Lesson 14 New Material Flashcards
adsum adesse ádfui adfuturus
to be present
desum deesse défui defuturus w/dat.
to be lacking
obsum obesse óbfui obfuturus
to hinder
praesum praesse praefui praefuturus w/dat.
to be in command of, in charge of
quantus -a -um interrogative adj.
how large? how great?
possum posse pótui – w/infin.
to be able, can
volens et potens
willing and able
to be present
adsum adesse ádfui adfuturus
to be lacking
desum deesse défui defuturus w/dat.
to hinder
obsum obesse óbfui obfuturus
to be in command of, in charge of
praesum praesse praefui praefuturus w/dat.
how large? how great?
quantus -a -um interrogative adj.
to be able, can
possum posse pótui – w/infin.
willing and able
volens et potens
The Latin word for when is ___. Clauses beginning with when are called ___ in Latin.
cum; cum-clauses
The conjugation of possum is easy to remember: if a form of sum begins with s, prefix ___; if a form of sum begins with e, prefix ___.
pos-; pot-