Lecture Notes Flashcards
Parasympathetic innervation for the head comes from CNs
III, VII, and IX
Different from the other cranial nerves because it develops as part of the CNS
-The ONLY CN affected by MS
Optic Nerve (CNII)
Depression in macula lutea with densest concentration of photoreceptor cells
Functions to maintain the structure of the eye
Vitreous body
Changing vision from a far object to a near object
Accommodation reflex
On medial wall of the orbit separating the orbit and nasal cavity
Ethmoid air cells
The lateral side of the orbit is the
Infratemporal fossa
Located between the cornea and eyelid or between bulbar and palpebral conjunctiva
Conjunctival sac
Covers the cornea
Bulbar conjunctiva
Provides sensory innervation to the lateral face outside of the orbit
Lacrimal nerve
Which branch of the internal carotid anastamoses with the external carotid?
-Blood flow naturally goes from internal to external
Opthalmic artery
Runs along the top of the masseter
Parotid duct
Important muscle for keeping mouth pursed
-innervated by CN VII
Orbicularis Oris
Parasympathetic ganglion in the infratemporal fossa that is associated with innervation to the parotid gland
Otic ganglion
Sensory unipolar ganglion in the MCF
-No synapses occur here
Trigeminal ganglion
Lie just within the ITF superficial to the medial pterygoid but deep to the mandible
Lingual nerve and inferior alveolar nerve
The post ganglionic fibers of the two ganglion of the ITF, the otic and submandibular ganglion. travel on the
Lingual nerve and auriculotemporal nerve respectively (branches of V3)
Cell bodies for the special sensory fibers of chorda tympany are located in the
Geniculate ganglion
Lays on top of the thyrohyoid
Hypoglossal nerve
Lays below thyrohyoid
Superior laryngeal nerve
The parotid gland is innervated by
The boundary between the MCF and PCF
-Houses the internal auditory meatus
Petrous portion of temporal bone
The upper wall of the middle ear is the
Tegman tympani
Injury affecting the inner ear, CN II, or the CNS can all produce a
Sensorineural hearing loss