Lesson 16 New Material Flashcards
Si vis amari, ama.
If you wish to be loved, love.
cado cádere cécidi casus
to fall
consisto consístere cónstiti –
to halt, take a position
dedo dédere dédidi déditus (must have a do)
to give up, surrender
pello péllere pépuli pulsus
to drive, repulse, rout
repério reperire répperi repertus
to find (out)
trado trádere trádidi tráditus
to hand over
nóceo nocēre nócui – w/dat.
to do harm to, injure
persuádeo persuadēre persuasi persuasus w/dat.
to persuade
If you wish to be loved, love.
Si vis amari, ama.
to fall
cado cádere cécidi casus
to halt, take a position
consisto consístere cónstiti –
to give up, surrender
dedo dédere dédidi déditus (must have a do)
to drive, repulse, rout
pello péllere pépuli pulsus
to find (out)
repério reperire répperi repertus
to hand over
trado trádere trádidi tráditus
to do harm to, injure
nóceo nocēre nócui – w/dat.
to persuade
persuádeo persuadēre persuasi persuasus w/dat.
An infinitive is a ___.
verbal noun
As a noun, an infinitive is ___ in gender, ___ in number, and ___
neuter; singular; indeclinable
As verbs, infinitives have ___ and ___.
tense; voice
A/an ___ statement is a statement reported by someone else.
Indirect statements are often introduced by the word ___, but not always.
Indirect statements are ___ clauses, and are introduced by a verb of ___.
subordinate; speaking, thinking, or perceiving
An indirect statement in Latin is indicated by the ___ construction, which 1) changes the verb to a/an ___, and 2) puts the subject in the ___ case
accusative with infinitive; infinitive; accusative