Lecture 15: Regulation of Cardiac Output (Hayward) Flashcards
cardiac output =
flow. L/min CO = SV * HR **MEMORIZE
parasympathetic or sympathetic input to heart is more quickly reversed?
Increases in HR are coupled with changes in :
ventricular function
Positive lusitropic effects –> HR and rate of relaxation
increases both
chronotropic effect
changes HR. Positive chronotropic effect = increased HR
lusotropic effect relates to
inotropic effect
regulates myocardial performance.
Intrinsic regulation via cardiac muscle
Extrinsic regulation via external force (hormones, sympathetic innervation, pH, etc.)
Actin and myosin interact during
muscle contraction
functional unit of a muscle
How does stretch in cardiac tissue prior to systole impact contractility?
SOME stretch increases capacity to generate force, but too much stretch generates less force
Active tension in cardiac muscle is dependent on:
starting length of the sarcomeres at the time of activation
Total tension +
passive + active tension
the stretch on the cardiac muscle that occurs during the relaxed state. Determines the force generated by the cardiac muscle for the subsequent contraction (length-tension relationship)
P in the outside of the system that heart must work against (i.e. aortic pressure)
end-diastolic volume
volume load during diastole