Tech Specs Flashcards
What is TS Section 2.0?
Safety Limits?
What is the purpose of TS Section 2.0?
Ensure that acceptable fuel design limits are not exceeded by maintaining
Fuel Cladding Integrity, (Cladding)
MCPR, (Power Ratio)
Reactor Water Level above top of active fuel, AND (Level)
ensure RCS boundary does not exceed allowables (Pressure)
What needs to be done if Safety Limits are violate?
Restore Compliance or Insert all Rods within 2 Hours
Why are SDM requirements specified?
TO ensure reactor can be made subcritical from all operating conditions and transients, and to ensure reactor can be maintained sufficiently subcritical
When is SDM requirements applicable?
Modes 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5
What are the limits associated with SDM?
> =0.38%dk/k with highest rod worth determined analytically OR
= 0.28% dk/k with highest rod work determined by testing
What are the required actions associated with SDM in Modes 1 & 2?
Restore SDM within 6 hours or be in Mode 3 within 12 hours
What are the required actions for SDM in Mode 3?
If SDM not met, Initiate action to insert all rods IMMEDIATELY?
What are the required actions for SDM in MODE 4?
Initiate action to fully insert all Rods IMMEDIATELY; AND
Restore Secondary Containment to Operable WITHIN 1 hour; AND
Restor SBGT to Operabel WITHIN 1 HOUR; AND;
Restore isolation capability in unisolated sec. cont. penetrations WITHIN 1 HOUR.
What actions are required for SDM in MODE 5?
Suspend core alterations except CR insertion and fuel removal IMMEDIATELY; AND
Insert all control rods in cells containing 1 or more fuel assemblies IMMEDIATELY; AND
Restore Sec. Cont, SBGT, and Penetration isolation within 1 HOUR
What is the limit for Reactivity Anomalies and when is it applicable?
Difference between monitored and predicted Keff +/- 1%dk/k in MODES 1 and 2
What are the requirements for Control Rod Operability?
Position may be determined;
Capable of being inserted;
Capable of being inserted 90% within 7 seconds;
Do not overtravel OUT
When are Control Rods Required to be Operable?
Modes 1 and 2
What is a stuck control rod?
A rod that will not INSERT
What is required for a Stuck Rod?
Verify Stuck rod separation criteria is met immediately;
Disarm associated CRD with 2 HOURS;
Perform Rod Insertion Test (SR within 24 hours for each withdrawn operable rod; AND
Verify SDM
What are the stuck rod separation criteria?
Stuck CR must not be:
a) adjacent to 2 slow CRs
b) if adjacent to 1 slow CR, that CR cannot be adjacent to another Slow CR
c) adjacent to a slow CR when there is another PAIR of slow CRs elsewhere
What is the limit for number of withdrawn stuck CRs at any time (meeting CR stuck separation criteria)? what must be done if not met?
1; Mode 3 in 12 hours
What is the limit for number of inoperable control rods?
If nine or more, be in Mode 3 in 12 hours
In General: What must be done to an inoperable CR that is not stuck?
Fully insert and disarm CRD; OR restore operable status
What is the limitation for Slow CRs?
No more than 12 Operable slow CRs;
and no more than 2 operable slow CR’s shall be adjacent
When are CR Scram Times applicable?
Modes 1 and 2
What must be done if limitations for slow CR’s is not met?
MODE 3 in 12 hours.
What are the required Scram times for CRs and what is the applicable pressure?
5% insert - 0.48sec 20% insert - 0.89sec 50% insert - 1.98sect 90% insert - 3.44sec. IF CANNOT BE MET, it is SLOW - UNLESS IF CANNOT BE AT 90% in 7sec, IS INOPERABLE AT 800psig
When are CR Accumulators required to Operable?
MODES 1 and 2
What is is the requirement for an OPERABLE CR Accumulator?
Pressure greater than 940psig
If 1 CR Accumulator is Operable, what are the Req. Actions?
Declare CR slow (if meeting req.) or declare INOP within 8 HOURS
If 2 or more Accumulators are INOP, what are teh required actions?
Restore charging header to 940psig (within 20 minutes of discovery) AND Declare slow (if meets definition) or Declare INOP within 1 HOUR
If Rx Pressure 900psig or less, and 1 or more accumulator inoperable, what are the required actions?
Verify associated CRs are fully inserted Immediately;
Declare CR INOP within 1 hour
For 3.1.5 CR Accumulators, what must be done if Required actions are not completed within required time?
Place Reactor in Shutdown IMMEDIATELY
What are the requirements for Control Rod Pattern Control?
OPERABLE control rods shall comply with analyzed rod position sequence.
When is Rod Pattern Control Applicable?
MODE 1 and 2 with Thermal Power <= 10% Rated Termal Power
What are the requirements if a rod does not meet the analyzed rod position sequence?
Move to correct position or declare INOP within 8 hours
What is the limited number of OPERABLE rods not meeting CR sequence requirements? and what must be done?
If 9 or more not in compliance;
Suspend withdrawal IMMEDIATELY and place reactor mode switch to SHUTDOWN within 1 hour
When shall the SDV vent and drains be OPERABLE?
MODE 1 and 2
What is required to verify SDV Vent and Drain Operability?
vent and drain valve is open
able to be cycled to fully closed and open
closes in less than 30 sec of scram signal AND opens when reset
What is the limited time and action for 1 or more SDV vent or drain line with 1 valve INOP?
Isolate line within 7 days
What is the limited time and action for 1 or more SDV vent or drain line with both valves INOP?
Isolate line within 8 hours
What must be done if required actions for SDV vent and drain valves cannot be performed?
Mode 3 in 12 hours
When are Jet Pumps requried to be Operable?
MODE 1 and 2
When is a Jet Pump Inoperable?
Recirc Pump Flow to speed ratio differs by <10% from established patterns AND
Each jet pump flow differs by <10% from established pattersn
What msut be done if one or more Jet Pumps INOP?
MODE 3 in 12 hours
What are the limits for RCS Operational Leakate?
No Pressure boundary leakage
<5gpm unidentified leakage
<25gpm total leakage average over previous 24 hours
<2gpm increase in unidentified leakage in last 24 hours (MODe1)
When are RCS Operational Leakage requirements applicable?
Modes 1,2 & 3
What is required if limits for RCS is not met?
Isolate Pressure Boundary leakage within 4 hours
Reduce leakage within 4 hours for unidentified leakage
Or verify unidentified leakage increase not from IGSCC within 4hr
OR MODE 3 in 12hr and MODE 4 in 36 hr
What is the required Reactor Steam Done Pressure? and when is this required?
Less than 1005psig in MODE 1 and 2
If the REactor steam dome pressure limit is not met, what actions must be taken?
Restore within 15 minutes OR MODE 3 in 12 hours
When are the RCS Pressure and Temp limits applicable
What is required for the RCS Pressure and Temperature Limitations?
RCS Pressure, Temp, heatup and cooldown rates and RR Pump starting temp shall be within limits (graph in back of TS LCO)
What actions must be taken if RCS Temp limits cannot be met?
Restore to limits within 30 minutes and determine if RCS is acceptable for continued operation within 72 hours; OR
MODE 3 in 12 hours and MODE 4 in 36 hours
If RCS limits not met in Modes 4 or 5, what must be done?
Initiate actions to restore parameters IMMEDIATELY; and Determine if acceptable for operation before entering MODE 2 or 3
What is required for Primary Containment to be considered Operable?
Leakate rate testing for Air Lock;
Drywell to Torus bypass leakate <2% acceptable value of 0.18ft^2 at differential pressure of >1.0psid
When is Primary Containment required?
MODE 1 2 and 3