Diabetes4 Flashcards
When is exercise best done?
after meals
How long might the effects of exercise last on BG level?
up to 48 hours
When is exercise related hypoglycemia likely to occur?
when insulin or antidiabetic medication is peaking. if exercise is strenuous or prolonged and CHO is not replaced
When would you suggest to a diabetic patient who takes an antidiabetic agent, the most appropriate time to exercise?
one hour after eating a meal. after the ingestion of 15 grams of CHO every 45 minutes of activity the individual should consume another 15 gm of CHO
When should a type 1 diabetic avoid exercise?
BG greater than 300 without urine ketones present or if BG is greater than 250 with urine ketones present
What should a diabetic do about medications when sick?
continue as before unless otherwise advised by health care team, supplemental insulin doses may be required in type 1 DM
What should a diabetic do about blood sugar monitoring when sick?
increase freqency to every 4 hours, assess urine for presence of ketones especially during fevers and when BG is greater than 240mg/dl
What should a diabetic do about intake when sick?
continue CHO intake by substituting regular soda, regular jello, popsicles, or gatorade
small frequent meals
drinks adequate amount of fluids to prevent dehydration
When should a diabetic contact MD when sick?
keep good written records of BG and urine ketones as soon as they become sick so that they are prepared to relay info to MD, notfy if: BG is greater than 240, mod-large amount of ketones in the urine, unable to keep anything down
What can a diabetic do to prevent illness?
flu shot, handwashing
How often should diabetics monitor their BG?
after meals and before bed or every six hours
What shoud you do with the first drop of blood when testing BG?
Wipe away
What is an ideal BG before a meal?
What is an acceptable blood glucose before a meal?
What is an ideal BG 1 hour after a meal?
less than 160