Mechanisms of Deglutiton and Phonation: The Larynx Flashcards
Acts as a compound sphincter to prevent the passage of food or drink into the airway during swallowing
Acts to close the rima glottis during Valsalva’s maneuver in which air pressure is built up during coughing, sneezing, micturition, defecation, or parturition
Also regulates the flow of air to and from the lungs for breathing and vocalization
The larynx is composed of cartilages connected via
Joints and ligaments
There are 4 major cartilages of the larynx. What are they?
The unpaired thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottic cartilage, and the paired arytenoid cartilages
Composed of two lamina that unite anteriorly to form the laryngeal prominance
Thyroid cartilage
The thyroid cartilage is connected superiorly to the hyoid bone by the thyrohyoid membrane and inferiorly to the cricoid cartilage by
Synovial joints and cricothyroid membrane
Attached to the thyroid cartilage internally where the lamina unite
Articulates with the thyroid cartilage and arytenoid cartilages via synovial joints
Cricoid cartilage
Sit atop the cricoid cartilages posteriorly
Arytenoid cartilages
The arytenopid cartilages are pyrimidal in shape with which three processes?
Superiorly: an apex
Anteriorly: a vocal process
Laterally: a muscular process
Additional cartilages attach to the
The vocal ligament attaches to the
Vocal process
Muscles attach to the
Muscular process
Attatches inferiorly to the superior border of the cricoid cartilage
Cricothyroid ligament (Conus elasticus)
The superior free edges of the cricothyroid ligament (conus elasticus) forms the
Vocal ligament
Attaches posteriorly to the vocal process of the arytenoid cartilages and anteriorly where the lamina of the thyroid cartilage uite
Vocal ligament
The larynx can be divided from superior to inferior into which three compartments?
- ) Vestibule
- ) Ventricle
- ) Infraglottic cavity
Extends from the aditis superiorly to the vestibular folds inferiorly
The lateral wall of the vestibule are formed by the
Quadrangular membrane
Connective tissue that stretches from the epiglottis to the arytenoid cartilages
Quadrangular membrane
The free inferior edge of the quadrangular membrane
Vestibular ligament
The quadrangularmembrane is covered on both sides by a
Mucous membrane
Where the vestibular ligament is covered bymucosa
Vestibular fold (false vocal fold)
Lateral expansions of the laryngeal cavity between the vestibular and vocal folds
Toward the anterior end of the ventricle there is a blind sac called the
Can become enlarged due to increase in intraorthotic pressure
Extends from the vocal folds to the lower border of the cricoid cartilage
Infraglottic cavity
The larynx is innervated ENTIRELY by branches of the
Vagus nerve
What are the three vagus nerve branches relevant to the larynx?
Internal laryngeal, external laryngeal, and recurrent laryngeal/inferior laryngeal
What type of fibers are in the internal laryngeal nerve?
What type of fibers are in the external laryngeal nerve?
What type of fibers are in the recurrent laryngeal/inferior laryngeal nerve?
Sensory and motor
The internal laryngeal nerve innervates the
Mucosa above the vocal fold
The external laryngeal nerve innervates the
Cricothyroid muscle
The SENSORY fibers of the recurrent laryngeal/Inferior laryngeal nerve innervates the
Mucosa below vocal fold
The MOTOR fibers of the recurrent laryngeal nerve innervate the
Remaining intrinsic muscles