Lesson 20 Vocabulary Review Flashcards
adduco addúcere adduxi adductus
to lead to, lead on
deduco dedúcere deduxi deductus
to lead, lead away
traduco tradúcere traduxi traductus
to lead across
díligo dilígere dilexi dilectus
to love
instruo instrúere instruxi instructus
to draw up, equip
Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutamus!
Hail, Caesar, we who are about to die salute you!
to lead to, lead on
adduco addúcere adduxi adductus
to lead, lead away
deduco dedúcere deduxi deductus
to lead across
traduco tradúcere traduxi traductus
to love
díligo dilígere dilexi dilectus
to draw up, equip
instruo instrúere instruxi instructus
Hail, Caesar, we who are about to die salute you!
Ave, Caesar, morituri te salutamus!
Si vis amari, ama.
If you wish to be loved, love.
cado cádere cécidi casus
to fall
consisto consístere cónstiti –
to halt, take a position
dedo dédere dédidi déditus (must have a do)
to give up, surrender
pello péllere pépuli pulsus
to drive, repulse, rout
repério reperire répperi repertus
to find (out)
trado trádere trádidi tráditus
to hand over
nóceo nocēre nócui – w/dat.
to do harm to, injure
persuádeo persuadēre persuasi persuasus w/dat.
to persuade
If you wish to be loved, love.
Si vis amari, ama.
to fall
cado cádere cécidi casus
to halt, take a position
consisto consístere cónstiti –
to give up, surrender
dedo dédere dédidi déditus (must have a do)
to drive, repulse, rout
pello péllere pépuli pulsus
to find (out)
repério reperire répperi repertus
to hand over
trado trádere trádidi tráditus
to do harm to, injure
nóceo nocēre nócui – w/dat.
to persuade
persuádeo persuadēre persuasi persuasus w/dat.
accípio accípere accepi acceptus
to receive, accept
recípio recípere recepi receptus
to receive, accept, recover
conficio confícere confeci confectus
to finish, wear out
interfício interfícere interfeci interfectus
to kill
conjício conjícere conjeci conjectus
to finish, wear out
conspício conspícere conspexi conspectus
to see, catch sight of
erípio erípere erípui ereptus w/e (ex)
to take away, save (from)
Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.
Perhaps even these things, one day, it will please to remember.
recípio + a reflexive
to surrender
conjício + in fugam
to throw into flight
to receive, accept
accípio accípere accepi acceptus
to receive, accept, recover
recípio recípere recepi receptus
to finish, wear out
conficio confícere confeci confectus
to kill
interfício interfícere interfeci interfectus
to finish, wear out
conjício conjícere conjeci conjectus
to see, catch sight of
conspício conspícere conspexi conspectus
to take away, save (from)
erípio erípere erípui ereptus w/e (ex)
Perhaps even these things, one day, it will please to remember.
Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit.
to surrender
recípio + a reflexive
to throw into flight
conjício + in fugam
mémini memínisse – w/gen.
to remember
odi odisse –
to hate, dislike
coepi coepisse coeptus w/infin
to have begun
consuevi consuetus w/infin
to have (become) accustomed, be accustomed
oportet oportēre opórtuit – takes acc. w/infin.
it behooves, is proper (that), is necessary (that), should
pluit plúere pluvit –
it rains
aéstimo (1)
to think
exístimo (1)
to think
Odi et amo.
I hate and I love.
to remember
mémini memínisse – w/gen.
to hate, dislike
odi odisse –
to have begun
coepi coepisse coeptus w/infin
to have (become) accustomed, be accustomed
consuevi consuetus w/infin
it behooves, is proper (that), is necessary (that), should
oportet oportēre opórtuit – takes acc. w/infin.
it rains
pluit plúere pluvit –
to think
aéstimo (1) or exístimo (1)
I hate and I love.
Odi et amo.
crescit eundo
it grows as it goes
mille + passūs (pl.)
a mile
quam (question word)
how? (to what degree)
it grows as it goes
crescit eundo
a mile
mille + passūs (pl.)
how? (to what degree)
quam (question word)
besides, furthermore
praetérea (adv.)
primum (adv.)
rursus (adv.)
enough, sufficient
satis (adv.)
at once, immediate
statim (adv.)
all the way
usque (adv.)
in truth, but
vero (postpostive adv.)
who, which, that
qui quae quod
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED)
which was to be shown
which was to be shown
Quod Erat Demonstrandum (QED)
expugno (1)
to storm, take by storm
incito (1)
to incite, arouse
paco (1)
to pacify
probo (1)
to approve, prove
vasto (1)
to lay waste, ravage
cerno cérnere crevi –
to distinguish, see
cognosco cognóscere cognovi cógnitus
to learn, find out
peto pétere petivi petitus
to seek, beg, request
quaero quaérere quaesivi quasitus
to seek, ask
pervėnio pervenire pervēni perventus w/ in or ad (both w/acc.)
to arrive
quis quid
who? what?
Quis custódiet ipsos custodes?
Who will guard the guards themselves?
expects a “no” answer
expects a “yes” answer
to storm, take by storm
expugno (1)
to incite, arouse
incito (1)
to pacify
paco (1)
to approve, prove
probo (1)
to lay waste, ravage
vasto (1)
to distinguish, see
cerno cérnere crevi –
to learn, find out
cognosco cognóscere cognovi cógnitus
to seek, beg, request
peto pétere petivi petitus
to seek, ask
quaero quaérere quaesivi quasitus
to arrive
pervėnio pervenire pervēni perventus w/ in or ad (both w/acc.)
who? what?
quis quid
Who will guard the guards themselves?
Quis custódiet ipsos custodes?
expects a “no” answer
expects a “yes” answer
hora -ae f.
vigília -ae f.
magnitudo magnitúdinis f.
size, greatness
nemo néminis m.
no one
constítuo constitúere constítui constítutus w/infin.
to place, set up, decide, determine
ostendo osténdere ostendi ostentus
to show
relinquo relínquere reliqui relictus
to leave, leave behind
discedo discédere discessi –
to depart, withdraw
qui quae quod (interrogative adj.)
what? which?
Non oratorem, non senatorem, sed piscatorem
Not an orator, nor a senator, but a fisherman
hora -ae f.
vigília -ae f.
size, greatness
magnitudo magnitúdinis f.
no one
nemo néminis m.
to place, set up, decide, determine
constítuo constitúere constítui constítutus w/infin.
to show
ostendo osténdere ostendi ostentus
to leave, leave behind
relinquo relínquere reliqui relictus
to depart, withdraw
discedo discédere discessi –
what? which?
qui quae quod (interrogative adj.)
Not an orator, nor a senator, but a fisherman
Non oratorem, non senatorem, sed piscatorem
adsum adesse ádfui adfuturus
to be present
desum deesse défui defuturus w/dat.
to be lacking
obsum obesse óbfui obfuturus
to hinder
praesum praesse praefui praefuturus w/dat.
to be in command of, in charge of
quantus -a -um interrogative adj.
how large? how great?
possum posse pótui – w/infin.
to be able, can
volens et potens
willing and able
to be present
adsum adesse ádfui adfuturus
to be lacking
desum deesse défui defuturus w/dat.
to hinder
obsum obesse óbfui obfuturus
to be in command of, in charge of
praesum praesse praefui praefuturus w/dat.
how large? how great?
quantus -a -um interrogative adj.