Unit 14 Lesson 3: The Home Front Flashcards
The American military demanded unquestioning loyalty from the millions of volunteers and conscripted soldiers. What does conscript mean?
To conscript means to forcibly enlist someone into the military.
Once President Wilson was committed to war, he needed to quickly pivot from his position of neutrality. He also needed to convince all Americans to support the war. What goverment agency did her create in reponse to this
Committee on Public Information
Wilson created a new government agency called the Committee on Public Information. What happen in the govermenmt agency
Writers, artists, speakers, and filmmakers were hired to create messages in support of the war.
Wilson created a new government agency called the Committee on Public Information. Writers, artists, speakers, and filmmakers were hired to create messages in support of the war. Some of these messages had the following specific purposes:
- to encourage enlistment in the military
- to garner monetary support for the war
- to create a sense of urgency about saving food and supplies
- to urge volunteerism in civilian organizations
The Committee on Public Information also created messages to
disparage the enemy. Some schools banned the teaching of the German language. Symphony orchestras refused to perform music by German composers.
How was propanganda spread during WWI
At the time of World War I, pro-American propaganda was spread through posters, pamphlets, newspapers, magazine advertisements, speeches in public and on the radio, and films.
Why did US feel the need to increase its military size? How many peolpe did US have compared to Germany
At the beginning of the war in 1914, the German armed forces included 4.5 million men. In 1917, when the United States declared war on Germany, the U.S. Army ranked seventh in the world in terms of size, with an estimated 200,000 enlisted men. The United States needed to increase the size of its military to assist the Allied forces in Europe.
To compose a fighting force, Congress passed the
the Selective Service Act of 1917
What was the Selective Service Act of 1917, who did it require to be drafted
which required all men aged 21–30 to register for the draft. In 1918, the act was expanded to include all men between the ages of 18–45.
Through a campaign of patriotic appeals, as well as a system that allowed men to register at their local draft boards rather than directly with the federal government, results were swift:
t: more than 10 million men registered for the draft on the very first day.
. By the war’s end, 22 million men had registered for the U.S. Army draft. Break this down
Five million of these men were actually drafted, another 1.5 million volunteered, and more than 500,000 additional men signed up for the navy or marines. In all, two million men participated in combat operations overseas. Among the volunteers were also 20,000 women, a quarter of whom went to France to serve as nurses or in clerical positions.
How many eligible American refused to registor for milliraty service
. Around 350,000 eligible Americans refused to register for military service
About 65,000 of these defied the conscription law as conscientious objectors. What is a conscientious objector
A conscientious objector is a person who refuses to serve in the armed forces on moral or religious grounds.
Those who opposed the draft faced risks. While most objectors were never prosecuted, those who were found guilty at military hearings received stiff punishments. Elaborate
Courts handed down more than 200 prison sentences of 20 years or more, and 17 death sentences.
How did conscription change the relationship between the government and the citizen during World War I?
The government’s message was that everybody in the country had a responsibility to serve the nation in some capacity. This was a new idea.
How did World War I help change what people feel the nation should provide to its veterans?
World War I veterans wanted credit for serving their country. They felt they deserved benefits.
What was the Liberty Loan Act
The Liberty Loan Act allowed the federal government to sell liberty bonds to the American public.
One of the biggest challenges on the home front was to find the money and supplies to furnish the military and Allied forces with materials and food. The war effort was costly, and the United States government needed to finance it. How did the governemnt raise money for the war
The Liberty Loan Act
What are Liberty bonds
. Liberty bonds were certificates that permitted the government to borrow money from citizens to finance the war
How did they advertise liberty bonds
Propaganda was used to advertise liberty bonds as a patriotic duty
How much was made with lierty bonds
The U.S. government ultimately raised $23 billion via liberty bonds.