2015 JR Exam Questions Flashcards
Which breed produces milk with the highest fat and protein content?
What is the term for an animal that never grows horns because of its genetic makeup?
Which stomach compartment is located closest to the heart?
When posing your cow for the judge, her rear leg closest to the judge should be where?
slightly forward of the other one
What is the normal body temperature of a healthy calf?
What are the subcutaneous abdominal veins also called?
milk veins
What is the animal’s safety zone?
flight zone
Which animal is NOT a ruminant? deer, goat, goldfish, sheep
What is the liquid portion of cheese making called?
What vitamin is necessary because it helps clot the blood?
Vitamin K
Name the technical term for the act of giving birth?
What disease causes redness and inflammation of the lining of the eyelid and eyeball?
pink eye
Where did the Holstein breed originate?
Netherlands and Germany
If a sperm bearing the Y chromosome fertilizes an egg what sex will the offspring be?
What company is the largest processor and distributor of milk in the world based on dairy dales?
Nestle of Switzerland
What ingredient can be added to dairy cattle rations to improve taste and reduce dustiness?
Calves should be dehorned by what age?
3 weeks old
Which breed of dairy cow has the longest gestation period?
Brown Swiss
Sterility describes and animal that cannot do what?
cannot reporduce
The process that turns cream into butter is called:
What class of milk would be eaten on your morning cereal?
Class 1
What is the recommended length of the dry period for dairy cows?
45 - 60 days
Amino acids are classified as what?
essential and non-essential
Which hormone blocks milk let-down?
Cattle have how many pairs of chromosomes?
30 pairs
How long is the most common Voluntary Waiting Period?
60 days
Somatic cells include what 2 cell types?
white blood cells and epithelial cells
How much does a bushel of wheat or soybeans weigh?
60 pounds
A gallon of milk weighs how many pounds?
8.6 pounds
What breed is the smallest dairy breed?
What magazine is known as the “national dairy farm magazine”?
Hoard’s Dairyman
How often should the bulk tank be washed and sanitized?
every time it is emptied
Why would a farmer use copper sulfate on a dairy farm?
as a foot bath additive
What is another name for an intact male bovine?
Are alfalfa hay and corn silage examples of forages or concentrates?
It takes how many pounds of whole milk to make 1 pound of cheese?
10 pounds of whole milk = 1 pound of cheese
What body system does scours affect?
What percentage of genetics does an offspring receive from the mother?
50% (1/2) come from the mother and the other 50% come from the father
What is the liquid portion of cheese making called?
The CMT is used to detect what type of infection?
In what organ of the female reproductive system does the fetus develop?
What is the process called that breaks up fat particles in raw milk?
What nutrient supplies energy for the animal at 2.25 to 2.6 times the amount of carbohydrates?
What disease is known as acetonemia?
Which of the following is a reason a cow can be disqualified from the show ring? blind quarter, post legged, straight topline,high tailhead
blind quarter
What hormone helps maintains pregnancy?
What is another name for a twisted stomach?
displaced abomasum
What is the most common reason a cow does not come back into heat?
What is the name of the clusters of milk secreting cells in the udder of the dairy cow?
What innovative artificial insemination product first became available in 2003?
sexed semen