Lesson 1 Grammar Review Flashcards
Three exceptions to the 1st-declension gender rule are ___.
agricola, nauta, poeta
What is the subject case?
Give the four attributes of nouns.
declension, gender, number, and case
Verb familes are called ___, and noun families are called ___.
conjugations; declensions
The genitive singular of a 1st-declension noun always ends in ___.
Name the cases in order.
nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, ablative
Nouns that name male or female persons or animals have ___ gender. Give three English examples.
natural; sister, brother, father, queen, king, uncle, etc.
Latin does not have the English articles ___.
a, an, the
Name the two subgroups of the 2nd declension, and give their gender.
- -us nouns with masculine gender
- -um nouns with neuter gender
Give two common indeclinable nouns.
satis nihil
In Latin the possessive noun is is in the ___ case.
What is Sentence Pattern #5
subject + verb + I.O. + D.O.
What are the two ways to show an indirect object in English?
the preposition to; word order - the indirect object precedes the direct object
The genitive singular of a 2nd-declension noun always ends in ___.
How many declensions are there? Name them.
five; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
What is the neuter rule?
nominative and accusative endings are the same
nominative and accusative plural ending is -a
2nd-declension -um nouns are always ___ in gender.
What is the to/for case?
The declension a noun belongs to is determend by the ___ ending.
genitive singular
What kind of verbs have indirect objects?
Give Latin examples.
giving and telling
do, demonstro, núntio, narro
Name the four verb complements you have learned.
predicate nominative, predicate adjective, direct object, indirect object
What is the in/by/with/from case?
Give the dative and ablative plural of fília and dea.
filiabus, deabus
What is the possessive case?
What is the indirect object case?
What is the of case?
Verbs have ___ endings and nouns have ___ endings.
personal, tense; case
The natural gender rule ___ all other gender rules.
2nd-declension -us nouns are usually ___ in gender.
To what does the case of a noun refer?
the job (function) of a noun in a sentence
Nouns that name non-living things have ___ gender.
2nd declension -er nouns either ___ or ___ the e in the stem.
drop; retain
What are the two ways to show possession in English?
preposition of and ’s
Some nouns have only plural forms. An example is ___.
liberi liberorum
In Latin the indirect object is in the ___ case.
Give the three nominative singular endings for 2nd-declension masculine nouns.
-us, -er, -ir
Four confusing words with the root of liber are ___.
liberi liberorum (children)
liber libri (book)
liber libera liberum (free)
libero (1) (to set free)
Give three translations for the Latin noun mensa.
table, a table, the table
1st-declension nouns are usually what gender?
The three genders are ___.
masculine, feminine, neuter
What is the direct object case?
Give an example of Sentence Pattern #5 in Latin.
Maria Marco rosam dedit.