Lesson 9 Vocab Review Flashcards
ille, illa, illud
that, those (remote from the speaker)
contíneo continēre continui contentus
to restrain, hold in
absum abesse áfui afuturus w/a (ab)
to be away, be absent
which (of two)
uter utra utrum
together (prefix)
cum, com, con (prefix)
to alarm, arouse
commóveo commovēre commovi commotus
a, ab (prefix)
ipse ipsa ipsum
-self (intensive)
sub, sus (prefix)
under, up from under (prefix)
obtíneo obtinēre obtínui obtentus
to hold, occupy
under, up from under (prefix)
sub, sus (prefix)
to hold, occupy
obtíneo obtinēre obtínui obtentus
hic haec hoc
this, these
id est (i.e.)
that is
téneo + memória
to remember
to pertain to, stretch to
pertíneo pertinēre pertínui – w/ad
ad (prefix)
to, towards (prefix)
this, these
hic haec hoc
per (prefix)
through (prefix)
to, towards (prefix)
ad (prefix)
to fill (with)
cómpleo complēre complevi completus w/abl.
back, again
re- (prefix)
that, those
ille illa illud
to remember
téneo + memória
do + inter w/reflexive
-self (intensive)
ipse ipsa ipsum
is ea id
that those (non-specific)
re- (prefix)
back, again
cómpleo complēre complevi completus w/abl.
to fill (with)
tríbunus -i m.
sustíneo sustinēre sustínui sustentus
to sustain, withstand
iste ista istud
that, those (of yours)
do + inter w/reflexive
ad (prefix)
to, towards (prefix)
pertíneo pertinēre pertínui – w/ad
to pertain to, stretch to
that is
id est (i.e.)
to sustain, withstand
sustíneo sustinēre sustínui sustentus
núntius -i m.
messenger, message
towards, against (prefix)
ob (prefix)
commóveo commovēre commovi commotus
to alarm, arouse
whole, entire
totus -a -um
to be away, be absent
absum abesse áfui afuturus w/a (ab)
that, those (of yours)
iste ista istud
to hold back, keep
retíneo retinēre retínui retentus
a, ab (prefix)
retíneo retinēre retínui retentus
to hold back, keep
messenger, message
núntius -i m.
to restrain, hold in
contíneo continēre continui contentus
is ea id
he, she, it, they; that, those
uter utra utrum
which (of two)
ille illa illud
that, those
iste ista istud
that, those (near the person spoken to or spoken in contempt)
through (prefix)
per (prefix)
cum, com, con (prefix)
together (prefix)
tríbunus -i m.
ob (prefix)
towards, against (prefix)