Lesson 23 Vocabulary Review Flashcards
rus in urbe
a countryside in the city
árbitror arbititari arbitratus sum
to think, consider
conor conari conatus sum w/infin
to try, attempt
hortor hortari hortatus sum w/infin.
to urge, encourage, exhort
miror mirarí míratus sum
to admire, wonder at
moror morari moratus sum
to delay
a countryside in the city
rus in urbe
to think, consider
árbitror arbititari arbitratus sum
to try, attempt
conor conari conatus sum w/infin
to urge, encourage, exhort
hortor hortari hortatus sum w/infin.
to admire, wonder at
miror mirarí míratus sum
to delay
moror morari moratus sum
méreor mereri méritus sum
to earn, deserve
miséreor misereri miséritus sum w/gen.
to have mercy (on)
pollíceor polliceri pollícitus sum w/infin.
to promise
véreor vereri véritus sum
to fear
vídeor videri visus sum w/infin.
to seem
esse quam videri
to be rather than to seem
certus + fácio
to inform
to earn, deserve
méreor mereri méritus sum
to have mercy (on)
miséreor misereri miséritus sum w/gen.
to promise
pollíceor polliceri pollícitus sum w/infin.
to fear
véreor vereri véritus sum
to seem
vídeor videri visus sum w/infin.
to be rather than to seem
esse quam videri
to inform
certus + fácio
instruo instrúere instruxi instructus
to draw up, equip
Hail, Caesar, we who are about to die salute you!
Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutamus!
pello péllere pépuli pulsus
to drive, repulse, rout
nóceo nocēre nócui – w/dat.
to do harm to, injure
If you wish to be loved, love.
Si vis amari, ama.
interfício interfícere interfeci interfectus
to kill
Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.
Perhaps even these things, one day, it will please to remember.
Perhaps even these things, one day, it will please to remember.
Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.
mémini memínisse – w/gen.
to remember
odi odisse –
to hate, dislike
oportet oportēre opórtuit – takes acc. w/infin.
it behooves, is proper (that), is necessary (that), should
Odi et amo.
I hate and I love.
it behooves, is proper (that), is necessary (that), should
oportet oportēre opórtuit – takes acc. w/infin.
it rains
pluit plúere pluvit –
I hate and I love.
Odi et amo.
mille + passūs (pl.)
a mile
it grows as it goes
crescit eundo
how? (to what degree)
quam (question word)
fremo frémere frémui frémitus
to roar, murmur
gemo gémere gémui –
to groan
incolo incólere incólui –
to inhabit, dwell in