cranial nerves 2 :) Flashcards
trigeminal nerve divisions
all sensory, V3 motor
what is the largest cranial nerve
where are the cell bodies of the sensory trigeminal nerve
trigeminal ganglion
where does the trigemnial nerve arise from
lateral border of pons
what does opthalmic branch of trigeminal supply
eye and upper part of nasal cavity
what are the 3 divisions of opthalmic branch of CN V
frontal - skin of forehead lacrimal - lateral skin of upper eyelid nasociliary - medial upper eyelid - upper part of nasal cavity
where does V1 pass through
superior orbital fissure
where does the maxillary branch pass
bony canal
in floor of the orbit and root of maxilary air sinus
what does the maxillary branch provide
sensory innervation skin from lower eyelid to upper lip maxillary yeeth palate (hard and soft) nasal cavity
where does V2 enter to supply sensation to lower eyelid and upper lip
infraorbital notch/foramen
what is at the cribriform plate and where is it
olfactory bulbs
ethenoid bone
what does V2 pass through in skull
foramen retundum
what branch is given off by v2 before entering the bony canal
posterior superior alveolar nerve
branches v2 from the bony canal
anterior superior alveolar nerver
what does mandibular supply sensory
skin of lower lip and chin
lower dentiton
anterior 2/3 tongue
floor of mouth
what does mandibular supply motor
muscle of mastication ie Masseter Medial and lateral pterygoids Temporalis
where does the mandibular branch exit
foramen ovale
how does V3 enter the mandible bone
mandibular foramen
branch of mandibular bone
inferior alveolar nerve
where does anathetic need to be inserted into for IAN
before nerve enters the bone
where does the inferior alveolar nerve leave and emerge as
mental nerve
metnal foramen
what are branches of v3
lingual nerve
why is the lingual nerve susceptible to damage
superficial nerve underneath mucosa
clinical test for function of trigeminal nerve
sensory -sharp blunt test all divisons
motor - clench teeth palate temporals and masseter muscles
protrube jaw (deviate to injured side if nerve damage)
what does facial nerve suppl
motoro - muscles of facial expression
special tast sensation to anterior tongue via chord tympani branch
what carries general sensation to anterior of tongue
lingual nerve
where does the facial nerve exit the cranium
internal acoustic meatus
branches supplying musclses of mastication exit via the stylomastoid foramen
what happens after facial nerve exits cranium
branches supply muscles of mastication@ stylomastoid foramen
where does the Chorda tympani emerge
branch of facial when in bony canal
comes through the stylomastoid formamen
exits via the pertrotympanic fissure and fuses with lingual
what does chorda tympani fuse with
what innervates sublingual/mandibular glands
postganglionic fibres
what innervates orbiculares oculi
what supplies the ring of muscle surrounding the mouth (orbiculares oris)
what does the cervical supply
platysma to tense the skin of the neck
damage to facial nerve on face
individual muscle groups lost dependant on branches damaged
damage after middle ear to facial nerve
tast and lacrimation intact (branched in bony canal)
facial expression lost on that side)
damage between brainstem and middle ear of facial nerve
all branches and function lost
what does botox do
blocks neurotransmission in facial nerve to prevent muscles of facial expression creasing the skin
cranial nerevs
olfactory optic occulamotor trochlear trigeminal abduences facial vestbulocochlear glossopharyngeal vagus accessory hypoglossal
clinical testing of facial nerve