2016 Senior Contest Questions Flashcards
Name 3 raw milk quality tests.
ADV-acid degree value, detects rancidity; antibiotic test, tests for presence of antibiotics; freezing point, detemines if water has been added; PI-Preliminary Incubation count, tests for bacteria that grow at cooler temps; SCC count, counts amount of somatic cells which can cause off flavors; Standard Plate Count-measures bacterial content of milk; sediment test; flavor test
Name 3 undesirable recessive diseases and the breed they occur in.
Brown Swiss-Weaver, Spiderleg; Holstein-BLAD (Bovine leukocyte adhesion deficency), Bulldog, Hairless, Dwarfism, Mule-Foot, Pink Tooth, DUMPS; Jersey-Limber Legs, Rectovaginal Constriction NO undesirable recessive traits documented for Ayrshire, Guernsey, Milking Shorthorn
Name 3 physiological functions of water in the body.
transports nutrients, carry waste to point of excretion, cool body at high environmental temps, functions as a universal solvent, lubricates joints, fluid base for milk, substrate for metabolic reactions
List 4 parts of the cows reporductive tract.
ovary, oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina
Name 4 organ systems in the body.
skeletal, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, endocrine,
Name the three primary nutrients in fertilizer.
nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium N-P-K
Name three microorganisms found in the rumen.
bacteria, fungi, protozoa
Name two signs and symtoms of navel ill.
Signs: swollen, red navel cord and poor appetite; Symptoms: fever; listless
Name 2 advantages of IVF as compared to ET.
IVF-can be performed more frequently, oocytes can be collected more frequently, one unit of semen can fertilize eggs from several dams, several different bulls can fertlize eggs from one elite cow
Name 3 milk components that increase in concentration in mastitic milk.
lipase, sodium, chloride, leukocytes, immunoglobulins, trace minerals
Name 3 milk components that decerase in concentration in mastitic milk.
lactose, total proteins, casein, solids-not-fat, totoal solids, fat, calcium, phosphorus, potassium
Name 3 parts of a free stall.
support post, stall partition, neck rail, stall surface (bedding, mattress), rear curb, brisket board (tube)
Name 4 processes for which a cow uses the nutrients from feed.
growth, production, reproduction, maintenance
Name 3 solutions used as a tead dip?
chlorine, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, bronopol, DDBSA, quaternary ammonia
Name 4 steps in a good mastitis control program.
Use functionally adequate milking equipment in the correct manner; Dip teats after milking with an effective product; Treat clinical cases immediately with recommended dosages; Treat every quarter of every cow at dry off with an effective dry cow product; Cull chronic cows.
Name 4 advantages to custom heifer services.
Decreased labor requirement; Increased milking herd management; Increased facility capacity for milking cows; Herd expansion without capital investment with use of existing facilities; Increased feed inventory for milking cows; Potential for better replacement heifers
Name two reproductive hormones present in both cows and bulls.
FSH and LH
Limber Legs is an undesirable genentic trait found in which breed?
Name the two phases of the estrous cycle.
follicular (active follicles present), luteal (corpus luteum is dominant ovarian structure)
Name the 4 stages of the estous cycle.
estrus, metestrus, diestrus, proestrus
Ammonia emissions reduce with what dietary substance?
proteins and carbohydrates (need verification)
At what age do the first symptoms of Johne’s disease appear?
2-4 years
Who developed the butterfat test?
S.M. Babcock
Who is the mascot for the Gail Borden company?
Elsie the Cow
Where is the headquarters of the National Milk Producers Federation?
Arlington, VA
What is the term used to describe the study and mapping of genes?
The fetus initiates the birth process by the release of what hormone?
Which state in the US has the most dairy cows?
California )also most organic dairy cows)
Tincture of iodine may be used to control what ailment?
Name 3 legumes used in dairy cattle rations.
alfalfa, clover, peas, peanuts, soybeans, vetch
Anorexia, scaley skin, and hair loss are signs of toxicity of what vitamin?
Vitamin A
Name the genus and species of the Johne’s disease.
mycobacterium paratuberculosis
What is the NAIDC?
North American Intercollegiate Dairy Competition - a unique 2-day event, dairy science majors apply theory to a real-life dairy farm, then present their ideas
What breed produces milk with the lowest percentage of butterfat?
What off flavor results from exposing milk to sunlight and/or copper?
oxidized flavor
What term is used to describe partially digested feed material found in the small intestine
Name one purpose of the oviduct.
transports sperm and egg, where fertilization takes place
How does high concentration of phosphates in feed affect dairy cattle?
diarrhea ?
What is the largest expense to the farmer growing corn silage?
In advanced genomics, how many SNPs are tested for? (not sure about this)
What does ADG refer to in terms of heifers?
average daily gain, a factor in determining growth rates in heifers
What metabolic disorder results from cattle eating too much grain?
What is milk prior to processing called?
raw milk
The American ID number for dairy cattle consists of a 3 digit country code. What is the 3-digit country code for the US?
The Dietary Cation-Anion Difference (DCAD) is a helpful tool to prevent what disorder?
milk fever
What hormone when secreted maintains pregnancy?
What vitamin is not stored in body tissue?
Vitamin C
Regarding nutrition, what does RFQ stand for?
relative forage quality
How many alleles are on each genetic locus?
What is the phosphatase test used for?
to see if raw milk has been added to pasteurized milk
What is the recommended level of crude protein for calf starter?
Name one mineral that is an excellent source of calcium?
Name the three volatile fatty acids.
acetic, proprionis, buytric acids
Distillers grain are a good source of what two nutrients?
carbohydrates, protein
What do the letters CIP represent in terms of the milking system?
clean in place
What does the acronym ICE refer to?
Immigration & Customs Enforcement
How does one use zinc sulfate and copper sulfate on a farm?
foor bath additive
Name a breed for which there has been no undesirable recessive traits documented.
Ayrshire, Guernsey, Milking Shorthorn
Name two parts of the cow’s anatomy that can be twisted to one side and called wry.
face and tail
In terms of nutrition, the acronym TDN stands for what?
total digestible nutrients
What is the term for the mineral matter found in feedstuffs?
Where is the headquarters for the American Jersey Cattle Association?
Reynoldsburg, OH
What group of cows, when exposed to 8 hours of light followed by 16 hours of darkness per day produce more milk in the next lactation?
dry cows
Why would sodium bentonite be used in dairy cattle rations?
to bind to mycotoxins so they can pass thru system and be removed in feces
What is the SCC requirement for dairy products in Europe?
400,000 cells/mL
What is another name for Vitamin B2?
What type of vision do dairy cattle have?
The 1914 Smith-Lever Act created what agency?
Cooperative Extension Service
What do the letters NASS stand for?
National Agricultural Statistics Service
Homogenized milk means what?
Fat particles have been broken up so they stay mixed in the milk
Reswallowed cud travels down into what compartment?
The juices secreted by what gland help neutralize the stomach acid?
In what organ of the male reproductive system are sperm matured and stored?
On a pedigree, what do the letters SCS stand for?
somatic cell score
Cattle spend 4.4 hours a day doing what?