IRM Flashcards
What is the purpose of IRMs?
Monitor and record core neutron flux levels between startup range and power range during startup and shutdown.
Provides trips to protect against rapid reactor power increase that can cause fuel damage from single operator error or equipment malfunction
What is the IRM Detector?
Ionization Range Fission Chamber (Ion Chamber)
How Many IRMs are there? Per Channel? What system do they feed?
8 total - 4 per channel - 11-14 feed RPS A; 15-18 feed RPS B
What is the IRM detector coating? Fill Gas? Operating Voltage?
1.25mg of Uranium Oxide
17.7 psia of Argon Gas
What is the power supply for the IRM Drive Unit?
Rod Matrix?
HV Supply?
Drive Unit - A - 28-1; B - 29-1
Rod Matrix (same as SRM) - IB
HV Supply - 24/48vdc - 2A - 11-14 ; 2B - 15-18
What is the IRM Voltage Pre-amplifier?
Amplifies low level signal from detector to overcome noise to pass only portions of detector signal necessary for proper operation
How many IRM detector ranges are there and what frequencies do they operate at?
1-6 at 8-16kHz
7-10 at 300 - 600kHz
What caution must be taken when switching from IRM range 6 to 7?
There is a deadband between the two ranges - may cause a half scram - some operators bypass the halfscram during this switch from 6 to 7
What is the IRM attenuator?
Adjusts the gain of the IRM channel according to the range set by the range switch. Resistors set the gain of the voltage divider. Receives signal from the calibrate and diode logic matrix to adjust the gain.
What is the IRM Calibration and Diode Logic Unit?
Receives signal from range switches to relay information to other components - ranges from range switches are linear (SRMs are logarithmic)
Sends signal to voltage pre-amplifier to allow pre-amp to select proper frequency ranges
Sends signal to attenuator to adjust gain properly
aids in calibration of IRMs with mode switch operation
What is the IRM Inverter?
Inverts the signal from the attenuator - produces a signal of the same size, but inverse from the input signal
Allows for Mean square circuitry to work because it can only square positive signals.
Positive signals bypass inverter. Inverted negative signal and positive signal superposition at the mean square analog circuit.
What is the IRM Mean Square Analog Circuit?
USED TO make gamma signals negligible so only Neutron flux is counted
Produces a signal proportional to only the core neutron flux
2 input signals: 1) from attenuator (positive signals) 2) inverted negative signals from inverter - superimposes them
Squares only the positive portions of both to provide input signal
By squaring, smaller gamma inputs are essentially eliminated
What is the Output Amplifier?
Converts current output from mean square analog circuit to voltage to be used for meters and trip units
What are the scales of the Output Meters and Recorder ranges? Which range uses which scale?
0-40 scale used by odd ranges (1,3,5,7,9)
0-125 scale used by even ranges (2,4,6,8,10)
Which two IRM ranges provide a direct relationship of MWth?
7&8 read it straight -
a reading of 20 on 7 is 20MWth
a reading of 60 on 8 is 60 MWth