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Psychology A Level
> Introduction to learning theories > Flashcards
Introduction to learning theories Flashcards
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Psychology A Level
(137 decks)
Types of Experiments
Experimental and Research Design
Evaluating Research
Cognitive Practical
Individual Differences in Cognitive
Developmental Psych - Alzheimer's
Cognitive practical
Questionnaire Design
Multi-store model of memory
Reconstructive Memory
Explanation of LTM
Rugby social experiment - APFCE
Sherif et al (1954, 1961)
Realistic Conflict Theory - Sherif (1966)
Minimal groups studies - Tajfel
Social Identity Theory - Tajfel et al
Agency Theory
Social Impact Theory
The CNS and Human Behaviour
Li et al (2013)
The Effect of Recreational Drugs on the CNS
Baddeley (1966)
Sebastian and Hernandez-Gil (2012)
Milgram’s Baseline Study
Milgram’s Variation Studies
Factors affecting obedience individual differences
Factors affecting obedience: Situation and CUlture
Factors affecting prejudice: Individual differences
Factors affecting prejudice: situation and culture
Burger (2009)
Raine et al (1997)
Brian areas associated with aggression
Evolution, natural selection and aggression
Content Analysis
Introduction to learning theories
Chi squared test
Learning Practical - Politeness in gender (A.P.F.C)
Learning practical (evaluation)
Animal Research
Neuron’s, synaptic transmissions and neurotransmitters
Scientific Status of Psychology
Classical Conditioning and Pavlov (1927)
Operant Conditioning
Behaviour Modification and Behaviour Shaping
Social Learning Theory
Bandura (1965) - Original Bobo Doll Experiments
Media Influence and the Effect of Vicarious Reinforcement - Bandura 1963
Becker (2002)
Learning theory explanations - phobias
Watson and Reyner (1920)
Treatments for Phobias
The Role of Learning in Child Development
Media Influence on Anorexia
Introduction to Child Psychology
Observations in Child Psychology
Surveys in Child Psychology
Cross-culture research
Ethical Issues when Researching Children
Bowlby’s Work on Attachment
Child Practical
Child Practical Evaluation
Reducing the Negative Effects of Deprivation
Privation (Research/Genie)
The Reversibility of Privation
Day Care
Li et al (2013) - Daycare
Factors that Affect the Quality of Day Care
AO1 Autism
Explanations of Autism (amygdala dysfunction)
Explanations of Autism (theory of mind)
Therapies for Autism
Individual Differences in Child Psychology
The Effects of Day Care (Court Case)
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
HCPC Guidelines for Clinical Practitioners
Longitudinal vs Cross Sectional
Cross Cultural, Metal Analysis, Primary vs secondary data
Use of Case Studies in Clinical Psychology
Use of Interviews in Clinical Psychology
Analysis of Qualitative Data in Clinical Psychology
Classification Systems (ICD-10)
Classification Systems (DSM-IV TR)
Rosenhan (1973)
Symptoms and features of schizophrenia
Clinical Issues and Debates
Child Issues and Debates
Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg (1988)
Cross-cultural Research Into Attachment Types
Issues And Debates Schizo
Neurotransmitter Explanation of Schizophrenia
Genetic Explanation of Schizophrenia
Social Causation Hypothesis
Treatments for Schizophrenia (Family Therapy)
Biological Treatment of Schizo - Drug Therapy
Treatments for Dyslexia
Carlsson et al (2000)
Biological Practical
Clinical Practical (APFC)
Biological Explanation of AN
Symptoms and Features of Anorexia Nervosa
Guardia et al (2012)
Diagnosis of Mental Disorders
Case studies of brain damaged patients
Cognitive Key Question - dyslexia
Wilcoxon Signed Ranks
Mann-Whitney U-test
Evaluation of Bowlby’s work on attachment
Ainsworth’s Work on Attachment
Evaluation of Ainsworth’s Work on Attachment
Long Term Effects of Deprivation
Short term effects of deprivation
Introduction to clinical psychology
Analysis of qualitative data in clinical
Clinical Practical - Evaluation
Spearman's rho
Brain Scanning Techniques
Adoption Studies
Accountability for Atrocities
Issues and Debates - Learning
Developmental Psych - evolution
Twin Studies
Role of Hormones in Human Behaviour
Psychodynamic aggression - Individual differences
Are Murderers Born or Made? - Biological Court Case
Treatments for AN - Drug Therapy
Sociocultural Theory - Non-biological explanation of AN
Treatments for AN - CBT
Developmental Psychology - Clinical (Ind diff)
Issues and debates cognitive
Clinical Key Question - Issues surrounding mental health in the home
Issues And Debates
Van Ijzendoorn Issues And Debates