Neoplasms Lecture Flashcards
Adjuvant Therapy
given after primary treatment to control potential or known sites of metastasis
Biologic response modifier
Agents or approaches that change the relationship between the tumor and the host by modifying the biological response of the host to tumor cells with a resultant therapeutic effect
Cancer Marker
Proteins, antigens, genes, ectopically produced hormones, and enzymes that are released from the tumor into the blood in response to the presence of a tumor
A malignant epithelial neoplasm that tends to invade surrounding tissue and to metastasize distant regions of the body
A closed sac in or under the skin lined with epithelium and containing fluid or semisolid material
type of benign tumor
In situ
a premalignant neoplasm that shows cytologic characteristics of cancer
A new growth of tissue characterized by progressive, uncontrolled proliferation of cells. May be benign or malignant
Branch of medicine concerned with the study of cancer
Therapy designed to relieve or reduce intensity of uncomfortable symptoms but not to produce a cure
Small tumor-like growth that projects froms a mucous membrane surface
Primary Site
The site of origin for cancer development
Partial or complete disappearance of the clinical and subjective characteristics of a malignant disease
System for describing the size and extent of spread of malignant tissue; used to plan treatment and predict prognosis
Any disorder of the lymph nodes or lymph vessels
cancer causing agents capable of producing cellular alterations
an orderly process in which a cell progresses from a state of immaturity to a state of maturity, capable of performing specific functions
cellular growth