lecture 12/13: Histology of CV System (Baekey) Flashcards
Where is number of vessels and cross sectional area greatest?
where is most blood volume?
What kind of vessel has the most elastic tissue?
large arteries
in which vessels is elastic tissue absent?
capillaries, venules
Table p. iii on Histo section in SCAVMA
how do blood vessels develop?
vacuole fusion
how are endothelial cells joined?
intercellular junctions
Components of tunica intima in elastic arteries (3)
endothelium, subendothelium, internal elastic membrane
Components of tunica media in elastic arteries (3)
smooth muscle, elastic fibers, collagenous fibers
Components of tunica externa in elastic arteries (3)
collagenous fibers, nervi vasorum, vasa vasorum
vasa vasorum
network of small blood vessels that supply large blood vessels (“vessels of the vessels”)
Difference b/w elastic and muscular arteries
exactly the same, except muscular arteries do not have collagenous fibers
aka pericapillary cells.Wrap around fenestrated capillaries to keep proteins in the capillaries and let fluid through (regulate permeability through capillary to help create urine)
How is blood flow regulated through capillaries?
precapillary sphincters of arteriole control flow into capillary bed proper. Anteriolar-venous anastomoses connect terminal arteriole directly with a venule
continuous capillary and found where?
tight junctions between endothelial cells. Found in muscle, lungs, nervous system
fenestrated capillaries are found where?
pores present in endothelial cells and basal lamina. Found in endocrine glands, intestine, kidneys
Sinusoidal capillaries and where found?
large diameter and gaps. Basal lamina diminished or absent. Found in liver, spleen, bone marrow