Lower Limb Attachments/Innervations Flashcards
PROXIMALLY, the Gluteus maximus attaches to the
Proximally attached to the Ilium, Dorsal Sacrum, and Sacrotuberous ligament
DISTALLY, the gluteus maximus ttaches to the
Distally attached to the Illiotibial tract and the Gluteal Tuberosity of Femur
PROXIMALLY, the gluteus medius and minimus are attached to the
Proximally attached to the gluteal surface of the ilium
DISTALLY the gluteus medius and minimus are attached to the
Distally attached to the greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY the piriformis is attached to the
Proximally attached to the ventral surface of the sacrum
DISTALLY, the piriformis is attached to the
Distally attached to the greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY, the obturator internus is attached to the
Proximally attached to the Pelvic surface obturator membrane
DISTALLY the obturator internus is attached to the
Distally attached to the Greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY, the superior gemellus is attached to the
Proximally attached to the Ischial Spine
DISTALLY, the superior gemellus is attached to the
Distally attached to the greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY the inferior gemellus is attached to the
Proximally attached to the isichial tuberosity
DISTALLY the inferior gemellus is attached to the
Distally attached to the greater trochanter
PROXIMALLY, the quadratus femoris is attached to the
Proximally attached to the ischial tuberosity
DISTALLY the quadratus femoris is attached to the
Distally attached to the Quadrate tubercle
The gluteus maximus is innervated by the
Innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve
The gluteus medius and minimus are innervated by the
Innervated by the superior gluteal nerve
The piriformis is innervated by the
Innervated by the Nerve to piriformis
The obturator internus is innervated by the
Innervated by the nerve to obturator internus
The superior gemellus is innervated by the
Innervated by the nerve to obturator internus
The inferior gemellus is innervated by the
Innervated by the nerve to quadratus femoris
The quadratus femoris is innervated by the
Innervated by the nerve to quadratus femoris
The PROXIMAL attachement of the psoas major is the
Proximally attaches to the transverse processes and bodies of lumbar vertebra
The DISTAL attachment of the psoas major is the
Distally attaches to the lesser trochanter
The PROXIMAL attachment of the illiacus is the
Proximally attaches to the illiac fossa
The DISTAL attachment of the illiacus is the
Distally attaches to the lesser trochanter
The PROXIMAL attachment of the tensor fascia lata is the
Proximally attaches to the anterior superior illiac spine
The DISTAL attachment of the tensor fascia lata is the
Distally attaches to the iliotibial tract (IT band)
The PROXIMAL attachment of the sartorius is the
Proximally attaches to the anterior superior iliac spine
The DISTAL attachment of the sartorius is the
Distally attaches to the medial tibia
The PROXIMAL attachment of the Rectus femoris is the
Proximally attaches to the anterior inferior iliac spine
The DISTAL attachment of the rectus femoris is the
Distally attaches to the Patella
The PROXIMAL attachment of the vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis is the
Proximally attach to the Femur
The DISTAL attachment of the vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis is the
Distally attach to the patella
Which 6 anterior thigh muscles are innervated by the femoral nerve?
The Iliacus, Sartorius, and Rectus Femoris, and the Vastus intermedius, lateralis, and medialis are innervated by
The psoas major is innervated by the
Innervated by the Ventral rami of L2 and L3
The tensor fascia lata is innervated by the
Innervated by the Superior gluteal nerve
PROXIMALLY, which three medial thigh muscles attach to the pubis?
Pectineus, adductor longus, and adductor brevis proximally attach to the
DISTALLY, the pectineus attaches to the
Distally attaches to the femur
DISTALLY the adductor longus and adductor brevis attach to the
Distally attache to the Linea aspera of femur
PROXIMALLY, the adductor magnus attaches to the
Proximally, the
- ) Adductor part attaches to pubis
- ) Hamstring part attaches to ischial tuberosity
DISTALLY, the adductor magnus attaches to the
Distally the
- ) Adductor part attaches to the linea aspera of femur
- ) Hamstring part attaches to the adductor tubercle of femur
PROXIMALLY, the gracilis attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the pubis
DISTALLY the gracilis attaches to the
Distally attaches to the medial tibia
PROXIMALY the obturator externus attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the external surface of obturator membrane
DISTALLY the obturator externus attaches to the
Distally attaches to the trochanter fossa of femur
Which 5 medial thigh muscles are innervated by the obturator?
The Adductor longus, brevis, and adductor part of magnus, and the gracillis and obturator externus are innervated by
The pectineus is innervated by the
Innervated by the Femoral/obturator nerves
The hamstring part of the adductor magnus is innervated by the
Innervated by the Tibial nerve
PROXIMALLY, which 4 posterior thigh muscles are attached to the Ischial tuberosity?
Proximally, the Semitendinosis, semimembranosus, long head of biceps femoris, and hamstring part of adductor magnus are attached to the
PROXIMALLY, the short head of the biceps femoris is attached to the
Proximally attached to the Linear aspera of the femur
DISTALLY the semitendinosus is attached to the
Distally attached to the medial tibia
DISTALLY the semimembranosus is attached to the
Distally attached to the medial tibia and oblique popliteal ligament
DISTALLY the long and short heads of the biceps femoris are attached to the
Distally attached to the head of the fibula
DISTALLY, the hamstring part of the adductor magnus is attached to the
Distally attached to the adductor tubercle of femur
The semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and long head of the biceps femoris are innervated by the
Innervated by the tibial nerve
The short head of the biceps femoris is innervated by the
Innervated by the common fibular nerve
The hamstring part of the adductor magnus is innervated by the
Innervated by the tibial nerve
PROXIMALLY the tibialis anterior attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the tibia
DISTALLY the tibialis anterior attaches to the
Distally attaches to the tarsus, foot
PROXIMALLY the extensor hallucis longus attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the Fibula and interosseus membrane
DISTALLY the extensor hallucis longus attaches to the
Distally attaches to the great toe
PROXIMALLY the extensor digitorum longus attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the Tibia, fibula, and interosseus membrane
DISTALLY the extensor digitorum longus attaches to the
Distally attaches to the lateral 4 digits
PROXIMALLY the peroneus tertius attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the Fibula and interosseus membrane
DISTALLY the peroneus tertius attaches to the
Distally attaches to the 5th metatarsal
PROXIMALLY the peroneus longus attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the Head and lateral surface of fibula
DISTALLY the peroneus longus attaches to the
Distally attaches to the medial cuniform and 1st metatarsal bones
PROXIMALLY the peroneus brevis attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the lateral surface of the fibula
DISTALLY the peroneus brevis attaches to the
Distally attaches to the Base of the 5th metatarsal
PROXIMALLY the gastrocnemius attaches to the
Proximally the Lateral head attaches to the lateral femoral condyle
The medial head to the superior to medial femoral condyle
PROXIMALLY the soleus attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the head of the fibula and soleal line of the tibia
PROXIMALLY the plantaris attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the lateral femur above the condyle
DISTALLY, the gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris all attach to the
Distally, these threemuscles attach to the calcaneus
PROXIMALLY the popliteus attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the lateral femoral condyle
DISTALLY the popliteus attaches to the
Distally attaches to the tibia above the soleal line
PROXIMALLY the flexor hallucis longus attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the fibula and interosseus membrane
DISTALLY the flexor hallucis longus attaches to the
Distally attaches to the distal phalanx of the great toe
PROXIMALLY the flexor digitorum longus attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the Tibia and fibula
DISTALLY the flexor digitorum longus attaches to the
Distally attaches to the distal phalanges or the lateral 4 digits
PROXIMALLY the tibialis posterior attaches to the
Proximally attaches to the interosseus membrane, the tibia, and the fibula
DISTALLY the tibialis posterior attaches to the
Distally attaches to the distal tarsal bones and the metatarsals