Anti Myco Drug ish Flashcards
First Line TB drugs
Isoniazid Rifampin Rifabutin( 1st line HIV) Ethambutol Pyrazinamide
Second Line TB drugs
Class: Synthetic analog of pyridoxine, First line, combo in active, Sole in latent
MOA: Pro-drug activated by KatG, Targets enzymes involved in mycolic acid synth: InhA & KasA
USES: Specific for M. Tuberculosis
Resistance: mutation in KatG, mutation in acyl carrier proteins, overexpression of inhA
AE: Peripheral neuritis, Hepatotoxicity, CYP P450 inhibitor, Lupus-like syndrome
Prego- Safe in prego, should supplement Pyridoxine
CLASS:Rifamycin, First line, Combo active, 2nd line sole latent
MOA: Blocks transcription by binding to B subunit of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase leading to inhibition of RNA synth.
USES: M. tuberculosis, M. kansasii (intra and extracellular) , Gram +/- organisms, MRSA ,
Also used to treat Leprosy
Resistance: rpoB gene ( B subunit of RNA poly),decreases affinity for bacterial DNA-dependent RNA poly
AE:Strongly induces CYP450, harless orange pee
Prego: Safe
CLASS:Rifamycin, First line, Combo active, 2nd line sole latent
MOA:Blocks transcription by binding to B subunit of bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase leading to inhibition of RNA synth.
USES: Preferred drug for use in HIV patients( due to less induction of CYP)
Prego: NO
CLASS: First line, used in combination with pyrazinamide, isoniazid, & rifampin (resistance if used alone)
Specific strain of M. Tuberculosis and M. kansasii
MOA: Inhibits arabinosyltransferase leading to decreased carb polymerization of cell wall
AE: Red/green color blindness, cannot be used in children too young to receive eye test
HA, confusion, hyperuricemia, peripheral neuritis (rare)
Safe in pregnancy
CLASS: First line, used with isoniazid, rifampin, & ethambutol
MOA: Unsure, enzymatically hydrolyzed to active pyrazinoic acid
Well absorbed orally and well distributed (including CSF)
AE: Nongouty polyarthralgia, acute gouty arthritis, hyperuricemia, hepatotoxicity, photosensitivity, GI irritation, myalgia
Recommend in pregnancy only if benefits outweigh risks
CLASS: Aminoglycosides, used for drug resistant strains
Treat meningitis, military dissemination, and severe organ TB
MOA: Bind to 30s ribosomal subunit before ribosome formation, lead to irreversible inhibition of initiation complex. Misreading mRNA and blockade of translocation
AE; Ototoxiticity, nephrotoxicity
Drugs for Leprosy
- Dapsone
- Clofazimine
- Rifampin
CLASS: related to sulfonamides, bacteriostatic
MOA: Inhibits folate synthesis
CYP P450 Inhibitor
Used to treat pneumonia (P. Jirovecii) in HIV
Well absorbed and distributed i skin
Acedapsone = repository form of dapsone
AE: Hemolysis, erythema nodosum leprosum
CLASS: Phenazine dye, bactericidal
MOA: Binds to DNA and inhibits replication
AE: Red-brown discoloration of skin, GI, eosinophilic enteritis
Class: first line
MOA: inhibits arabinosyltransferase leading to decreased carbohydrate polymerization
USE: Most strains of M. tuberculosis & M. Kansasii
Resistance: occurs rapidly if used alone, mutation in emb gene
AE: Red green color blindness, Headaches
Prego: safe
Class: First Line TB
MOA: enzymatically hydrolysed to active pyrazinoic acid
Resistance: stains that lack pyrazinamidase
AE: Non Gouty polyarthralgia, gouty arthritis,
Prego: if benefits outway risk
Class: Aminoglycoside, second line
MOA: Same as Aminoglycosides
USES: serve life threatening tuberculosis
AE: joint pain inflammation
Class: 2nd line
USE: Streptomycin or drug restestitant strains
AE: similar to Streptomycin, Teratogenic
Class: 2nd lin
USE: Fist line drug resistant strains, ALWAYS IN COMBO
AE: Teratogenic
Class: 2nd line
USE: Congerer of INH ( no cross resistance)
AE: severe GI and neuro effect, Hepatotoxic and endocrine effects, Teratogenic
Class: Leprosy drug, Bacteriostatic
MOA: Inhibits folate synthesis( via dihydropteroate synthetase inhibition)
USE: Leprosy and pneumonia(P. jiroveci in HIV patients)
AE: Hemolysis, Erythema nodosum leprosum( treat with corticosteroids) , GI issues, CYP P450 inhibitor
Class: Leprosy drug, Phazine dye
MOA: Bind to DNA and inhibits replication, redox properties may generate cytotoxic oxygen radicals.
USES: M. Leprae, M avium.
AE: Red brown discoloration of the skin GI irritation, Eosinophilic enteritis
repository form of dapsone