mouth and tongue :) Flashcards
what is the vestibule
sulki between checks and the teeth
what is the oral cavity proper
space inside and infcluding teeth
lining musocsa
what is found at the back of the oral cavity
uvula palatoglossal arch palatopharynheal palatine tonsils soft palate
which is the posterior and anterior arch
posterior - palatopharyngeal
anterior- palatoglossal folds
what is the boundary between the mouth and oropharynx
palatoglossal arch
what is found between the two arches
palatine tonsils
what does the lingual tonsil do
senses invading pathogens in the oral cavity
what is the anatomical boundary between the thirds of the tongue
sulcus terminalis (groove on tongue)
types of papillae
circumvallate papillae
contain tast buds
directly infront of sulcus terminalis
do not contain taste buds
fungi form
contain taste buds
mushrooms in cross sections
what is found on the ventral surface of the tongue
lining muscosa
lingual veins
lingual frenulum
sublingual papillae
sublingual papillae
where saliva enters the OC in the floor of the mouth
parotid duct
pierces through buccinator into OC (opposite upper molar teeth)
whartons duct
(found in sublingual papillae)
allows saliva to drain into the floor of the mouth
extrinsic muscles of the tongue
distinguish extrinsic muscles of tongue
attach to skull and tongue
contract to pull tongue towards attachment i.e. change position of tomgue
palatoglossus and attachment
elevates posterior tongue or depress soft palate palatine aponeurosis (roof of mouth)
retracts tongue back towards styloid process
elevates side of tongue
(styloid process to lateral border of tongue)
wide range of actions
bulk of tongue, fan shaped
genial tubercle attachment
depresses tongue and side of tongue
hyoid bone into lateral border of tomgue
distinguish intrinsic muscles of tongue
both attachments within tongue
change shape f tongue
what are the intrinsic muscles innervated by
hypoglossal 12
superior longitudinal
shortens tongue
curls apex upwards
inferior longitudinal
shortens tongue
curls apex downwards (tip of tongue)
transverse muscle
narrow and lengthen tongue
run L to right
vertical musccle
broadens and flattens
intrinsic muscles of the tongue
superior longitudintal
inferior longitudinal
motor innervation of tongue
hypoglossal 12
sensory innervation of tongue
glossopharyngeal 9 posterior part of tongue
chords tympani, taste (branch of 7 facial)
lingual (v3 of trigeminla), general sensation
inferior alveolar nerve
manbular branch of CN V
into mandible through mandible fomramen, exists mental foramen as mental nerve
supplies lower dentition, lower lip and chin
lingual nerver
innervates floor or mouth and tongue
not encased in bone
any procedures of the floor of mouth the lingual nerve will be anaesthetised
branch of V3
what fuse further down in the OC
chords tympani and lingual
what is in the roof of the mouth plus explsin
rugi (increase friction and SA)
alveloar ridge (where tip of tongue flicks to roof of mouth)
oral masticatory muscosa (bound tight to bone)
what is directly above the hard palate
nasal conches
what is above the set palate
what elevates the soft palate
levator veli palatini
what tenses the soft palate
tensor veli palatini
what depresses the soft palate
direction of tensor veil palatini
down, then hooks around pteryoi hamulus so fibres horizontal
what innervates soft palate muscles
except TVP branch of V3
what does the eustation tube do
connects middle ear with back of pharynx
allows drainage of muses secretion to back of pharyxn
how is LVP and eustation tube linked
attach around opening of eusattio tube
LVP can pull on tube
when swallowing LVP opens tube allowing pressure to equalise
what happens if a child is born with cleft palate
weak actin of TVP and LVP on auditory attachment (palatal attachment insecure)
auditory tube does not open efficiently middle ear doesn’t drain (ear infections), conductive hearing loss