Visual Disorder Definitions Flashcards
Blurred vision: light focuses at no clear point on the retina because corneal surface is irregularly curved
Double vision
Farsightedness: Light focuses behind retina because eyeball is too short or \because cornea or lens have inadequate refractive power.
Pupil is smaller than normal
Nearsightedness: Light focuses in front of retina because eyeball is too long or because cornea or lens have excessive refractive power
Pupil is larger than normal (dilated)
Complain of decrease in vision, abnormal color preception, glare; an opacity within the crystalline lens
Retinal Detachment
Photopsia (light flashes), floaters, “cobweb,” “hairnet,” or ring in field of vision, painless loss of peripheral or central vision, “like a curtain” coming across the field of vision. Separation of the sensory retina and the underlying pigment epithelium with fluid accumulation between two layers.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Blurred vision; lens swelling caused by hyperglycemia; complication of diabetes mellitus that affects the retinal blood vessels
Two types
- Primary Open Angle
- Primary Angle Closure
Increased interocular pressure, “tunnel vision.” May c/o no pain or sudden pain in or around eye, N/V, colored halos around lights, blurred visions, and ocular redness
Cannot consistently focus two eyes simultaneously on the same object; primary complaint is double vision
Photorefractive kertectomy (PRK)
Blurred vision; lens swelling caused by hyperglycemia; complication of diabetes mellitus that affects the retinal blood vessels
Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK)
Procedure in which first a corneal flap is folded back, and then a laser removes some of the internal layers of the cornea. Afterward, the flap is returned to normal position and allowed to heal in place
Age-related macular degeneration
Disease that affects central vision. May c/o blurred and darkened vision, the presence of blind spots in the visual field and distortion of vision