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Foundations Of Medicine
> Anatomical Landmarks > Flashcards
Anatomical Landmarks Flashcards
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Foundations Of Medicine
(98 decks)
Exam Revision
Anatomical Landmarks
Week 1
Week 2
2.6 (+ Last three of "Week 2")
2.9 Tissue Level of Organisation - Tissue Types
2.10 Tissue Level of Organisation - Epithelial; Connective; Muscle; Nervous Tissues
3.1 Structure and Function of Blood Vessels
3.2 Histology of Blood Vessels
3.3 Blood
3.4 The Heart
3.5 Cardiac Electrophysiology & Cardiac Cycle
3.6 Blood Pressure & Flow
3.7 Homeostatic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function
SBL Week 3 - Learning Issues
Week 4 Ethics: The Four Principles Approach
4.1 The Upper Respiratory Tract
4.2 The Lower Respiratory Tract
4.3 Lower Respiratory Tract Histology
4.4 Mechanisms of Ventilation
4.5 Gas Exchange and Transport
4.6 Homeostatic Control of Respiration
Week 4 Pre-Prac
Week 1 (Revision-Optimised)
Week 2 (Revision Optimised)
Week 3 (Revision-Optimised)
Week 4 (Revision-Optimised)
Week 5 Ethics
Smoking Intervention
5.1 Organisation of the Nervous System - Divisions and Main Cell Types
5.2 Neuronal Communication - Neuronal Membrane & Resting Potentials; Action Potentials
5.3 Neuronal Communication - Synapses; Neurotransmission
5.4 Neuro Anatomy and Physiology - CNS Features & Divisions
5.5 Neuro Anatomy & Physiology - CNS Functional Areas - CNS Functional Areas; CNS Protective Structures
5.6 Neuro Anatomy & Physiology - Blood Supply of the Brain and Spinal Cord
5.7 Neuro Anatomy & Physiology - Limbic System; Brainstem; Cerebellum
Ethics Week 6
6.1 Neuro Anatomy & Physiology - The Spinal Cord and Motor Control
6.2 Neuro Anatomy & Physiology - The Spinal Cord and Somatosensation
6.3 Neuro Anatomy & Physiology - The Autonomic Nervous System
6.4 Neuro Anatomy & Physiology - Special Senses
6.5 - The Skeleton and Bone Tissue - The Human Skeleton
6.6 - The Skeleton & Bone Tissue - Bone and Bone Tissue Structure
6.7 - The Skeleton & Bone Tissue - Bone Growth and Repair
6.8 Joints - Classification and Movement
6.9 Muscles - The Structure and Function of Muscle Tissue
6.10 Muscles - Body Movements and Muscle Development
Mid-Semester Test Points for Improvement
7.1 Main Endocrine Glands and Hormone Types
7.2 Hormone Mechanisms of Action and Regulation
7.3 The Pancreas, Insulin and Glucagon
7.4 Hypothalamus and Pituitary
7.5 Growth Hormones and Gonadotropins
7.6 Thyroid and Parathyroid
7.7 Adrenal Glands, Adrenaline & Cortisol
Week 8 Clinprac
8.1 Organs of the Digestive System
8.2 Overview of Digestive System Functions
8.3 The Mouth, Oesophagus & Stomach
8.4 The Small Intestine, Pancreas, Liver & Gallbladder
8.5 Digestion, Absorption & Transport of Macronutrients
8.6 The Large Intestine
8.8 Fuel Metabolism, Energy & Nutrition Requirements
9.1 Overview of the Urinary System
9.2 Blood Flow to the Kidneys; The Nephron; Urine formation, concentration & hormone influences
9.3 Glomerular Filtration Rate
9.4 Body Fluid; Blood Pressure Regulation, Electrolyte Balance & Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)
9.5 Medications that affect the Kidneys
9.6 Micturition; Autonomic Bladder Innervation; Renal Pathologies
10.1 Introduction to body defences
10.2 The Innate Immune System
10.3 Cells and Tissues of the Immune System
10.4 The Adaptive Immune System: Humoral & Cell-Mediated Immunity
10.5 Vaccination Mechanics
10.6 Inflammation
10.7 Autoimmunity and Hypersensitivity
11.1 Structure and Classification of Bacteria
11.2 Bacterial Pathogenicity, Growth and Antibiotics
11.3 Diagnostic and Laboratory Testing for Bacteria
11.4 Structure of Viruses
11.5 Viral Life Cycles and Replication
11.6 Viral Transmission and Pathogenesis
11.7 Epidemiology of Viruses
11.8 Controlling Infections
11.9 Diagnostic Virology
11.10 Medical Mycology & Parasitology
11.11 Emerging Infectious Diseases
12.1 Male Reproductive System - Introduction
12.2 Female Reproductive System - Introduction
12.3 Fertilisation and Implantation
12.4 Embryo Development
12.5 Placenta
12.6 Fetal Development and Transition
12.7 Pregnancy
13.1 Genetic Fundamentals
13.2 Genetics and Inheritance
13.3 Genetic Variability and Disease
13.4 Cancer