Muscle Physiology Flashcards
Represents the largest tissue mass responsible for blood glucose storage and post-prandial lipid oxidation
Skeletal muscle
Second only to the liver, skeletal muscle is also the predominant site of
Reduced skeletal muscle mass (such as what can occur with illness and aging) is associated with an increased risk for
Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity
What are the three types of muscle tissue?
Smooth, cardiac, and skeletal
Muscle contraction falls into what two general categories?
Isometric and Isotonic
The development of tension without force
Isometric contraction
The generation of force via moving a load over a distance
Isotonic contraction
Muscle fibers are surrounded by a specialized plasma membrane containing an additional tough outer coat of collagens and polysaccharides, called the
Within each muscle fiber are bundles of
Repeating units of sarcomeres that are surrounded by the sarcoplasm
The sarcoplasm contains mitochondria, ions, enzymes, and the main intracellular sink (storage site) for Ca2+, which is called the
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
An important SR protein which binds Ca2+ and maintains Ca2+ in the low energy state while it is housed within the SR
Each myofibril is comprised of sarcomeres. The sarcomere is comprised of interdigitating elements
of myofilaments which each contain what three things?
- ) Actin
- ) Myosin
- ) Anchoring Z disc
Histologically speaking, the sarcomere is characterized by specific bands and is capped on each side by a Z disc. What are the three bands?
- ) A band
- ) I band
- ) H band
An overlapping region of thick (myosin) and thin (actin) elements
A band
Contains only actin filaments
I band
A centrally located light area within each sarcomere, and contains myosin
H band
Actin is anchored to
Z discs
The myosin heads are in fact connected to the tail regions by a hinged arm; collectively, the head-arm region is referred to as the
Myosin cross-bridge
In skeletal muscle, actin is in the form of a double helix of F actin, which is made up of which three things?
- ) G actin
- ) Troponin
- ) Tropomyosin
Shields active, myosin binding, sites on actin
The myosin binding domains within actin
Troponin contains which three subunits?
- ) I (actin attachment)
- ) T (tropomyosin attachment)
- ) C (calcium binding)
Prevents actin and myosin from interacting and inducing muscle contraction during relaxed (basal) conditions
Troponin/tropomyosin complex