Hoard's Dairyman Youth Quizzes Jan-May 2013 Flashcards
Members of three Wisconsin cooperatives recently merged to form which new cooperative? This will now be the Midwest’s largest dairy marketing co-op.
FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative
If a cow has no systemic signs of illness, but has an enlarged uterus and offensive smelling uterine discharge within 21 days in milk, what postcalving disorder does she likely have?
Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberlosis (MAP) is the causative agent of what common dairy cattle ailment?
In the last five decades, which trend has been seen in regards to dairy cattle inbreeding?
Rose (increased)
Farmers are often hesitant to add distiller’s grain to their ration because it may cause what?
Milkfat depression
A last minute farm bill extension was rolled into 2012 year-end legislation. Until what date was the bill extended?
September 30, 2013
Annually, what food accounts for 25 to 28 percent of cheese consumption in the U.S.?
What is the best use for the liquid portion of digested manure?
In regards to genetics and breeding, what does PL stand for?
productive life
Which country was the top importer of semen, on a dollar basis, from the U.S. in 2011?
Combined, California and Wisconsin account for what percent of the nation’s milk?
If a trait has a heritability of 0.25, what does this mean?
25 percent of the variation in this trait is attributed to the cow’s genetics
Essentially, what will happen to phosphorous consumed above NRC (National Research Council) requirements?
It is excreted in manure
What is another name for premature luteolysis?
Short estrous cycles
Bred heifer imports fell in 2012. What two countries accounted the majority of this drop?
Turkey and Mexico
The majority of future dairy demand is expected to come from which continent?
Compared to wet chemistry, what is the advantage of NIRS?
More precise or repeatable.
Which Alabama dairyman did the U.S. Famers and Ranchers Alliance name as one of four Faces of Farming and Ranching?
Will Gilmer, Bonnie Mohr, John Meyer or
Bonnie Ayars
Will Gilmer
What are the two types of mastitis infections?
Innate and acquired, Chromosomes and genes,
Contagious and environmental or Passive and active
Contagious and environmental
Dairy provides how many of the five nutrients of concern in children’s diets? 2, 3, 4 or 5
At the end of 2012, what was the average herd size in the U.S.?
73 cows, 187 cows, 569 cows or 1,034 cows
When choosing a tube system to ventilate a calf barn, the fan selected should provide how many air changes per hour? 1, 4, 8 or 12
This past year was a record setting year for dairy production. What threshold did milk production surpass for the first time?
50 billion pounds, 100 billion pounds
200 billion pounds, 300 billion pounds
200 billion pounds
Which region of the country has the largest milk per person deficit?
Southeast, Northeast
Midwest, West
It is recommended that all crop fields be sampled for soil pH and fertility at least once every how often?
2 months, 6 months
3 years, 5 years
3 years
Since the 1950s, what trend has been observed with nationwide fluid milk and whole milk consumption?
Risen, No visible trend
Stayed the same, Declined
When silage temperatures exceed 100° F during fermentation, what nutrient is not only broken down, but what remains of it is heat damaged and unavailable to the cow?
Carbohydrates, Protein, Water or Minerals
Which state has the largest average herd sizes at 2,357 cows?
New Mexico, California, Alaska or New Jersey (Miss Amy is from NJ)
New Mexico
Overwriting a portion of the DNA code that is needed to create a critical protein for trait development is known as what?
Mutation, Deletion, Substitution or Knockout
What is an acceptable prevalence of ash in corn silage? High ash levels in your silage indicates excessive soil accumulation. 0 to 1.2 percent 2.5 to 4.5 percent 10.5 to 12.6 percent 34.7 to 40.1 percent
In late March, an agreement was signed to gradually transition genetic evaluations from the USDA to which organization? Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding Food and Drug Administration Center for Disease Control National Genome Research Institute
Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding
What measure allows a dairy to determine its ability to pay bills? Capital investment Debt to asset ratio Debt per cow Current equity
Current equity
What was the all-market mailbox price in 2012? $11.42 $16.34 $18.59 $26.38
Microbial protein, which is produced in the rumen, tends to have a low concentration of which amino acid? Histidine Tryptophan Isoleucine Lysine
Research has demonstrated that what percent of high-producing cows are anovular or simply lack a corpus luteum when a time A.I. breeding program is initiated? 5 percent 30 percent 47 percent 65 percent
30 percent
You should wait to plant corn until soil temperatures exceed how many degrees F? 22°F 50°F 75°F 105°F
50 degrees
An economic boost of $35 per cow occurs when pregnancy rates rise by how many percentage points?
1, 5, 7 or 12
Acid detergent fiber is another measure of plant fiber content, but does not account for which structural carbohydrate? Sugar Lignin Cellulose Hemicellulose
In regards to transition health and inflammation, what has been shown to be beneficial? Soybeans Ketones Antioxidants Probiotics
Marker combinations on chromosomes can be rearranged when a recombination event occurs during what cell division process? Fertilization Meiosis Mitosis Transposition
Microbiologists at the Agricultural Research Service’s National Animal Disease Center have discovered an antibody that is 100 percent specific in identifying what disease? Mastitis Chicken pox Johne’s Brucellosis
Data collected by the University of British Columbia shows that which housing practice was linked to a lower prevalence of lameness and lesions? Extra waterers in pens Deep-bedding in freestalls Stalls sized smaller than cows Mattresses in stalls
Deep-bedding in freestalls
A bedded pack’s temperature is a good indicator of the level of microbial composting activity. What should the temperature of the pack be when measured 6 to 12 inches below the surface? 0 to 35°F 45 to 210°F 75 to 100°F 110 to 140°F
110 to 140 degrees F
The optimum growth temperature for which forage crop is between 80 and 85°F? Alfalfa Clover Grass Corn
For heifers that have been bitten by horn flies, the prevalence of mastitis caused by Staph. aureus is greatest in what part of the udder? Rear quarters Front quarters Median suspensory ligament Left rear quarter
Front quarters
In 2012, which state was the largest producer of cheese with 25.6 percent of the national total? Wisconsin California Hawaii Vermont
When cows are milked 3x how long should the interval be from when the prep process starts to when milking units are attached? 10 to 15 seconds 60 to 90 seconds 90 to 120 seconds 150 to 180 seconds
90 to 120 seconds
When following maximum recommendations, which type of feed mixer can be loaded at 85 to 95 percent capacity? Horizontal Reel Chain and paddle Vertical
As a general rule, manure that is not sand-laden requires a minimum elevation drop from collection to storage for gravity flow systems of how many feet? 6 inches 2 feet 4 feet 10 feet
4 feet
Manure that is sand-laden requires a minimum elevation drop from collection to storage for gravity flow systems of how many feet? 6 inches 2 feet 4 feet 10 feet
10 feet
Bonus: For hay that has been treated with an effective preservative, what is the maximum moisture content at which the forage should be baled? 8 percent 23 percent 39 percent 62 percent
23 percent