NLE Level 1 Latin in Use Flashcards
ad (vitam) aeternam
before the Civil War
Always Faithful (motto of the U.S. Marine Corps)
Semper Fidelis
a.m. (ante meridian)
in the morning
Ambula ad januam
Go to the door
Ubi habitas?
Where do you live?
terra incognita
unknown land
The Senate and the People of Rome (motto of the Roman state)
SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus)
make haste slowly
festina lente
Do not (sing.)
unknown land
terra incognita
amor omnia vincit
love conquers all
P.S. (post scriptum)
addition to a letter after the signature
festina lente
make haste slowly
from the books (library) of
ex libris
One From Many (motto of the United States)
E Pluribus Unum
from the egg to the apple (from beginning to end)
Ab ovo usque ad mala
Goodbye (sing.)
equal exchange
quid pro quo
Gratias tibi ago
Thank you (I give thanks to you)
with a grain of salt
cum grano salis
Quid agis?
How are you?
Sic Semper Tyrannus
Thus Always to Tyrants (motto of Virginia)
in the afternoon or evening
p.m. (post meridian)
and the rest, and so on
etc. (et cetera)
time flies
tempus fugit
Est secunda hora
It’s two o’clock
Semper Paratus
Always Prepared (motto of the U.S. Coast Guard)
cum grano salis
with a grain of salt
beware of the dog
cave canem
et a. (et alii)
and others
Thank you (pl.)
Gratias vobis ago
addition to a letter after the signature
P.S. (post scriptum)
veni vidi vici
I came, I saw, I conquered
A.D. (anno domini)
in the year of our Lord
Thank you (I give thanks to you)
Gratias tibi ago
slip of the tongue
lapsus linguae
after death
post mortem
carpe diem
seize the day
ad infinitum
to infinity, endlessly
absum -esse afui afuturus
to be absent
Semper Fidelis
Always Faithful (motto of the U.S. Marine Corps)
Quis abest hodie?
Who is absent today?
my fault
mea culpa
Silentium, quaeso
Quiet, please.
No! Not at all!
ad (vitam) aeternam
by word of mouth
viva voce
Salvete discipuli
Hello (greetings) students
Goodbye everyone
Valete omnes
Goodbye (sing.)
per year
per annum
Do not (pl.)
to be present
adsum -esse -fui -futurus
Quota hora est?
What time is it?
Please write your name on the board.
Scribe, quaeso, tuum nomen in tabula
Rx (from recipe)
Hello (sing.)
Our Sea (Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea)
Mare Nostrum
E Pluribus Unum
One From Many (motto of the United States)
Thank you (sing.)
Gratias tibi ago
to infinity, endlessly
ad infinitum
errare humanum est
to err is human
Where do you live?
Ubi habitas?
Hello (pl)
in toto
in all, entirely
labor omnia vincit
work conquers all
mea culpa
my fault
Gratias tibi ago
Thank you (sing.)
Hello (greetings) students
Salvete discipuli
Hello (sing.)
Present. (I am here.)
yes indeed
ita vero
in all, entirely
in toto
ad nauseam
to a disgusting degree
ita vero
yes indeed
to a disgusting degree
ad nauseam
ad hoc
formed for a specific purpose
Stand up, everyone
Surgite, omnes.
Do not (pl.)
in absentia
in absence
Who are you?
Quid es tu?
adsum -esse -fui -futurus
to be present
for the (public) good (done without compensation)
pro bono (publico)
Hello (pl)
post mortem
after death
Go to the door
Ambula ad januam
Very good!
before the Civil War
It’s raining.
temporarily, for the time being
pro tem (pro tempore)
Always Prepared (motto of the U.S. Coast Guard)
Semper Paratus
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
It’s two o’clock
Est secunda hora
that is (to say)
i.e. (id est)
What is your name?
Quid est nomen tibi?
No! Not at all!
Quid est?
What is it?
note carefully
NB or N.B. (nota bene)
summa cum laude
with highest praise
work conquers all
labor omnia vincit
SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus)
The Senate and the People of Rome (motto of the Roman state)
seize the day
carpe diem
What time is it?
Quota hora est?
paper, stylus (pencil), notebook
papyrus, stilus, tabella
Thus Always to Tyrants (motto of Virginia)
Sic Semper Tyrannus
Do not (sing.)
Mare Nostrum
Our Sea (Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea)
ex libris
from the books (library) of
viva voce
by word of mouth
Rx (from recipe)
for example
e.g. (exempli gratia)
papyrus, stilus, tabella
paper, stylus (pencil), notebook
sine die
with no day fixed (for a future meeting or event)
etc. (et cetera)
and the rest, and so on
per capita
per person, equally per individual
i.e. (id est)
that is (to say)
NB or N.B. (nota bene)
note carefully
I came, I saw, I conquered
veni vidi vici
in the year of our Lord
A.D. (anno domini)
Quaenam est tempestas hodie?
What is the weather today?
quid pro quo
equal exchange
tempus fugit
time flies
per diem
per day
Ab ovo usque ad mala
from the egg to the apple (from beginning to end)
Quid est nomen tibi?
What is your name?
Goodbye (pl.)
persona non grata
unwelcome person
Gratias vobis ago
Thank you (pl.)
pro tem (pro tempore)
temporarily, for the time being
Who is absent today?
Quis abest hodie?
Quid es tu?
Who are you?
cave canem
beware of the dog
in the morning
a.m. (ante meridian)
What’s new?
Quid novi?
Present. (I am here.)
with highest praise
summa cum laude
What is the weather today?
Quaenam est tempestas hodie?
per day
per diem
per annum
per year
in absence
in absentia
love conquers all
amor omnia vincit
Quid novi?
What’s new?
Surgite, omnes.
Stand up, everyone
and others
et a. (et alii)
let the buyer beware
caveat emptor
unwelcome person
persona non grata
lapsus linguae
slip of the tongue
It’s raining.
Valete omnes
Goodbye everyone
pro bono (publico)
for the (public) good (done without compensation)
Scribe, quaeso, tuum nomen in tabula
Please write your name on the board.
What is it?
Quid est?
Quiet, please.
Silentium, quaeso
magna cum laude
with great praise
p.m. (post meridian)
in the afternoon or evening
to be absent
absum -esse afui afuturus
with great praise
magna cum laude
How are you?
Quid agis?
Goodbye (pl.)
to err is human
errare humanum est
Very good!
with no day fixed (for a future meeting or event)
sine die
per person, equally per individual
per capita
formed for a specific purpose
ad hoc
e.g. (exempli gratia)
for example