2016 JR Questions Submitted Flashcards
What nutty cheese from the Italian Alps comes in both fresh and mature forms?
What cheese was initially produced in caves?
Which cheese’s texture becomes drier and more crumbly as it ages?
Cheddar cheese is made from the milk of which animal?
A fresh cheese is a cheese that has not been what?
Which cheese is thought to be one of the oldest in the world?
Feta cheese is a product of which country?
What cheese is especially common in the Middle East, Africa and some Mediterranean countries?
What light colored cheese is famous for having large holes in it?
The large holes in Swiss cheese are produced by the release of what gas?
carbon dioxide
Name a plant that is used to coagulate milk.
fig tree bark, thistle, mallow
Reduced-fat milk contains what percent milkfat?
Whole milk contains 150 calories and 8 grams of fat in how many ounces?
8 fluid ounces
What are the other two names used to describe fat-free milk?
skim, non-fat
The letters IU after a vitamin represent what measurement?
international units
Name one type of milk that must have vitamins A and D added to it, since it is removed during processing?
reduced-fat, low-fat, non-fat
How many grams of fat is contained in skim milk?
0 grams
Compared to plain milk, chocolate milk contains how many more calories per serving?
35 calories
Real dairy milk that has had the sugar broken down, making it easier for some people to digest, is called what?
lactose-free milk
Sweetened condensed milk is a canned milk concentrate of whole milk that has had what added to it?
Half-and-half is a mixture of what two milk products?
milk and cream
Heavy cream may also be known by what other name?
heavy whipping cream
Which cream is not less than 36 percent milkfat?
heavy whipping cream
Light cream cannot have less than 18 percent milkfat, and it cannot be more than what percent milkfat?
When lactic acid-producing bacteria is added to pasteurized cream which is at least 18 percent milkfat, what product is produced?
sour cream
What percent of the water is removed from milk to produce evaporated milk?
By federal law, what is the minimum amount of milkfat that ice cream must contain?
When egg yolk solids are added to ice cream, what dairy product is created?
frozen custard
What frozen dairy product has a lower milkfat content and flavored with fruit?
Name the dairy product that contains sweeteners, milk, cream, egg yolks and flavoring and is served in a semi-frozen state.
Sorbets and water ices are similar to sherbets, except they contain no what?
dairy ingredients
Name the primary protein found in milk.
Protein is needed in the body to help build and repair what component of the human body?
body tissue
What nutrient found in milk helps the body absorb and use calcium?
Milk is a good source of which B vitamin?
B2, riboflavin
A lack of what nutrient found in milk, may result in bone deterioration?
A 9 year old child should have how many servings of dairy each day?
3 servings
Calcium is needed in the body because it helps build strong what?
bones and teeth
The function of Vitamin D in the body is to maintain the proper levels of what two nutrients found in milk?
calcium and phosphorus
How much milk is considered one serving of dairy?
1 cup
Yogurt is regularly served is containers that are how many ounces?
8 fluid ounces
How many ounces of American cheese is in one serving of dairy?
2 ounces
One slice of American cheese is equal to how much milk?
1/3 cup milk
One and one-half cups of ice cream is how many servings of dairy?
1 serving
How many cups from the dairy group should a 2 year old child have each day?
2 cups
Both the Ayrshire Breeders Association and the American Guernsey Association headquarters are located in what city and state?
Columbus, OH
What state is home to three different breed associations?
What is the Brown Swiss’ only accepted method of permanent ID?
ear tattoo
What breed allows for the use of ear tags as a method of permanent ID?
Name one of the breeds for which a photograph or sketch is an accepted form of permanent ID?
Holstein, Guernsey, Ayrshire