Generator Protection Flashcards
What is the purpose of the Generator Protection System?
Protects the Main Generator, MPT, UAT, and 345 Bus where main transformer connects
What are the power supplies to the Main Gen Protection systems?
U2: Primary - 2A-2 Normal / 2B-2 Reserve Backup - 2A-2 Normal / 2B-2 Reserve U3: Primary - 3B-2 Normal / 3A-2 Reserve Backup - 3A-2 Normal / 3B-2 Reserve
What actions occur on a Main Generator Lockout?
Generator GCB Trip Open Generator Field Breaker Trips Open Main Feed Breakers from UAT Trip Opne Turbine Trip on loss of load Stator Cooling Pumps Trip
What happens to the Generator following a Turbine Trip?
The turbine Trip does not automatically cause a generator trip.
Generator Trip will occur due to reverse power after VARS run to 0.
What causes the Generator Field Breaker to Trip?
Generator Lockout
What happens to the Turbine after a Generator Trip?
Any generator Trip automatically causes a Turbine Trip
Where are teh Generator Lockout Devices reset?
How many are there and how many are needed to cause a trip?
These and Deluge are reset from AEER after the condition clears
There are 2 - either will cause a trip
86 devices are reset by LATCHING in NORMAL when condition is cleared
What happens to the Generator Protection System on a Loss of 125VDC Panel 2A-2(3A-2)?
Protection system is “degraded”
On Rx Scram, steam is lost to turbine, generator power eventually reverses and trips the generator after ~15 seconds
OCBs open as expectd but Bus 21 WILL NOT AUTO TRANSFER - field breaker remains closed -
Must manually trip turbine due to loss of 86 device turbine trip
2A SWC Pp will not trip since no control power
Sudden Pressure Relays on TR2 and TR21 lost
What happens to Generator Protecton o n loss of 125VDC Panel 2B-2(3B-2)
U2 loses reserve power and B/U normal power
U3 loses normal primary power and B/U reserve power
U2 SPR and Auto Deluge on TR-2 lost if on reserve power
U3 - loss of primary protection scheme - SPR and TR Auto Deluge lost
Generator Lockout is lost
Control power to 22/32 lost
What are teh Main Generator Lockouts?
Generator Differential Current Neutral Overcurrent (Stator Ground Fault) Negative Sequence (Phase issue) Reverse Power Loss of Field Over Excitation Load Reject Overvoltage 345kV Backup Relays 345kV 1(10) Diff Relay (Diff Current on busses) Voltage Regulator Trips Transformer SPR Backup Distance Overcurrent MPT/UAT Diff Current UAT Neut Overcurrent UAT Lead Differential UAT Overcurrent
What is Generator Over Excitation?
Compares Terminal Voltage to Frequency:
First Level - 110% overvoltage w/ 15 sec time delay - BP when synced to grid
Sec. Level: 120% overvoltage w/ 2 sec time delay - NEVER BYPASSED
What is Generator Load Reject?
High Frequency and Low MW output triggers a generator trip.
This is typically because Yard Breakers trip open since no where to put power
Also performes load reject trip if not tied to grid and UAT breaker closed to plant to prevent overloading UAT