This class was created by Brainscape user Sara Almcrantz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (134)

Lecture 3: Learning (Curtis)
Mechanisms of behavior,
The startle response
53  cards
Lecture 4: Canine Social Organization, Communication & Aggressive (Curtis)
Puppies handled during what age a...,
Sensitive period,
What happens if puppies are raise...
53  cards
Lecture 1: Veterinary Behavior (Curtis)
Why study behavior,
Veterinary behavior,
Acvb american college of veterina...
14  cards
Lecture 1: Intro/X-ray Production/Image Formation/QUIZ 1 (Winter)
Radiology is used as a clinical t...,
4 types of diagnostic imaging,
Who discovered x rays
63  cards
Lecture 2: Veterinary Ethology and Behavioral Research (Curtis)
Logos means
28  cards
Lecture 18 - SI absorption (Freeman)
Sites of absorption,
Anatomy of mucosa si and li,
Specialization in epithelial cells
39  cards
Lecture 20 - colon (freeman)
Microbial digestion perfect envir...,
Colon motility,
Neutralization of contents
12  cards
Lecture 17 - SI secretion (Freeman)
Brunners glands,
Crypt epithelium
15  cards
Lecture 9: Surgical Anatomy of Head and Neck (Wronski)
Anesthetic injection of supraorbi...,
Anesthetic injection of infraorbi...,
Anesthetic inj of mental n will d...
41  cards
Lecture 16 - Small Intestinal motility (Sanchez)
Characteristics of longitudinal m...,
Circular muscle,
Slow waves
13  cards
Lecture 10: clinical correlates #3 Lameness and nerve blocks (Wronski)
Palpable structures in the thorac...,
In what general direction do you ...,
Palmar digital nerve block inject...
29  cards
OIAN for the final
Levator labii,
21  cards
Lecture 15: Enteric Nervous System (Sanchez)
Explain the 3 divisions of the an...,
Where does the myenteric ganglion...,
Motor innervation of the myenteri...
26  cards
Lecture 13: GI Immunology (Grosche)
Fxs of the mucosal immune system,
41  cards
Lecture 11: Stomach (Sanchez)
Why is it normal to have backflow...,
Where do most gastric mucosa secr...,
What is secreted from cardiac par...
46  cards
Lecture 23/24: Reptilian GI Physiology (Wellehan)
Monophyletic group,
First group to branch off from sq...
58  cards
Lecture 11: Avian Anatomy
Birds see with which part of thei...,
Which aortic arch develops in birds,
The premaxilla is present in bird...
59  cards
Lecture 19 & 20 - Avian GI anatomy, physiology & disease
What structures in the oral cavit...,
Name 1 airborne ruminant there ar...,
What is the choana
43  cards
Lecture 4 - Embryo (Reep!)
After regional specification the ...,
When does regionalizationof endod...,
What does transverse folding of t...
48  cards
Lecture 9: Pancreas (Freeman)
What are zymogen granules,
Most important stimulus of the pa...,
Protein and fat in intestinal lum...
23  cards
Lecture 5: Response of the Gut to a Meal
Major function of the gi tract,
What is motility,
Describe the integrated response ...
58  cards
Lab 24: Avian Anatomy
T or f birds don t have sweat glands,
Fx of uropygial gland papilla,
Triceps brachii is supplied by wh...
22  cards
Lecture 14 - Rumen (Grosche)
List animals with a ruminant dige...,
Define ruminantia,
Define tylopods
71  cards
Lab 19: Forelimb
What group of muscle do the media...,
What does the medial cutnaneous a...,
The ulnar nerve runs between whic...
25  cards
Lecture 8 - Functional Hepatic Anatomy/bile formation (Freeman)
Bile formation provides three things,
What are the 3 different situatio...,
How is bile stored in the gall bl...
34  cards
Lecture 10 - Bilirubin Metabolism and secretion (Sanchez)
Icterus jaundice,
What keeps bilirubin in solution ...,
How is bilirubin formed
23  cards
Lab 18: Forelimb
Sweeney occurs after damage to wh...,
What is the digit defined as,
Which vein runs in the pectoral g...
12  cards
Lecture 3: Histology 2 (Chamier/Baekey)
6 surface area modifications of t...,
Which parts of the small intestin...,
Which tunic layers comprise the p...
40  cards
Lecture 1: Intro and Overview (Freeman)
Why does the food chain have a py...,
Compare the basic anatomy of rumi...,
Why is prey selection important
25  cards
Lecture 6 - Salivary Glands
Major salivary glands and ducts,
What comprises the secretory appa...,
What are electrolytes in saliva d...
80  cards
Lecture 2 - Histology 1 (Baekey)
What are the 3 different layers o...,
What cell type is found within th...,
What type of tissue do you find w...
108  cards
Lecture 6: Histology (Cortes-Hinojosa)
Order pronephros mesonephros and ...,
Name 3 things found in the medull...,
Name 3 things found in the cortic...
40  cards
Lecture 13: Clinical Correlations (Big Picture) (Stone)
Why is the proximal tubule and th...,
2 causes of acute tubular necrosis,
28  cards
Lecture 11: Acid-Base Balance (Bolsor)
Which buffering system intracellu...,
What are the major buffering systems,
T or f the intracellular buffer s...
35  cards
Lecture 12: Regulation of Acid-Base Balance (Bolser)
How much hco3 bicarb is reabsorbe...,
There are two other locations whe...,
How does reabsorption of bicarb o...
19  cards
What is coagulation,
8  cards
Polymorphonuclear leukocytes pmns...,
Granulocyte granules are composed of
44  cards
Mammalian shape of rbc,
Which in general have a higher rb...,
Increased total rbc count mcv in ...
104  cards
What is the spleen hct level comp...,
What is the function of the spleen,
What does a sinus consist of
9  cards
Lecture 4: Abdominal Anesthesia and Surgeries (Wronski)
3 borders of paralumbar fossa,
Nerve supply to paralumbar fossa,
3 methods of desensitizing paralu...
35  cards
Lecture 6: Nerve Supply of the Pelvic Limb
Femoral n,
The lumbosacral plexus,
Obturator n spinal nerve origin
21  cards
Lab 13: Fresh hindlimb
Insertion of cunean tendon,
Medial branch of the tendon of ti...,
Under what clinical circumstance ...
26  cards
Lab 11: Hindlimb
What is the fascia called overlyi...,
Crural region,
What aponeuroses is the middle la...
33  cards
Lab 10: Hindlimb
Borders of the femoral triangle,
2 distal branches of medial saphe...,
2 muscles that make up the iliops...
22  cards
Lecture 2: Autonomic nerves (part 2 of 2)
Postganglionic fiber,
Preganglionic fiber,
3 types of ganglia
38  cards
Lecture 12: Neural Control and Reflexes (Hayward)
Where are motor neurons located,
2 types of motor neurons that hav...,
Contrast alpha motor neurons with...
46  cards
Lecture 9: Anatomical Components of Muscle (Hayward)
What property is common to all mu...,
Why does skeletal muscle have ban...,
Cytoplasm of muscle cell
59  cards
Lecture 7: Connective Tissue (Hayward)
Main type of connective tissue in...,
2 main classifications of connect...,
Ordinary ct consists of what 2 ty...
38  cards
Lecture 11: Functional organization of skeletal muscle & motor units (Hayward)
How are skeletal muscle fibers or...,
What does each motor unit consist of,
Where are cell bodies of motoneur...
60  cards
Lab 8: Pelvic Region
What envelops the rectus abdomini...,
What forms the external lamina,
What is the rectus sheath made up of
30  cards
Lecture 10: Myofibrillar proteins/muscle structures (Hayward)
What are the functional propertie...,
What are the structural features ...
28  cards
Lecture 10: Regulation of Na Balance and Extracellular Fluid Volume (Bolser)
What does na balance determine,
What determines filtered load of na,
What regulates na excretion
30  cards
Lecture 8: Ligaments, fascia and tendons (Hayward)
What is fascia classified as,
What are fasciae tendons and liga...,
What are tendons and ligaments cl...
34  cards
Lecture 8: Concentration and Dilution (Bolser)
The thicker the medulla the _____...,
Explain the conservation of water...,
Explain the countercurrent system
27  cards
Lecture 5: Renal Tubular Transport (Bolser)
What are the 4 different methods ...,
Why is there more creatinine in t...,
What are the characteristics of n...
32  cards
Lecture 4: Renal Hemodynamics (Bolser)
What is the blood flow distributi...,
Control of rbf renal blood flow,
As arterial pressure rises both g...
19  cards
Lecture 5: Bone Regeneration and Repair (Wronski)
Primary bone healing,
Healing by callus formation,
3 main steps of primary direct bo...
37  cards
Lecture 9: Regulation of Water Balance and Body Fluid Osmolality (Bolsor)
What does hypothalamus secrete to...,
What structures sense a change in...,
See flow chart pg 83 scavma notes
28  cards
Lab: Histology (Baekey)
Joint space,
Synovial fluid,
Nucleus pulposus is remnant of wh...
7  cards
Lecture 2: Histology of the musculoskeletal system (Baekey)
Embryonic vs fetal periods of growth,
What represents the major compone...,
Ossification osteogenesis
54  cards
Lecture 6: Overview of the Musculoskeletal System (Hayward)
What is the formula for speed in ...,
What are some adaptations that ha...,
If the frequency of oscillation r...
40  cards
Lab 6: Ruminant Stomach and GI Tract
What does the ventral coronary pi...,
What does the dorsal coronary pil...,
What groove corresponds to the ca...
31  cards
Lecture 8b: Regulation of Urinary Conc. by the Renal Pelvis (Bolsor)
Fx of the extensions of the renal...,
Mechanism by which renal pelvic c...,
Is default state of ureter to be ...
8  cards
Lab 3: Neck, Withers, Thorax
Insertion of rhomboideus thoracis...,
The superficial thoracic vein run...,
Insertion of trapezius thoracis m...
25  cards
Lecture 3: The Ruminant Stomach
What are the 4 compartments of th...,
Name some ruminant species other ...,
What is unique about the compound...
54  cards
Lecture 3: Definition of Tubular Processes (Bolser)
Define filtration,
Define secretion,
Define reabsorption
16  cards
Lecture 4: Osteogenesis & ossification (Wronski)
What are the 2 principal mechanis...,
Define osteogenesis or ossification,
Define intramembranous ossification
43  cards
Lab 5: Abdomen
3 tubular structures entering the...,
Name the opening the esophagus pa...,
Does horse have a gall bladder
33  cards
Lecture 3: Bone (Wronski)
What creates the extreme hardness...,
Name 4 functions of bone,
What type of bone is very dense
93  cards
Lab 4: Abdomen
What are the 4 muscles and 2 shee...,
Origin and insertion of the exter...,
What covers the external abdomina...
24  cards
Lab 2: Neck, withers and thorax
What does the omohyoideus lie bet...,
Why should venipencture only occu...,
What is contained within the caro...
17  cards
Osteological Features
What part of the vertebrae enclos...,
What do all vertebrae except the ...,
What are successive vertebrae sep...
13  cards
Lecture 2: the Spinal and Autonomic Nerves (part 1 of 2)
Define encephalopathy,
Define myelopathy,
Define peripheral neuropathy
45  cards
Lab 1: Neck, withers and thorax
Which structure helps support the...,
What is the origin and insertion ...,
Which vein is contained within th...
26  cards
Lecture 2: Filtration and Clearance (Bolsor)
What is the filtration barrier be...,
3 main characteristics of filtrate,
Why does more blood enter the bow...
28  cards
Lecture 1: Into and Overview (Bolsor)
Which 2 organs have greatest cont...,
Main functions of the kidney,
What 3 systems control water bala...
61  cards
What produces hematopoietic stem ...,
Where do embryonic hematopoietic ...,
What species is the exception whe...
135  cards
Lecture 1: Cartilage (Wronski)
Name the 3 types of cartilage rec...,
Which type of cartilage is most c...,
Define chrondroblast
59  cards
Plasma Proteins
Fx of erythrocytes
121  cards
Lecture 1: Intro to Large Animal Anatomy
Muzzle in a horse,
65  cards
Lecture 09: Fertilization (Pozor)
Definition of fertilization,
Sequence of events of sperm oocyt...,
What is the ovulated oocyte surro...
24  cards
Lecture 10: Pregnancy recognition (Pozor)
What is a single celled embryo ca...,
Mechanisms necessary to establish...,
What is the conceptus called duri...
22  cards
Lecture 20: Feline Repro (Kelleman)
When do cats reach puberty,
When is heat for cats,
What type of cycle do cats have
43  cards
Lecture 20: Canine Repro (Kelleman)
What is a dog s heat or in season,
Why type of estrous cycle do dogs...,
When does puberty occur in dogs
51  cards
Lecture 08: Semen Deposition and Transport (Pozor)
Organs participating in semen for...,
Where is disseminate prostate loc...,
Where does pathology of accessory...
32  cards
Lecture 19: Mammary gland and lactation (Galvao)
How does the mammary gland first ...,
The mammary gland is a modified v...,
In what order do mammary glands f...
48  cards
Lecture 07: Spermatogenesis (Pozor)
Meiosis in spermatogenesis
23  cards
Lecture 06: Female Reproductive Cycle (Kelleman)
Estrous cycle,
2 phases of estrous cycle,
Estrous vs estrus
45  cards
Lecture 18: Camelid Repro (McNaughten)
New world camelids,
Old world camelids,
Where do new world camelids origi...
53  cards
Lecture 17: Porcine Reproduction (McNaughten)
58  cards
Lecture 15 & 16: Bovine Patterns (Galvao)
What suspends the uterine tube ak...,
What connects the ovaries to the ...,
What suspends the uterus
54  cards
Lecture 04/Lab 2: Male Repro Histology (Baekey)
Fx of septa in testis,
Seminiferous tubules house,
Leydig cells secrete what hormone
40  cards
Lecture 14: Equine Pregnancy & Parturition (Macpherson)
Function of the ampulla,
What is the function of the infun...,
What is the site of fertilization...
37  cards
Lecture 13: Equine Repro: Seasonality & Estrous cycle (Macpherson)
What type of cycle is the mare s ...,
What is the age of puberty in a mare,
At what age does the stallion go ...
46  cards
Lecture 11: Placentation (Kelleman)
Mammalian type metatherian,
Mammalian type prototherian group,
Mammalian type eutherian
46  cards
Lecture 05: Female Gonad - Oogenesis (Kelleman)
Largest cell in the body,
43  cards
Lecture 03/Lab 1: Female Repro Histology (Baekey)
Tunica albuginea is composed of w...,
Where do follicles develop,
What kind of tissue and what is c...
52  cards
Lecture 02: Reproductive Anatomy (Pozor)
Ovaries produce 2 main things,
Female env for fertilization and ...,
What events occur in uterus
55  cards
Lecture 12: Parturition (Kelleman)
Clicker q which of the following ...,
Clicker q is progesterone high or...,
Clicker q melatonin suppresses gn...
48  cards
Lecture 25: Hemorrhage
Arterial baroreflex to compensate...,
Hemorrhagic shock,
Which areas are vasoconstricted f...
16  cards
Lecture 26: Disease States - Diarrhea, Dehydration, and Heart Failure
Diarrhea clinical signs
28  cards
Lecture 21: Local Control of Blood Flow (Hayward)
Greatest resistance to flow is in,
Fx of gap junctions in blood vessels,
What is vessel tone derived from
36  cards
Lecture 22: Extrinsic Regulation of Blod Flow: Short Term Reg. (Hayward)
0  cards
Lecture 20: Lymph and Venous Circulation and Cardiac Output (Hayward)
Resistance to inflow hydrostatic ...,
Resistance to inflow absorption i...,
Increased blood volume capillary ...
32  cards
Lecture 18: Arterial System and Pulse Pressure (Hayward)
Bp usually measures,
Arterial or venous side has more ...,
Pressure in arterial system is a ...
28  cards
Lecture 17: Hemodynamics (Hayward)
Which vessels have large elastic ...,
Flow formula,
Cardiac output formula
25  cards
Lecture 16: The Heart as a Pump (Hayward)
Stroke volume,
Frank starling mechanism,
Amount of lv filling is a fx of
11  cards
Lecture 15: Regulation of Cardiac Output (Hayward)
Cardiac output,
Parasympathetic or sympathetic in...,
Increases in hr are coupled with ...
27  cards
Lecture 14: Intro to Heart Sounds and Cardiac Valve Dysfunction (Hayward)
Generation of heart sounds via,
2nd heart sound assoc with
25  cards
lecture 12/13: Histology of CV System (Baekey)
Where is number of vessels and cr...,
Where is most blood volume,
What kind of vessel has the most ...
43  cards
Lecture 11: Events of The Cardiac Cycle (Hayward)
For ecgs lead iii involves puttin...,
An increase in extracellular na i...,
Cardiac cycle
27  cards
Lecture 10: Excitation-Contraction Coupling (Hayward)
What triggers myocardial force pr...,
What do actin myosin need to cont...,
What is essential for intracellul...
32  cards
Lecture 09: Mechanisms Underlying Normal Heart Rate Changes (Hayward)
Sinus tachycardia,
Rr interval,
Beta 1 adrenergic receptors on sa...
22  cards
Lecture 05/06: Basic Concepts of ECG: Lead System, Measurement, Normal Rhythms (Sosa, Estrada)
Magnitude of potential is depende...,
Standard lead system,
Lead i lead placement in bipolar ...
36  cards
Lecture 07/08: ECG: Enlargement Patterns and Conduction Disturbances
Ventricular hr counts which wave,
Atrial hr counts which wave,
Normal sinus arrhythmia during re...
18  cards
Lecture 04: ECG: Fundamental Theory (Hayward)
How is dipole established for ecg
26  cards
Lecture 03: Pacemaker Cells and the Normal Sequence of Cardiac Excitation (Hayward)
Where are pacemaker cells located,
Classification of myocardial ap a...,
Funny na channel
40  cards
Respiration Lecture 11: Resp. Acid-Base Balance
When is buffer system most resist...
62  cards
Lecture 02: Basic Structural and Electrical Chars. of Myocardial Cells (Hayward)
Diastole where is pressure greate...,
Pacemaker cells,
Systole where is pressure greates...
40  cards
Respiration Lecture 06: Ventilation, Work and Breathing Strategies
Alveolar ventilation,
Minute ventilation
35  cards
Lecture 01: Intro to the CV System (Hayward)
How are two circulatory systems c...,
2 main divisions of circulatory s...,
4 components of each division of ...
33  cards
Lecture 01: Sex Determination (Pozor)
3 stages of sexual differentiation,
What does chromosomal sex drvie,
Main precursor to gonads
40  cards
Respiration Lecture 13: Control of Breathing
Afferent and efferent feedback co...,
3 factors that stimulate the driv...,
Where is basic respiratory neural...
54  cards
Respiration Lecture 16: Pulmonary Defensive Reflexes
4 pulmonary defensive reflexes,
51  cards
Respiration Lecture 12+17: Gas Delivery and Consumption/Pressures in Resp. System
Oxygen consumption vo2,
Co2 production vco2,
Which food uses the least o2 per ...
7  cards
Respiration Lecture 10: Ventilation-Perfusion Relationships
5 causes of hypoxemia,
36  cards
Respiration Lecture 09: Transport of Gas by the Blood
Where is hb s affinity for o2 lowest,
2 methods for transporting o2 in ...,
Increased pco2 hb affinity for o2
40  cards
Respiration Lecture 15: Histology
What is larynx lined by,
Functions of resp tract,
Type of epithelium in vestibular ...
44  cards
Respiration Lecture 14:Thermoregulation
2 main types of thermoregulation,
42  cards
Respiration Lecture 08: Distribution of Ventilation and Lung Perfusion
2 main causes of hypoxemia,
More negative ppl ptp
16  cards
Respiration Lecture 07: Movement of Gas from Alveoli to Blood
Increased co2 po2 in lung,
Why is po2 in lung lower than po2...,
What is normal net po2 in the alv...
19  cards
Respiration Lecture 05: Resistance
2 types of resistance,
Elastic resistance
42  cards
Respiration Lecture 04: Compliance, FRC, and Respiratory Volumes
What causes heart sounds,
2 forces that affect ability of l...,
What happens when stretching forc...
30  cards
Respiration Lecture 03: Volumes and Ventilation
Tidal volume,
2 phases of a breath
15  cards

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