HPCI Flashcards
What is the purpose of the HPCI System?
To inject into Rx under emergency conditions at rate of 5000gpm over range of 1150 to 150psig
What modes does HPCI operate?
Pressure control and inventory control during Rx isolation with failure of Isolation Condenser
Under what conditions is HPCI designed to operate?
To provide adequate cooling for break sizes smaller than those sizes for which LPCI or Core Spray Systems to the core
Functions with loss of all offsite power - normal suction from CST due to low quality Torus water
How long after initiation does it take for HPCI to achieve full flow and what are it’s rated flows?
Full Flow w/in 25 seconds -
5000gpm minimum - 5600gpm normal
What is installed in HPCI Steam system to prevent overpressure?
Rupture Diaphragm
What are the normal and alt suction sources for HPCI? What causes auto swap?
CST & Torus
Auto Swap on Low CST or Hi Torus Level
What are the initiation signals for HPCI?
+2#DW Pressure
-59” RPV Lvl
Push Button - must be held until MSC goes to HSS
Is HPCI Initiation energize or de-energize to actuate? Isolation?
Energize to Initiation
Energize to Isolate
What are the automatic actions on HPCI Initiation?
Steam Valves get open signal (3 is only one normally clsed)
AOP Starts
MSC goes to HSS which opens stop and CV when oil pressure availavle
Speed control transfers to MGU
Drains reposition
Min Flow Opens then closes when >1130gpm
Suction vlv from CST insterlock open
Return vlv to CST interlock closed
8vlv stays clsoed until 125psig established.
What are the main HPCI valves, normal position, and power source?
2301-4 - I/B Stm Isolation - N.O. - MCC 29-1
2301-5 - O/B Stm Isol - N.O, 250vdc
2301-3 - Stm Supply - N. C. MOV - 250vdc
36/35 - Torus Suct. Vlv - Norm Closed - 250vdc - Grp 4 Isol
2301-14 - Min Flw - N.C. to prevent draining CST to Torus - 250vdc
2301-8 - Injection Vlv - N.C. - 250vdc
2301-10/15 - CST Test - 250vdc
What is the Auto Restart Inhibit for HPCI?
Prevents HPCI re-inititation following reset of Hi Rx Lvl trip concurrent w/ Hi DW Pressure -
WILL restart if lo-lo Rx Lvl reached
Prevents HPCI from cycling repeatedly hi lvl trip (42”) and trip reset (34)when DW press sig. valid
Prevents cycling 8 vlv and motor burnout.
What are the HPCI Isolation Signals?
100psig - lo Rx Pressure
200F HPCI Area Temp
300% Hi HPCI Steam Flow - 5sec Time Delay
(200F and 300% signals are seal in and have AC & DC trip relays)
How does HPCI System respond to HPCI Isolation signal?
4,5,35,36 interlock closed
AOP Interlock against autostart
3vlv interlock against auto open
What are the HPCI Turbine Trip Signals?
B - Booster Pp Suction Press -9.4"Hg L - Local Mech Trip Lever O - Overspeed W - Water Level +48" M - Manual P/B E - Exhaust Pressure High 100psig
What is the HPCI System Response to a Turbine Trip?
HP Control Oil cutoff - Trips stop valve & closes CV’s
MSC goes to LSS
8vlv interlocked closed on ALL TRB Trip Signals except Mech trips (Overspeed & Local Trip Lever)
How is HPCI Turbine Trip Reset?
MCR Reset Button or Local Reset Handle
If lo-lo initiation - turb will auto reset and cycle Tx level betwen -59 and +48
If on Hi DW Press - Trip on 48” and hi DW Press locked out until -59” reached or reset button pushed.
What are the HPCI System suction level interlocks?
Suction auto transfer from CST to Torus if Torus >+3” or CST lvl <10,000gal
35/36 vlvs open and 6vlv closes