Lower Limb Attachments/Innervations Flashcards
PROXIMALLY, the Gluteus maximus attaches to the
Proximally attached to the Ilium, Dorsal Sacrum, and Sacrotuberous ligament
DISTALLY, the gluteus maximus ttaches to the
Distally attached to the Illiotibial tract and the Gluteal Tuberosity of Femur
PROXIMALLY, the gluteus medius and minimus are attached to the
Proximally attached to the gluteal surface of the ilium
DISTALLY the gluteus medius and minimus are attached to the
Distally attached to the greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY the piriformis is attached to the
Proximally attached to the ventral surface of the sacrum
DISTALLY, the piriformis is attached to the
Distally attached to the greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY, the obturator internus is attached to the
Proximally attached to the Pelvic surface obturator membrane
DISTALLY the obturator internus is attached to the
Distally attached to the Greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY, the superior gemellus is attached to the
Proximally attached to the Ischial Spine
DISTALLY, the superior gemellus is attached to the
Distally attached to the greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY the inferior gemellus is attached to the
Proximally attached to the isichial tuberosity
DISTALLY the inferior gemellus is attached to the
Distally attached to the greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY, the quadratus femoris is attached to the
Proximally attached to the ischial tuberosity
DISTALLY the quadratus femoris is attached to the
Distally attached to the Quadrate tubercle
The gluteus maximus is innervated by the
Innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve
The gluteus medius and minimus are innervated by the
Innervated by the superior gluteal nerve
The piriformis is innervated by the
Innervated by the Nerve to piriformis
The obturator internus is innervated by the
Innervated by the nerve to obturator internus
The superior gemellus is innervated by the
Innervated by the nerve to obturator internus
The inferior gemellus is innervated by the
Innervated by the nerve to quadratus femoris
The quadratus femoris is innervated by the
Innervated by the nerve to quadratus femoris
The PROXIMAL attachement of the psoas major is the
Proximally attaches to the transverse processes and bodies of lumbar vertebra
The DISTAL attachment of the psoas major is the
Distally attaches to the lesser trochanter
The PROXIMAL attachment of the illiacus is the
Proximally attaches to the illiac fossa
The DISTAL attachment of the illiacus is the
Distally attaches to the lesser trochanter
The PROXIMAL attachment of the tensor fascia lata is the
Proximally attaches to the anterior superior illiac spine
The DISTAL attachment of the tensor fascia lata is the
Distally attaches to the iliotibial tract (IT band)
The PROXIMAL attachment of the sartorius is the
Proximally attaches to the anterior superior iliac spine
The DISTAL attachment of the sartorius is the
Distally attaches to the medial tibia
The PROXIMAL attachment of the Rectus femoris is the
Proximally attaches to the anterior inferior iliac spine
The DISTAL attachment of the rectus femoris is the
Distally attaches to the Patella
The PROXIMAL attachment of the vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis is the
Proximally attach to the Femur