2018 Submitted Questions Flashcards
The mammary glands of a cow is commonly referred to as what?
When does actual lactation begin?
What is the name of the first milk produced by the cow?
How many hours a day should a cow spend lying in a stall resting and making milk?
10-14 hours
Name the substance that seals the teat end between milkings.
When one quarter of the mammary gland does not secrete milk, that quarter is called what?
blind quarter
What hormone is responsible for milk let-down?
What is the name of the hormone that is produced by the cow when it senses fear or pain?
On the farm, testing milk at what location is the best indicator of milk quality?
bulk tank
Milk-mineral deposits on milk handling equipment are known as what?
milk stones
Mastitis occurs when microorganisms enter a cow’s udder through which what opening?
teat canal
On a medication label a farmer will find the number of hours or days milk must be withheld or discarded once the medication has been given. This time frame is known as what?
withdrawal time
When washing milking equipment, most cleaning chemicals work best at what temperature?
160 degrees F
What cowside test uses a four-compartment paddle and a blue substance to test a sample of milk from each quarter?
California Mastitis Test (CMT)
In a milking system, the automatic valve that allows air to enter or exit the shell alternately is known as the what?
How often should a farmer inspect all inflations and short air tubes of the milking system for holes, tears and cracks?
once a week (weekly)
Which type of milking parlor is best suited for large herds?
rotary parlors
Forage cut and chopped in the field and fed directly to livestock is known as what?
green chop
What element is necessary for the establishment of legumes?
Which type of fly spreads pinkeye?
face fly
What common fungus infection invades the hair follicles and the outer layer of skin?
What respiratory disease often develops in cattle after being transported by truck or rail?
shipping fever
Areas of grassland installed between cropland or feedlots and waterways to take up nutrients and prevent nutrients from running off into water are called what?
buffer strips
A calf’s birth weight should double by how many weeks of age?
What is the most important consideration when choosing a calf for showing?
overall physical correctness
Holstein Foundation’s book Showring Ready suggests recording a calf’s growth how often?
What is the ideal temperature for raising calves?
68 degrees F
Care of what part of the dairy animal has a large impact on the animal’s general health, as well as how she walks and looks in the showring?
hooves (hoof care)
What type of halter should be used when training your dairy animal?
nylon rope halter
A dairy animal born between December 1 and February 28, 2017 would be entered into what class in a dairy show this spring?
Winter yearling heifer
Name the three characteristics of a mammal.
1) hair 2) warm-blooded 3) nourish young with milk
Name two factors that can influence feed intake.
consistency of feed, quality of feed, quantity of feed, digestibility of feed
Name three metabolic diseases.
displaced abomasum, fatty liver, ketosis, milk fever, retained placenta
There are several procedures one must follow to ensure proper milking. Name three steps you must take for proper milking procedures.
provide a consistent routine, wear gloves, keep clean, pre-dip, forestrip, clean teats, attach and align milking unit after proper stimulation, remove milking unit properly, post-dip teats
Name the two categories of mastitis causing organisms.
contagious and environmental
How many phases are there to the lactation cycle?
Milk production increases in dairy cattle until they are what age?
8 or “about 8”
A mature dairy cow produces about what percent more milk than a two-year-old cow?
What is the final storage area of milk before the cow is milked?
teat cistern
What hormone stimulates the epithelial cells to produce milk?
What glands or nodes act as filters that destroy and remove bacteria from the udder?
supramammary lymph glands or nodes
What is the purpose of the Fürstenburg’s rosette?
helps prevent the escape of milk between milking
What percent of calves are born with extras teats?
Extra teats should be remove from a dairy animal before it reaches what age?
one year old
During which period of lactation does milk production continue to increase for several weeks?
Early lactation or Stage 1
Because of rapid milk production and a reduced feed intake, a cow may begin to lose weight. This situation is called what?
negative energy balance
During mid lactation cows should be eating what percentage of their body weight?
Protein requirements are reduced during what phase of lactation?
Mid lactation
Milk yield is reduced if the dry period is less than how many days?
less than 40 days
Once milking has ceased and the cow is dried off what process happens to the uterus?
Typically, cows are bred during what phase of lactation?
Early lactation for stage one
What metabolic disease, which usually occurs during the first month of lactation, can be treated by walking, rolling, or surgery?
displaced abomasum
What metabolic disease is caused by an accumulation of fat within the cow’s liver?
fatty liver
What is the common name for hypocalcaemia?
milk fever
What is the condition called when a cow fails to expel fetal membranes within 24 hours after calving?
Retained placenta
During ketosis, what acids are transported to the liver in greater quantities than can be metabolized?
fatty acids
Many hormones involved in mammary growth are also responsible for the development of what?
the fetus
Extended periods of what will increase concentrations of prolactin during milk production?
Extended periods of light
Stimulation of the memory glands and the teats in particular, result in the secretion of what hormone?
The hormone oxytocin travels through the blood to the mammary gland and causes what cells to contract, which squeeze milk into the lower udder ducts?
myoepithelial cells
What is the most common reason milk from dairy farms is contaminated with antibiotic residues?
Accidental human error
The National Mastitis Council defines the somatic cell count for a healthy mammary gland as how many cells per milliliter?
150,000 to 200,000 cells/mL
What design of milking parlor is best suited for large herds?
rotary parlors
What common test reflects a feed’s bulk and can determine how much a cow can fit in her digestive system?
neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
For most crops, a dry matter content of what percent is optimal for silage making?
Give 3 examples of cereal grains.
corn, wheat, barley, oats, rye and sorghum
What one simple action performed by the milkers, will help minimize the spread of pathogens?
Thoroughly washing their hands with soap and water
The myoepithelial cells of the mammary gland are arranged in what shape and why?
the myoepithelial cells are arranged in a star shape because it allows them to cover a large area and provide maximum contraction potential
Name 3 benefits to clipping udder hairs.
reduced exposure to bacteria, improved milk somatic cell counts, a decrease in udder preparation
time, an increase in milking speed, a decrease in bacterial counts of milk, improved teat disinfection
function, improved cleanliness of milker’s hands and milking units, improved milk sediment scores, a
reduction in the number of towels needed to wash and dry udders.
Name three factors which can influence feed intake.
consistency of feed, quality of feed, quantity of feed,
digestibility of feed
The automatic valve that allows air to enter or exit the shell alternately is known as what part of the milking system?
Name the mechanical device used in the milk tank for stirring the milk to facilitate cooling and provide a uniform mixture for sampling.
When considering the milking equipment, what is considered a good average claw vacuum level?
10.5Hg to 12.5Hg
When discussing silage, limiting the inclusion of what element will help the feed ferment and preserve properly, and prevent the growth of molds?
What common test reflects a feed’s bulk and can determine how much a cow can fit in her digestive system?
neutral detergent fiber (NDF)
What two female hormones are not necessary for the maintenance of lactation?
Estrogen and progesterone
Digestion of cellulose and hemicellulose is possible only because the rumen microorganisms secrete what two enzymes?
cellulase and hemicellulase
What is the pH of the abomasum?
pH 2
What is the name of a substance that is required for an enzyme to function properly?
What is the singular form of the word “alveoli’?
What part of the mammary gland serves as the final storage area of milk before the cow is milked?
teat cistern
At the end of milking, reduced udder pressure increases the flow of blood to the udder, and as a result what cells start to replenish the milk supply?
epithelial cells
During involution, what major protein is found in mammary secretions which helps with disease resistance?
What common metabolic disease is treated with propylene glycol drenches or glucose injections into the vein?
Define galactopoesis.
maintenance of lactation
What hormone travels via the blood to the mammary gland and results in the physical removal of milk from the alveoli?
What simple action is considered the key to optimal milking performance?
proper stimulation
What is considered the biggest problem during milking machine attachment?
Letting in too much air
What milk quality test is usually related to the hygiene of milkers and cleanliness of equipment?
preliminary incubation count (PI)
What type of milking parlor makes milking the cows a very labor intensive process?
a tie-stall barn
How long is the streak canal?
¼ to ½ inch
The word “ruminant” comes from the Latin word ruminare, which means what?
to chew over again
What is the term used to describe a period of increased growth rate that follows a growth restriction imposed earlier in the heifer’s life?
compensatory growth
What type of seeds contain high levels of unsaturated fatty acids?
Whole oil seeds
What is the most desirable acid produced during ensiling?
lactic acid
What process increases starch digestibility of corn silage?
kernel processing
The Worker Protection Standard is an Environmental Protection Agency program designed to protect the nation’s agricultural workers from what?
The producer lead effort to build consumer trust and confidence in the dairy industry’s commitment to animal well-being is called what?
National Dairy Animal Well-Being Initiative
What two female reproductive hormones are secreted by the anterior pituitary gland?
FSH, LH (follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone
The female reproductive hormone prostaglandin is produced by what organ?
What is the most important feature when selecting tags or brands for identification?
Name three ways contagious organism can be passed from cow to cow.
milker’s hands, milking equipment, udder towels, wash water
Name three conditions that can result in poor quality colostrum.
Cows dry less than 3 to 4 weeks, pre-milking, young cow, dirty udder and teats, leaking teats
Name three systems of calf housing.
Calf hutch, elevated stalls, pens on the floor, cold calf housing system, counter-slope system
Name three methods of charging for heifer grower services.
Per animal per day, per animal, per pound of gain, feed plus yardage, option to purchase
Name three disadvantages of grazing.
Inconsistent quality, inconsistent quantity, distance from parlor, unable to balance ration properly, lower forage yield per acre