Lesson 8 Vocab Review Flashcards
I believe in one God
Credo in unum Deum.
cavus -a -um
middle (of)
médius-a -um
boundary, end
finis finis m.
adversus -a -um w/dat.
unfavorable, facing (towards)
réliquus-a -um
remaining, the rest of
cólloco (1)
to place, station
Quid Romae fáciam?
What should I do in Rome?
accómmodo (1)
to adapt to
confirmo (1)
to encourage, strengthen
to drink
bibo bíbere bibi bíbitus
ad (prefix)
to, towards (prefix)
help, aid
auxilium -i n.
verto vértere verti versus
to turn
to preserve, spare
conservo (1)
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
to climb up
ille illa illud
that, those
chief, leading man
princeps príncipis m.
auxília -orum n.
abundance, supply
cópia -ae f.
catra -orum n.
letter (alphabet)
líttera -ae f.
Arma Virúmque cano.
I sing of arms and a man.
I, me
ego mei
équites équitum m.
auxília -orum n.
últimus-a -um
farthest, most remote, last
Nunc Dimittis
Now you dismiss
firmus-a -um
vigorous, solid, steadfast
summus-a -um
highest, greatest, very great
to climb up
ascendo ascéndere ascendi ascensus
arms, weapons
arma -orum n.
insídiae -arum f.
plot, ambush
impedimenta -orum n.
baggage, baggage train
to defend
defendo deféndere defendi defensus
narrow place, difficulties
angústiae -arum f.
cópia -ae f.
abundance, supply
to approach, draw near to
appropinquo (1) w/ad or w/dat.
murus -i m.
tu tui
is ea id
he, she, it, they; that, those
nearest, next (to)
próximus-a -um w/dat.
sui sibi se se
-self (reflexive)
líttera -ae f.
letter (alphabet)
safety, wellfare, salvation
salus salutis f.
murus -i m.
fines finium (i-stem)
iste ista istud
that, those (of yours)
spacious, spendid
amplus -a -um
together (prefix)
cum, com, con (prefix)
próximus-a -um w/dat.
nearest, next (to)
in médias res
into the middle of things
glória -ae
fame, glory
Honor vitutis praémium.
Esteem is the reward of virtue.
eques équitis m.
arma -orum n.
arms, weapons
I sing of arms and a man.
Arma Virúmque cano.
to spread, expand
pando pándere pandi passus
baggage, baggage train
impedimenta -orum n.