2.3 Cranial Nerves Part 3 Flashcards
What type of nerve is the ophthalmic branch of CN V?
What is the function of the maxillary branch of CN V?
receives information from the lower eyelids, upper lip, upper gums, and pharynx
What type of nerve is the maxillary branch of CN V?
What is the function of the mandibular branch of CNV?
receives sensations from lower gums, teeth, and lips
receives sensations from tongue of heat, cold, and pressure (NOT TASTE)
motor portion controls mastication
What is CN VI?
What type of cranial nerve is CN VI?
motor nerve
What is the function of CN VI?
innervates the lateral rectus muscles for eye movement
What does contraction of the lateral rectus muscles cause?
outward movement of the eye
What is CN VII?
facial nerve
What type of cranial nerve is CN VII?
mixed motor and sensory
What is the function of CN VII?
facial expressions
sensation of tongue/taste
visceral motor functions controlling tear gland and nasal mucous glands
What is CN VIII?
vestibulocochlear nerve
What type of cranial nerve is CN VIII?
special sensory nerve
What is the function of CN VIII?
hearing and balance
What does CN VIII travel through?
hole in temporal bone known as the internal acoustic meatus
What are the two branches of CN VIII?
vestibular branch
What is the vestibular branch of CN VIII responsible for?
balance and equilibrium
What is the cochlear branch of CN VIII responsible for?
sense of hearing
What is CN IX?
glossopharyngeal nerve
What type of cranial nerve is CN IX?
mixed motor and sensory