Classical Conditioning and Pavlov (1927) Flashcards
What is classical conditioning
Simplest form of associative learning discovered by Pavlov
What is the unconditioned stimulus
What is not learned
What is the neutral stimulus
Produced same response at unconditioned stimulus
3 phases conditioning takes place in
Before phase of conditioning (ucs)
Unconditioned stimulus triggers reflex response
Neutral stimulus does not produce this response
-dog salivating to food
During phase of conditioning
Unconditioned stimulus and neutral stimulus are experienced contiguously (pairing)
Neutral stimulus happens before unconditioned stimulus
Pairing has to take place few times for conditioning to occur
After phase of conditioning
After pairing
Neutral stimulus produces same response as unconditioned stimulus
Neutral stimulus now conditioned and conditioned response is produced
When conditioned response weakens over time (spray water gun on the word CAN but continue saying can without shooting water gun for long period of time, so flinching stops)
Spontaneous recovery
Conditioned response reappears
(Don’t spray water gun for long time so flinching stops, then start spraying water gun on word CAN again so flinching happens again)
Stimulus generalisation
Conditioned stimulus occurs with similar stimuli
(Flinch at words that sound similar to CAN)
1) Pavlov (1927) showed dogs being classically conditioned to salivate
Watson and Rayner (1920) showed fear response could be conditioned in a human baby
Firm evidence supporting existence of classical conditioning
2) Collecting saliva in cannula prevented loss of saliva, high reliability
Neutral stimuli chosen carefully
Reduced extraneous variables, likely that salivation in response to ccs was due to conditioning
CA to strengths
Some of Pavlov’s detailed are questionable
He believed link between neutral and unconditioned stimulus was contiguity
1) Classical conditioning only explains acquisition of simple reflex responses
Cannot explain more complex chains of learned behaviour
Only partial explanation for learning
2) Humans brains structurally different to dogs, unreliable, ungeneralisable
What was Pavlov’s experiment
Dog’s salivating to food
Explain role of conditioned reflexes in eating behaviour of dogs
Explain how salivation becomes associated with new stimuli unrelated to food and properties
Dependent variable
Dog saliva collect from salivary gland using cannula
Measured salivation in response to neutral stimulus (specific sound)
Paired NS with unconditioned stimulus of food (20 times)
Varied presentation with forward and backward conditioning
Further variations used to investigate extinction and spontaneous recovery of salivation
Neutral stimulus (sound) did not initially create response but unconditioned stimulus (food) caused salivation
Foward pairing = did cause salivation few seconds after (9 secs)
No salivation to backward pairing
Salivation reflex only associated if dog was alert
Extinction of salivation seen and response to conditioned stimulus was recovered
Signilisation = link made between unconditioned stimulus and neutral stimulus if occurs before
unconditioned stimulus
CA to weakness
Little Albert showed classical conditioning takes place in humans
humans can consciously try to overcome conditioned reflexes