Honors United States History

This class was created by Brainscape user SailorCosmos 💖. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (80)

Unit 2: Lesson 1: Colonial Discontent
What was the treaty of paris of 1...,
How did the ottawa leader react t...,
What was the potiac s rebellion a...
62  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 2: Declaring Independence
The british passed the intolerabl...,
What did the first continental co...,
Did the continental congress have...
34  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 3: Give me Liberty!
What effect did patrick henry s w...,
Why were clonial milltias uneffec...,
The colonists needed a larger and...
43  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 5 Articles of condfederation
Where did american revolutionarie...,
What example of government did th...,
What people did republicanism app...
41  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 6: Consitiional convention and the consituion
The philadelphia convention was n...,
What did the constitutional conve...,
What was the orginal purpose of t...
56  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 1 A New Nation
When the george washington become...,
Who was george washington s vice ...,
Were there many political parties...
80  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 2: Early Growth
Tell me some of james madisons ac...,
Who was the 4th presdient of the ...,
What was president madions goal w...
73  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 3: Jacksonian Democracy
Beginning with the federalists th...,
How did the election of 1824 go 2,
How was the election of 1824 corr...
73  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 4: the effects of slavery
Where were the first enslaved afr...,
How do the number of free and sla...,
What does the map show about the ...
53  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 5: Tumult and Transformations
What was the antebellum period 1,
Reform efforts in the antebellum ...,
What was the second great awakeni...
64  cards
Unit 4 Lesson 6: Compromises and Conflict
What is sectionalism and how did ...,
What was the north like 2,
What was south like 3
58  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 1: The Civil War
What land deals led to tension be...,
Describe the key points of compro...,
How did abolitionists in noterhn ...
76  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 2: The Effect of the civil war
How did work life change for wome...,
Women also played important roles...,
Women also played key roles on th...
47  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 3 The Civil War ends
How was the war going for the nor...,
How was union forces controll on ...,
Despite earlier failed attempts t...
47  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Plans for Reconstruction
President abraham lincoln wanted ...,
What happened to lincoln on april...,
Who was john wilkes booth 3
53  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 5: The Effects of Reconstruction
Recognizing the widespread devast...,
For two months the senate debated...,
Whivh departement was in control ...
73  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 1: Industrial Growth
What was the problem with steal b...,
What was the bessemer process 2,
What was one of the main products...
53  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 2: Big Business
Who was andrew carnegie and how d...,
How did cornelius vanderbilt earn...,
What did john d rockefeller do 3
54  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 3: Workers and the Labor Movement
What does skilled labor mean 1,
What are some examples of skilled...,
What is unskilled labor 3
72  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 4: Westward Expansion
What bills did congress pass to e...,
What was the homestead act 2,
What was the pacific railway act 3
66  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 5: Westward Expansion and the American Indian
What was the relationship between...,
When did the reatlionsop between ...,
How did some gruops such as the s...
53  cards
Unit 6 Lesson 6: Immigrants and Minorites in the West
When did reconstruction officaly ...,
What convinced amny african ameri...,
Who encoruageed african americans...
36  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 1: Effectiveness of Labor Unions
What was it like for factory work...,
What was like for workers in stee...,
How did owners try to prevernt la...
18  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 1: Urbanization
What happned to american citites ...,
What is urbanization 2,
Why did urbanization in the unite...
36  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 2 Cultural Changes in the Late 1800s
What was the gilded age 1,
What were the gilded ages all abo...,
What was one of the mos timportan...
58  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 3: European Immigration
What was ellis island 1,
How many europeans came to americ...,
People leaving their home countri...
50  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 4: The New South
What did the freedmen s bureau do...,
How did president johnson react t...,
How did president johnson interve...
83  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 5: The Gilded Age
What defined the gilded age 1,
Soon after the cilvi war what wer...,
What was credit mobilier 3
94  cards
Unit 8 Lesson 6: The Rise of Populism
American farmers faced many chall...,
What lead to an overproduction of...,
What effect did new technolgies h...
96  cards
Unit 10 Lesson 1: The Progressive Movement
During the progressive era americ...,
Who were progerssive refomers 2,
What was the population like 1870...
40  cards
Unit 10 Lesson 2: Progressive Reforms
Democratic reform was an importan...,
Reformers were convinced american...,
Many were dissatisfied that the s...
51  cards
Unit 10 Lesson 3:Progressive Women
What is suffrage 1,
What were women doing during the ...,
Rapid growth in cities led to iss...
35  cards
Unit 10 Lesson 4: Fighting Discrimination
The progressive era was a time of...,
Another area in which change was ...,
To fully realize the rights promi...
39  cards
Unit 10 Lesson 5: Progressive PResidents
How popular was theodore roosevel...,
How did the republican party feel...,
What did the rebpulican party due...
53  cards
Unit 10 Lesson: The Legacy of the Progressive Era
What led to the formation of the ...,
The progressive party followed a ...,
The platform of the party led to ...
38  cards
Unit 12 Lesson 1: American Imperialism
How were countries in europe buil...,
What is imperialism 2,
A new group of american leaders r...
38  cards
Unit 12 Lesson 2: The Spanish-American War
Despite its name the spanish amer...,
Spain had once dominated central ...,
How was cuba vs span going 3
51  cards
Unit 12 Lesson 3: The United States and East Asia
How important was trade with chin...,
As american industry grew trade w...,
European empires controlled much ...
40  cards
Unit 12 Lesson 4: President Theodore Roosevelt
What was the overview of presiden...,
What are the beliefs behind this ...,
What was the overview of presiden...
48  cards
Unit 12 Lesson 5: Moral Diplomacy and Dollar Diplomacy
When did willaim howard taft beco...,
Were tafts and roosvelts foregin ...,
What are the ideas behind the dol...
80  cards
Unit 12 Lesson 6: The Legacy of American Imperialism
American imperialism had positive...,
American imperialism had positive...,
How did imperialism affect the ec...
25  cards
Unit 14 Lesson 1: From Neutrality to War
How did most ameircans feel about...,
What were some questions american...,
What were some questions american...
38  cards
Unit 14 Lesson 2: Americans in the Trenches
By march 1918 the germans had won...,
Who is general john j pershing an...,
Who were doughboys 3
25  cards
Unit 14 Lesson 3: The Home Front
The american military demanded un...,
Once president wilson was committ...,
Wilson created a new government a...
54  cards
Unit 14 Lesson 4: Wilson and Peace
What is the principle of self det...,
In january 1918 president wilson ...,
What were the 14 points about 3
60  cards
Unit 14 Lesson 5: Aftermath of World War
What happened in america between ...,
In the united states this new flu...,
How did hte plu pandemic affect a...
32  cards
Unit 14 flashcards
Who was in the triple entente 1,
Who was in the triple alliance 2,
Reasons america joined the war 3
35  cards
Unit 16 Lesson 1: Return to Normalcy
How did american voters feel duri...,
Harding offered what the republic...,
The republicans found their candi...
52  cards
Unit 16 Lesson 2: A Bomming Economy
In the early 1900s transportation...,
Model t 2,
By the 1920s there was a high dem...
27  cards
Unit 16 Lesson 3: Backlash Against Change
At the end of the nineteenth cent...,
How did the imigrants from easter...,
What was the red scare 3
33  cards
Unit 16 Lesson 4: Flappers and the New Woman
Feminist 1,
Women won the right to vote due t...,
Suffragists 3
38  cards
Unit 16 Lesson 5: The Jazz Age
What are the 1920s known as the j...,
What condition helped spark the g...,
Where did african americans migra...
32  cards
Unit 16 Lesson 6: The Lost Generation
Prohibition 1,
The eighteenth amendment 2,
What resulted in deep political t...
16  cards
Unit 16
Harlem renaissance what did do la...,
Harlem renaissance why did huges ...,
What did hughes write 3
12  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 1: Causes of the Great Depression
Who won the presidential election...,
How did the repulican party help ...,
How did hoover increase civil ser...
36  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 2: Responses to the Great Depression
Hoover believed strongly in the s...,
Hoover s beliefs 2,
How the hoover feel about the ide...
30  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 3: Effects of the Great Depression
Desperation and frustration often...,
As the depression unfolded more t...,
How many were arrested in the for...
46  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 4: The Dust Bowl
You might think that rural americ...,
What was it like for farmers duri...,
But as the federal government pur...
30  cards
Unit 2 Lesson 5: Legacy of the Great Depression
As more americans came to suffer ...,
Hoover s name became synonymous w...,
How did americans view hoover did...
14  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 1: Roosevelt's New Deal
Roosevelt became president he ins...,
What did roosevelt talk about dur...,
Think about president roosevelt s...
47  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 2: Impact of the New Deal
Who were brains trust and what di...,
Farms around the country were suf...,
Passed into law on may 12 1933 wh...
35  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 3: The Second New Deal
Impact of the first new deal 1,
Impact of the second new deal 2,
Through the second new deal roose...
29  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 4: Work and Culture
During the second new deal congre...,
Role of the works progress admini...,
What was the purpose of the wpa 2
26  cards
Unit 3 Lesson 5: THe New Deal's Legacy
The legacy of the new deal is in ...,
What did roosevelt veiw as the so...,
Rising stars of the conservative ...
28  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 1: Aggression and Appeasement
Many european countries had been ...,
What kind of govrnemnt did the fa...,
What is a totalitarian government 3
46  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 2: Neutrality and Engagement
What invasion did hitler do on se...,
What did france and brtian do on ...,
What was the invasion of poland l...
51  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 3: Fighting on the Home Front
What speech did eleanor roosevelt...,
At what gathering did eleanor roo...,
What does fdr s decision to send ...
72  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 4: Invasion of Euorpe
What was the first thing roosvelt...,
In roosvelts eyes who was a great...,
Who s general dwight d eisenhower...
51  cards
Unit 5 Lesson 5: War in the Pacific
What was the pacific theater in t...,
How was japan doing in the begnni...,
What terrtiotes did japense force...
37  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 1: The U.S. After World War
What was the most immediate task ...,
Why did truman feel pressure to d...,
How did truman resond to secretar...
42  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 2: The Cold War Begins
What did joesph stalin want to do...,
How did truman feel about 2,
At the potsdam conference held fr...
40  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 3: China and the Korean War
When did communism start in china 1,
What happened adter the creation ...,
At the time warlords still contro...
29  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 4: The Cold War Intensifies
When the soviet union successfull...,
What led to higher prices and hig...,
The growing fear of communist inf...
49  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 5: Cultural Transformation in the 1950s
The economic stability of the 195...,
After women left their jobs what ...,
As world war ii had drawn to a cl...
35  cards
Unit 7 Lesson 6: The Civil Rights Movement Begins
Housing segregation was built int...,
Redlining definition 2,
Define blockbusting 2
35  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 1: The fight for Equality
When people follow a practice reg...,
Thanks in part to the efforts of ...,
Leaders of organizations such as ...
21  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 2: The End of Segregation
During his presidential campaign ...,
Kennedy s strongest focus was on ...,
What did the 24th amendment do 3
20  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 3: Civil Rights Tactics
By the 1960s the civil rights mov...,
Which organization did the freedo...,
Which organization was of african...
34  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 4: The Presidencies of Kennedy and Johnson
In his acceptance speech for the ...,
Kennedy won the 1960 election and...,
The kenndy s administration main ...
55  cards
Unit 9 Lesson 5: Social Change in the 1950s
0  cards

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Honors United States History

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