Lesson 9 Grammar Review Flashcards
When the ablative is used to show FROM WHAT PERSON someone or something has been separated, the construction is called ___ and requires the preposiiton ___.
ablative of separation; a(ab), de, or e (ex)
When the ablative is used to show FROM WHAT THING someone or something has been separated, the ablative either ___ a preposition or ___ one of the above prepositions is used
without; with
What kind of pronouns point out persons or things?
Demonstrative pronouns can be used as both ___.
pronouns and adjectives
In what three respects does hic refer to something close to the speaker?
time, space, thought
When used togetherk, ille and hic mean, respectively, ___.
the former, the latter
Give two uses of the demonstrative iste.
1) point out something close to the person spoken to
2) in contempt
Which demonstrative means the famous when it follows a noun?
ille illa illud
Give the four demonstrative pronouns.
is ea id, hic haec hoc, ille illa illud, iste ista istud
Which demonstrative is also used as the 3rd person personal pronoun?
is ea id
Give some English words that express the subjunctive.
may, might, let, should, could, would
Which two tenses are missing from the subjunctive?
future, future perfect
The indicative mood describes activity that is ___.
real, actual
The subjunctive mood describes activity that is ___.
The subjunctive mood is used mainly in __.
subordinate clauses
A clause is part of a sentence that has
a subject and a verb
What is the difference between a phrase and a clause?
A phrase does not have a subject and a verb, and a clause does.
A clause that can stand alone is an ___ clause.
A clause that cannot stand alone is a ___ clause.
A subordinate clause that uses the subjunctive is the ___.
purpose clause
The persent subjunctive is formed by ___ or ___ these vowels before the personal ending:
1st conj. ___
2nd conj. ___
3rd conj. ___
3rd conj. io ___
4th conj. ___
adding; changing
substitute e for a
add a
substitute a for i, o, u
add a
add a
What sentence helps you remember the vowel changes in the subjunctive?
We beat a liar.
The meaning of the subjunctive must be determined by the ___, but we will use the helping verbs ___ for recitation.
context; may and might
A subjunctive clause is made negative by using the conjunction
The ___ can be used to show purpose in English, but not in Latin.
In a sentence with a purpose clause, the main verb is in the ___ and the purpose clause is in the ___.
indicative; subjunctive
The verbs in a sentence with a purpose clause must ___ in tense.
If the verb of the main clause is in the present or future, the verb of the purpose clause is in the ___.
present subjunctive
If the verb of the main clause is in the past, the verb of the purpose clause is in the ___.
imperfect subjunctive
A negative clause of purpose replaces ut with ___.