NLE Level 1 Grammar Flashcards
Nouns are grouped into five families called ___.
Name the four attributes of a Latin noun.
Declension, gender, number, and case
How many declensions are there? Name them.
5; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
How many genders are there? Name them.
3; masculine, feminine, neuter
How many numbers are there? Name them.
2; singular and plural
Name the 5 cases and their job.
Nominative - subject case
Gentive - possessive or of case
Dative - indirect object or to/for case
Accusative - direct object case
Ablative - in/by/with/from case
Decline mensa
mensa, mensae, mensae, mensam, mensā; mensae, mensārum mensīs, mensās, mensīs
Decline servus
servus, servī, servō, servum, servō; servī, servōrum, servī, servōs, servīs
Decline bellum
bellu, bellī, bellō, bellum, bellō; bella bellōrum, bellīs, bella, bellis
Decline bonus.
bonus, bona, bunum, bonī, bonae, bonī, bonō, bonae, bonō, bonum bonam bonum, bonō, bonā, bonō; bonī, bonae, bona, bonō, bonārum, bonōrum, bonīs, bonīs, bonīs, bonōs, bonās, bona, bonīs, bonīs, bonīs
Decline the First Person Latin personal pronoun
ego, mei, mihi, mē, mē, nōs, nostrī, nostrum, nōbis, nōs, nōbīs
Decline the Second person Latin personal pronoun
tū, tuī, tibi, tē, tē, vōs, vestrī, vestrum, vōbis, vōs, vōbīs
Conjugate laudō in the Indicative active present tense
laudō, laudās, laudat, laudāmus, laudātis, laudant
Conjugate laudō in the Indicative active imperfect tense
laudābam, laudābās, laudābat, laudābāmus, laudābātis, laudābant
Conjugate moneō in the Indicative active present tense
moneō, monēs, monet, monēmus, monētis, monent
Conjugate moneō in the Indicative active imperfect tense
monēbam, monēbas, monēbat, monēbāmus, monēbātis, monēbant
Conjugate the irregular verb sum in the present tense.
sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt
Conjugate the irregular verb sum in the imperfect tense.
eram, erās, erat, erāmus, erātis, erant
A ___ is a noun that follows a linking verb, renames the subject, and is in the ___ case.
predicate nominative; nominative
A ___ is an adjective that follows a linking verb, describes the subject, and is in the ___ case.
predicate adjective; nominative
A ___ receives the action of the verb and is in the ___ case.
direct object; accusative
A ___ is in the ___ case.
possessive; genitive
An ___ is in the ___ case.
indirect object; dative
___ and ___ verbs, such as ___. ___., ___ usually have indirect objects.
Giving; telling; do; narro; respondeo
Prepositions take (govern) either the ___ or ___ case
accusative; ablative
The ___ is identical to the nominative in all declensions except singular masculine nouns of the 2nd declension ending in ___ or ___, where ___ replaces ___, and ___ replaces ___.
vocative; us; ius; e; us; i; ius
What is the imperfect tense marker?
The ___ mood is used for commands.
The imperative singular of 1st/2nd conjugation verbs is formed by dropping the ___. The plural imperative is formed by adding ___ to the singular imperative.
re from the infinitive; te
What is the present infinitive ending of 1st conjugation verbs?
What is the present infinitive ending of 2nd conjugation verbs?
In English, the infinitive is translated by the particle ___ + the verb.
Yes or no questions are formed by adding the particle ___ to the end of the first word of the sentence, usually the verb.
Decline lēx.
lēx, lēgis, lēgī, lēgem, lēge; lēgēs, lēgum, lēgibus, lēgēs, lēgibus
Decline flūmen.
flūmen, flūminis, flūminī, flūmen, flūmine
Decline pars
pars, partis, partī, partem, parte; partēs, partium, partibus, partēs, partibus
Decline mare
mare, maris, mari, mare, marī; maria, marium, maribus, maria, maribus
The ablative ___ is used to express the NON-LIVING agent and is called the ___.
without a preposition; ablative of means
The noun in the ablative case can be translated with the prepositions ___ or ___, with the precise meaning, __.
by; with; by means of
The way an action is done is expressed by the ___, usually with ___, but sometimes alone, especially if the noun is modified.
ablative; cum
Conjugate amō in the Indicative Active present tense.
amō, amās, amat, amāmus, amātis, amant
Conjugate amō in the Indicative Active imperfect tense.
amābam, amābās, amābat, amābāmus, amābātis, amābant
Conjugate amō in the Indicative Active future tense.
amābō, amābis, amābit, amābimus, amābitis, amābunt
Conjugate amō in the Indicative Active future tense.
monēbō, monēbis, monēbit, monēbimus, monēbitis, monēbunt
Conjugate rego in the Indicative Active present tense.
regō, regis, regit, regimus, regitis, regunt
Conjugate rego in the Indicative Active imperfect tense.
regēbam, regēbās, regēbat, regēbāmus, regēbātis, regēbant
Conjugate rego in the Indicative Active future tense.
regam, regēs, reget, regēmus, regētis, regent
Conjugate capiō in the Indicative Active present tense.
capiō, capis, capit, capimus, capitis, capiunt
Conjugate capiō in the Indicative Active imperfect tense.
capiēbam, capiēbās, capiēbat, capiēbāmus, capiēbātis, capiēbant
Conjugate capiō in the Indicative Active future tense.
capiam, capiēs, capiet, capiēmus, capiētis, capient
Conjugate audiō in the Indicative Active present tense
audiō, audīs, audit, audīmus, audītis, audiunt
Conjugate audiō in the Indicative Active imperfect tense
audiēbam, audiēbās, audiēbat, audiēbāmus, audiēbātis, audiēbant
Conjugate amo in the Indicative Active perfect tense
amavi, amavisti, amavit, amavimus, amavistis, amaverunt
Conjugate amo in the Indicative Active pluperfect tense
amaveram, amaveras, amaverat, amaveramus, amaveratis, amaverant
Conjugate amo in the Indicative Active future perfect tense
amavero, amaveris, amaverit, amaverimus, amaveritis, amaverint
Conjugate moneo in the Indicative Active perfect tense
monui, monuisti, monuit, monuimus, monuistis, monuerunt
Conjugate moneo in the Indicative Active pluperfect tense
monueram, monueras, monuerat, monueramus, monueratis, monuerant
Conjugate moneo in the Indicative Active future perfect tense
monuero, monueris, monuerit, monuerimus, monueritis, monuerint
Conjugate rexi in the Indicative Active perfect tense
rexi, rexisti, rexit, reximus, rexistis, rexerunt
Conjugate rexi in the Indicative Active pluperfect tense
rexeram, rexeras, rexerat, rexeramus, rexeratis, rexerant
Conjugate rexi in the Indicative Active future perfect tense
rexero, rexeris, rexerit, rexerimus, rexeritis, rexerint
Conjugate cepi in the Indicative Active perfect tense
cepi, cepisti, cepit, cepimus, cepistis, ceperunt
Conjugate cepi in the Indicative Active pluperfect tense
ceperam, ceperas, ceperat, ceperamus, ceperatis, ceperant
Conjugate cepi in the Indicative Active future perfect tense
cepero, ceperis, ceperit, ceperimus, ceperitis, ceperint
Conjugate audio in the Indicative Active perfect tense
audivi, audivisti, audivit, audivimus, audivistis, audiverunt
Conjugate audio in the Indicative Active pluperfect tense
auduiveram, audiveras, audiverat, audiveramus, audiveratis, audiverant
Conjugate audio in the Indicative Active future perfect tense
audivero, audiveris, audiverit, audiverimus, audiveritis, audiverint
Conjugate sum in the Indicative Active future tense
ero, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt
Conjugate sum in the Indicative Active perfect tense
fui, fuisti, fuit, fuimus, fuistis, fuerunt
Conjugate sum in the Indicative Active pluperfect tense
fueram, fueras, fuerat, fueramus, fueratis, fuerant
Conjugate sum in the Indicative Active future perfect tense
fuero, fueris, fuerit, fuerimus, fueritis, fuerint
Give the principal parts of sum
sum, esse, fui. futurus
Conjugate possum in the Indicative Active present tense
possum, potes, potest, possumus, potestis, possunt
Conjugate possum in the Indicative Active imperfect tense
poteram, poteras, poterat, poteramus, poteratis, poterant
Conjugate possum in the Indicative Active future tense
potero, poteris, poterit, poterimus, poteritis, poterunt
Conjugate possum in the Indicative Active perfect tense
potui, potuisti, potuit, potuimus, potuistis, potuerunt
Conjugate possum in the Indicative Active pluperfect tense
potueram, potueras, potuerat, potueramus, potueratis, potuerant
Conjugate possum in the Indicative Active future perfect tense
potuero, potueris, potuerit, potuerimus, potueritis, potuerint
A negative imperative, or prohibition, is expressed with the appropriate imperative of the irregular verb ___ (to be unwilling, to not wish) with an infinitive.
nolo nolle
Name the principal parts of possum.
possum posse potui
The adverb ___ can be used with adjectives and adverbs to indicate comparison.
ante … quam
post … quam
prius … quam
earlier than
quam altissimus
as high as possible