Teacching/Learning Flashcards
Change in human disposition or capability that persists over a period of time and cannot be solely accounted for by growth
System of activities intended to produce learning
MCC Nursing Definition of Teaching
processes used to promote and maintain healtha nd reduce risks. implemented in collaboration with the patient, significant support person (s) and other members of the healthcare team
What is the nursing diagnosis associated with teaching/learning?
Knowledge Deficient: (specify specific topic) r/t etiology
Definition of knowledge deficient
absence or deficiency of cognitive information related to a specific topic
Defining characteristics knowledge deficient
verbilization of problem, inaccurate follow-through of previous instruction, inaccurate performance of test, inappropriate of exaggerated behaviors (hysterical, hostile, agitated, apathetic)
Etiologies of knowledge deficient
lack of exposure, lack of interest in learning, information misinterpretation, cognitive limitation, lack of recall, unfamiliarity with information resources
What are the learning domains?
cognitive, psychomotor, affective
Cognitive learning domain
knowledge, intellectual skills, think
Psychomotor learning domain
skills, ability to perform motor skill taught, do
Affective learning domain
attitudes, feelings, emotions, interests, attitudes, appreciations, feel
What influences learning rate and retention?
What influences the rate and extent of learning?
When is motivation to learn the greatest?
When the client recognizes a need to learn
What influences learning?
Do clients learn better when material proceeds from simple to complex?
Especially when material is used immediately and frequently, what increases retention of learning?
Learning is increased when?
multiple senses are used
What increases learning rate and retention?
active participation in the learning process
Clients learn at different?
rates and ways
What can foster learning and focus the learner’s attention?
teaching aids
What 3 factors need to be considered when selecting a specific teaching strategy?
patient characteristics, subject matter, available resources
Time frame by which learning should occur, expected measurable behavior that the patient will exhibit to demonstrate mastery of the outcome, action verb must be measurable
Who should determine teaching strategies to meet learning outcome criteria?
RN, patient, patient’s family
Veterans (born before 1945) style of learning
like the traditional classroom structure, likes to practice alone, not in groups, not likely to ask questions during discussions, likes rote learning and memorization facts
Teaching structure for veterans
give plenty of time to practice new skills alone, consider lecture or lecture discussion format, use pictures and printed materials
Boomers (1945-1960) Learning Style
possess significant professional experience, enjoy working in creative and independent manner, can be sensitive to criticism
Boomers (1945-1960) Teach Structure
consider lecture-discussion (powerpoints), use patient education TV channels, provide printed materials, don’t generally like role-play exercises
Generation X (1961-1980) Learning Style
interact with groups, self-directed learning, self-reliant, can be cynical and impatient, are adaptable and informal
Generation X (1961-1980) Teaching Structure
use group teaching sessions, recommend support groups, suggest role-play
Millenials (1981-2000) Generation Y Learning Style
multitaskers, prefer interactive environments, technologically focused
Millenials (1981-2000) Generation Y Teaching Structure
access to internet in patient’s room, discuss reliable online resources, use video game and gaming systems
Planning a correct meal learning domain
Giving an injection learning domain
Accepted advice about ostomy care learning domain
identified three sources of help learning domain
did not participate in counseling session learning domain
changed dressing to a wound learning domain
demonstrated how to take a radial pulse learning domain
joined a support group learning domain
listed side effects of a medication learning domain
walked with a cane learning domain
Motivation to learn is greatest when the patient recognizes a need to learn example
i’ve got to learn this so I can take good care of my baby
motivation influences the rate and extent of learning example
I bring home the bacon in the family. I’ve got to get this so I can get back to work.
Environment influences learning rate and retention example
I don’t want to talk too loud. we may disturb my rommate
anxiety influences learning example
i’m so worried about my cats at home that I can’t think about anything else
Patients learn better when material proceeds from simple to complex example
now that I can change the ostomy bag, I’m ready to tackle changing the wafer.
Teaching aids can foster learning and focus the learners’ attention example
The RN uses a 10 minute video to present information on the importance of exercise to a group of patients in a weight reduction program
Learning is increased when multiple senses are used exampled
I understood it better when i read the booklet after I watched the video
patients learn at different rates and in different ways example
The nurse advances the date in an outcome for one patient who mastered a dressing change after one attempt, but postpones the date for another patient who did not
active participation in the learning process increases learning rate and retention example
wow, i gave the shot and it didn’t hurt at all, i think i can do it ok now
repetition increases retention example
i need to say it ten times to myself before I remember it
The rn speaks to a group about the dangers of smoking teach strategy
an RN chooses a low calorie meal for herself when having lunch with an obese patient teaching strategy
an RN performs a bath procedure on a newborn infant in front of several new mothers teaching strategy
an RN obtains pamphlets for a mother of a child who is going to have a tonsillectomy teaching strategy
printed materials
one nursing student pretends to be a patient while another student does preoperative teaching on deep breathing and coughing techniques teaching strategy
role playing
an RN uses a videotape to teach a patient about patient controlled analgesia teaching strategy
av materials
an RN describes the symptoms of heart attack and lets patient choose measures to take during and after the attack teaching strategy
an RN shows a videotape on relaxtion techniques to a chronic pain sufferer teaching strategy
AV materials
an rn shows a diabetic patient how to give an insulin injecting teaching strategy
an RN exhanges information with a paitent about the patient’s feelings of anxiety about impending surgery teaching strategy
Illness Teaching TNI
client requires all resources and energy to cope with illness. defer teaching until client is less ill.
Pain Teaching TNI
pain decreases ability to concentrate. conduct a pain assessment before beginning teaching session
Biorhythm Teaching TNI
mental and physical performances have a circadian rhythm. adapt time of teaching to suit client.
Emotions Teaching TNI
emotions require energy and distract from learning. deal with emotions and possible misinformation first
Language Teaching TNI
client may not be fluent in the RN’s language. obtain services of an interpreter with appropriate language skills
Culture/Religion Teaching TNI
There may be cultural or religious restrictions on some types of knowledge. assess the client’s cultural/religious needs when planning learning activities.
Age Teaching TNI
children have a shorter attention span and vocabulary differences. plan shorter and more active learning activities. vision, hearing, and motor control can be impaired in elders. consider sensory and motor deficits and adapt in teaching plan
Physical Disability Teaching TNI
visual, hearing, sensory, or motor impairments may interfere with a client’s ability to learn. plan teaching activities appropriate to learner’s physical abilities
Mental disability Teaching TNI
impaired cognitive ability may affect the client’s capacity for learning. assess client’s capacity for learning and plan teaching activities to complement the client’s ability while planning more complex learning for the client’s caregivers.
What are the elements of the teaching process that must be documented?
diagnosed learning need, learning objectives, topics taught, client outcomes: evaluation of whether or not they were met, partially met, not met, need for additional teaching, resources provided