate or profound hyponatremia we recommend avoiding an increase in the serum sodium concentration of >10 mmol/l during the first 24hrs
★ In moderate or profound hyponatremia we suggest checking the serum sodium concentration every 6h until the serum sodium concentration has stabilised under stable treatment
★ In case of unresolved hyponatremia reconsider the diagnostic algorithm and ask for expert advice
Treatment - Patients with expanded extracellular fluid?
★ We recommend against treatment with the sole aim of increasing the serum sodium concentration in mild or moderate hyponatremia
★ We suggest fluid restriction to prevent further fluid overload
★ We recommend against vasopressin receptor antagonists
★ We recommend against demeclocycline
Treatment in patients with reduced circulating volume?
★ We recommend restoring extracellular volume with an iv infusion of 0.9% saline or a balanced crystalloid solution at 0.5-1-0 ml/kg per h
★ Manage patients with hemodynamic instability in an environment where close biochemical and clinical monitoring can be provided
★ In case of hemodynamic instability, the need for rapid fluid resuscitation overrides the risk of an overly rapid increase in serum sodium concentration
Patients with Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuresis (SIAD)?
★ In moderate or profound hyponatremia we suggest restricting fluid intake as fist-line treatment
★ In moderate or profound hyponatremia we recommend against lithium or demeclocycline
★ In moderate or profound hyponatremia we do not recommend vasopressin receptor antagonists
★ In profound hyponatremia we recommend against vasopressin receptor antagonist
Tratamento da Hiponatrémia - Outros?
★ Fluid Rate (mL/hour) = [1000 X (rate of Na+ correction in mmol/L/hr)] / (change in serum sodium)
★ Rate of Na+ correction:
- Máximo de 12mmol/day
- Máximo de 0.5mmol/L/hr