Lecture 9: Anatomical Components of Muscle (Hayward) Flashcards
what property is common to all muscles?*
why does skeletal muscle have banded appearance?*
regular arrangement of actin and myosin
cytoplasm of muscle cell = *
endoplasmic reticulum of muscle cell = *
sarcoplasmic reticulum
muscle cell = *
components of myofibril*
actin and myosin myofilaments
hierarchy of skeletal muscle structure*
myofilament –> myofibril –> myofiber –> muscle fascicle –> muscle belly
what are a bunch of myofibrils surrounded by to make a myofiber (muscle cell)?*
endomysial layer
what structure surrounds a muscle belly?*
name the bands in a sarcomere*
A (anisotropic), I (Isotropic), M, H, and Z bands
What happens to the length of the different bands in a sarcomere during a muscle contraction?**
I and H bands shorten. A and M bands stay the same length. Total sarcomere length (distance between Z bands) decreases.
what happens to sarcomere if only one Z band contracts?*
no force is produced. Z bands on both ends of sarcomere must contract to produce force.
fx of M-line*
anchors adjacent thick filaments (myosin)
fx of Z bands*
anchor thin filaments (actin)
H-band is composed of thick and/or thin filaments?*
Thick filaments only
What are Z-lines composed of?*
alpha-actinin and Z-line filaments
What are M-lines composed of?*
M-line filaments and creatine kinase enzyme
intermyofibrillar space*
space between adjacent myofibrils. Contains SR, mitochondria, glycogen, and lipids
an anchoring filament that helps anchor thin-line filaments to the Z band
3 intermediate anchoring filaments**
vimentin, desmin, and vinculin
fx of vinculin*
scaffold protein that connects myofibrils adjacent to the sarcolemma to the sarcolemma
fx of vimentin*
scaffold protein that extends b/w Z lines of the same sarcomere
fx of desmin*
scaffold protein that hold Z-lines of adjacent myofibrils together