NBI Flashcards
What is the purpose of the NBI System?
Monitor water level, pressure, temperature and flows inside RPV to provide operator with sufficient information to protect vessel from undue stress
Where is Instrument Zero?
Bottom of Moisture Separator - 503” above vessel bottom (143” above TAF)
Where are NBI level instruments variables tapped into?
downcomer region
At NOC, what is the pressure drop across the moisture separator skirt (water elevation difference)?
7in H2O
What will cause MCR to have NO Rx Level Indication?
Loss of ESS, Instrument Bus and AC power.
What is the range for Narrow Range Level Instruments?
-60in to +60in
What is the range for Medium Range Level Instruments?
-60in to +60in
What is the range for the Wide Range Level Instruments?
-70” to 330in
What is the range for the Fuel Zone Level Instruments?
-340in to +60 in
What is the purpose of RVWLIS Backfill?
Provides continuous backfill to Narrow, Medium, and FZ reference legs to prevent gases from coming out of solution - inaccurate level indication
How many NR level instruments are there? per division? What is their condensing pot? is it hot or cold reference leg(DW or RB)? Hot or cold calibrated? What shares reference leg? What shares variable leg? Where are the instruments? What do they feed and where are they powered from?
2 Total 1 per division 13A/B Cold Ref. Leg Hot Cal Shares FZ Ref. Leg Shares MR Var. Leg Located on -5 &-6 rack ; indicate at 902(3)-5 panel Feed to FWLC Input; powered from FWLC, auctioneered from IB & ESS
How many MR level instruments are there? per division? What is their condensing pot? is it hot or cold reference leg(DW or RB)? Hot or cold calibrated? What shares reference leg? What shares variable leg? Where are the instruments? What do they feed and where are they powered from?
5 per div.
All same div. share cond. pot (12A/B)
All cold ref.
All Hot Cal
Shares Ref. with all MR per div.
Shares Var. Leg with all but FZ
Instrument Loc:
ATS: 57 inst. on 5 rack; Only 57B in MCR
58 inst. on 6 rack; Only 58A in MCR
ATWS: D1: 23A&C - 5 panel - no indication
23B&D - Tx on 6 panel - no ind
Yarway: Mechanical - 5&6 racks (545)
Feed to & P/S:
ATS: 57A Indicate at 902-5 - 2A-1 PS
57B - local ind. only - 28-1
58 MR-A indication in MCR and feeds FWLC; PS 29-1
58B - PS 2B-1
ATWS: D1: 23A&C - 5 panel - Auct. IB/2A-1
D2 23B&D - Auct ESS/2B-1
Yarway - NO POWER
How many WR level instruments are there? per division? What is their condensing pot? is it hot or cold reference leg(DW or RB)? Hot or cold calibrated? What shares reference leg? What shares variable leg? Where are the instruments? What do they feed and where are they powered from?
1 1 - only on Div 1 11 Hot Ref - Affected by DW Temp increase Calibrated Hot Shares Ref with none Shares Var. with MR and NR Tx on 5 rack Feed to Indication Only - 902-4 (analog) 902-5 (digital) Power from IB
How many FZ level instruments are there? per division? What is their condensing pot? is it hot or cold reference leg(DW or RB)? Hot or cold calibrated? What shares reference leg? What shares variable leg? Where are the instruments? What do they feed and where are they powered from?
4 2 per division Shares Condensing pot with NR (13A/B) Cold Ref Leg Calibrated Cold Shares Ref w/NR Shares Var Leg with FZ Bartons Indication at Non-barton 902-3 and -5 - Tx at 2202-7/8; Barton only at rack Feed 2/3 Core Height Interlock and MCR Interlock PS A - 28-1; B - 29-1; Barton - NONE
How many Refuel Zone level instruments are there?
per division?
What is their condensing pot?
is it hot or cold reference leg(DW or RB)?
Hot or cold calibrated?
What shares reference leg?
What shares variable leg?
Where are the instruments?
What do they feed and where are they powered from?
1 ONLY 1 TOTAL Cal Cold Ref Leg Open to Atmosphere Shares Var with MR Indication Only - 2202-6 - Ind at 902-4 - NORMALLY OFF PS is IB