2015 INT Exam Questions Flashcards
What part of the digestive tract follows the omasum?
Which breed of dairy cattle originated in Switzerland?
Brown Swiss
Which reproductive hormone is produced in the hypothalamus of both cows and bulls?
GnRh (gonadotropin releasing hormone)
What is the act of taking a young animal off of milk as its main source of nutrition?
What is a record of an animal’s ancestry?
What term describes the protion of feed that remains after the water has been removed by drying it in an oven?
dry matter
Glucose and galactose make up which disaccharide?
The esophagus connects what two organs together?
mouth and rumen
What are plants called that have a life cycle of more than two years?
The process of joining an ovum and a sperm is known as what?
At what percent protein should calf starter be?
Follicle stimulating hormone stimulates the growth of what?
the egg
How many teeth does a mature dairy cow have?
What is the major support of the udder that divides it in half when viewed from the rear?
median suspensory ligament
Where are E. Coli and Klebsiella sp. bacteria most commonly found on a dairy farm?
in organic matter such as bedding and manure
What is the primary acid found in the abomasum?
hydrochloric acid
What is the first milk produced by the cow after calving called?
What do the letters UHT stand for when talking about milk processing?
ultra high temperature
What is feed that a cow has regurgitated and is being re-chewed called?
Which cattle association has an open herd book with different levels of registry?
Red and White Association
Thier are two main reason to add molasses to a dairy ration. List one.
improve taste (palatability) and reduce dustiness
What is the ideal rumen pH?
Total Mixed Rations (TMR) fed to cows often vary from formulated diets. Which is most commonly underfed?
crude protein
Where does fertilization occur?
fallopian tube (oviduct)
If a sperm bearing the X chromosome fertilizes an egg, what sex will the offspring be?
Which category has the most points on a dairy heifer scorecard?
What is the basic unit of inheritance?
Who developed the butterfat taste that was the basis for DHIA testing?
Stephen Babcock
What is a nematode?
a parasite or worm
What is the most popular cheese consumed in the US?
What body system does pneumonia affect?
Since both E. COli and Klebsiella sp. bacteria will infect mammary glands through the environmental contact, which should be done to help prevent exposure to them?
keep stalls clean
What company is the largest processor and distributor of milk in the world based on dairy sales?
Nestle of Switzerland
Which vitamin is also known as ascorbic acid?
Vitamin C
The liquid feed of a calf goes directly into the abomasum by means of what source?
esophageal groove
A dairy cow’s weight can be evaluated using a body condition scoring system, what are the highest and lowest numbers a cow can receive and what do theose numbers represent?
1 Very thin / 5 Very fat
What source of pollution are from mutiple and diffuse sources which are not readily identified?
non-point sources
In what organ does gluconeogenesis take place?
In which stomach compartment does hardware disease occur?
Who is the largest yogurt maker?
Dannon or Danone
What is chyme?
partially-digested feed stuff found in the small intestine
What is the process that assures that milk and dairy products will be uniform in fat and protein content?
Name a product found under Class 3 Milk?
cream cheese and hard manufactured cheese
What is the cow’s first line of defense against mastitis infections?
streak canal or teat canal
Cattle have how many pairs of chromosomes?
30 pairs
Where do mycoplasma infections come from?
from purchased animals with unknown health status
What is a cow that is not lactating but has been though one lactation previously?
From where did the Milking Shorthorn cow originate?
Are corn, barley and wheat examples of forages or concentrates?
Fans should be run continuously once the temperatures reach what degree Farenheit?