Urinary Tract Obstruction/Burns Flashcards
A noninvasive procedure to break up renal stones into sand-like particles through the use of shockwaves
Extracorporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy
An incision into the ureter to remove a urinary stone
Acute or chronic inflammation of the renal pelvis and parenchyma of the kidney calyces due to a bacterial infection
Dilation of the kidney calyces due to a bladder outlet obstruction
Stainless steel wire placed in the urinary tract system to hold back the walls thus allowing an unobstructed flow of urine
Urinary Tract Stone
Urolithiasis or Nephrolithiasis
An incision into the kidney to remove a stone
X-Ray examination that visualizes the urinary tract after the administration of IV contrast material
Intravenous Pyelogram
Examination of the bladder through the use of a lighted scope
An incision into the renal pelvis to remove a stone
When a catheter is inserted into the renal pelvis due to an obstruction of the ureter
Serum Creatinine Normal
What is creatinine?
The end product of muscle and protein metabolism and is liberated at a constant rate. Results are higher in men
BUN Normal
What is blood urea nitrogen?
Concentration of urea in blood is regulated by rate at which kidney excretes urea
Creatinine Clearance
waste product of protein breakdown. clearance of creatinine by the kidney approximate glomerular filtration rate.
Urine Osmolality
total concentration of particles in a solution.
Intravenous Pyelogram
allows visulization of urinary tract with contrast medium
Recommended fluid intake
What is the purpose of Intravenous Pyleogram?
Allows visulization of urinary tract with contrast medium
How many hours NPO before intravenous pyleogram?
8 hours
What to look for during IVP
- anaphylaxis
- resp distress
- urticaria
- drop in BP
Emergency drugs for IVP
benadryl and epinephrine