Pharmacoloogy- Drug targets ion channel Flashcards
Most abundant ions in the body
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Calcium
- Cations
- Chloride
- Phosphate
- Fluoride
Key features of ion channels step 1
Selective transmembrane pore
- Selective movement depending on charge & Size of the ions
- Sodium channel will not permit potassium
ions - K+ channels more selective to K+ than Na+
Key features of ion channels step 2
specific sensor for gating
- Involved in the conformational change of the transmembrane pore allow ion movement
- From closed to open conformation
Types of sensors or molecular switch
Membrane potential: Voltage-gated - changes membrane potential
neurotransmitter binding: Ligand gated and ligand binds (hormone) to open
Temp & stretch: mechanosensitive allows ion movement
Regulatory mechanisms Step 3
Regulatory mechanisms
- Inactivation loop goes from open to inactive open in built
- Abundance & location as post synaptic density
- Modulation such as G proteins, 2nd
messengers, protein kinases - Open inactive conformation stopping the imbalence
General structure of Voltage-Gated Ion Channel
- 4 subunits align together to form one channel
- 6- transmembrane helices
- N-terminus and C-terminus intracellular
- Partly hydropholbic and partly hydrophilic aminio acids
- Selectivity filter/molecular sieve
- Align together to form a transmembrane pore
- Makes pore for attachment
- Combination of hydrophilic and hydrophobic
S4-Voltage sensor
- Contains positively charged aminoacids
- Can move up & down in response to changes in membrane potential acts as a sensor
Voltage sensing
- S4 senses voltage difference depolarisation outside cell is positive as it is positioned intracellular
- The changes in the membrane potential is detected by S4 and it moves up
Voltage sensing
- S4 senses voltage difference depolarisation outside cell is negative
- Movement of S4 upwards allowing the opening which is positively charged
- Causes sodium to enter
Major Drug targets
- Ion channels
- Receptors
- Transporters
- Enzyme
What are voltage gated ion channels influenced by
- Other inorganic ions calcium channel influnced by nickel ion
- Neurotoxins which are toxins from diffrent venoms
- Sythetic drugs that block the channel
Ligand gated ion channels
- Ligand gated binding site with 4 transmembrane helix per subunit with 5 of the subunits
- N & C terminus are located extracellular
- Ligand binding site closer to N-terminus and extracellular
- S2 transmembrane domain forms pore lining
- Alpha units contain Ach binding pocket - Such as nicotinic arch receptor
Neurotransmitters and channels
Acetylcholine - Nicotinic AchR
5-HT - 5HT-3
Glutamate - AMPA, NMDA, kainate
GABA - GABAA receptors
Ligand-gated cation channels
- Cation channels - nicotinic Ach, glutamate, 5HT, P2X
- Non-competitive antagonism
- The memantine inhibitor blocks the sodium calcium channel
- Causes depolarisation and excitation - fast response (stimulate)
Ligand-gated anion channels
- Anion channel (Cl-): GABA»_space; GABAA ICl»_space; Hyperpolarisation»_space; Inhibitory
- Mediate fast postsynaptic inhibition in CNS
- Modulation of GABA receptor drugs and alcohol
Inactivation loop
- Regulatory mechanism blocks the open ion channel pore to change conformation to open inactive
- Ball chain mechanism give an activation time
Lidocane effects on sodium channel
- Local anasthetic drug prefers to act on open and inactive conformations
- Use dependancy specific site (Open channels usually pain)
Tetratadoxin effect on sodium channel
- Targets all conformations blocks sodium channels preventing movement
Use dependancy
- Ion channels blockade depending on rate of action and potential discharge
- Greater firing rate block those sodium channels
Dugs that effect affinity for inactivated ion channels
- Anti epileptic drugs and anti arrhythmic
- Specific effects during large firing rate
T type calcium channel
- Small conductivity
- Low sensitivity -70
- Acts on pacemaker and causes contraction with neurotransmitter release
- Gapapentin & pregablin inhibit T type calcium channels for epilepsy
N type calicum channel
- Intermediate sensitivity
- The sensitivity level is -10mV
- Targets the nerve particularly and releases neurotoxins
- Conotoxin for severe chronic pain
- Incartheal administration to block nerves and spinal cord
L type calcium channel
- Large level of conductance
- High levels of conductivity
- Localised on nerve
- Longer lasting levels during cardiac muscle contraction
- Amlodopine particularly acts on smooth muscle
- verampril cardiac cells used for blood pressure and stroke
Voltage gated potassium channels
- Hyperpolarisation channel bringing action potental down (propogation)
Intracellular ligand
- Ca 2+ activated potassium channel
G protien potassium modulation
- Muscarinic cardic pacemaker cells
Glutamate NMDA receptor
- Ligand gated ion channel binds to the glutamate receptor causing sodium and calcium to enter
Advantages of alosteric drugs
- Fine tunes receptor function by intensifying hormone function
- Clinically safer as there is enhanced selectivity and reduced liability for receptor tolarance