2017 Submitted Questions Flashcards
Wearing inappropriate shoes in the ring is considered what type of discrimnation?
serious descrimination
What was the first state to make tampering with show cows a crime?
The esophagus connects the mouth and what stomach compartment?
A ruminant is an animal who has what unique characteristic?
a 4 compartment stomach
What is the primary process that takes place in the rumen?
The rumen makes up what percentage of the newborn calf’s stomach capactiy?
The rumen is acidotic when the rumen pH drops below what number?
What two organs contain small projections on their walls?
rumen and small intestine
A chemical sustance that provides nourishment to the body is known as a what?
What are the two major sources of energy for the dairy cow?
fats and carbohydrates
A calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water how many degrees Celsius?
Digestible energy is the total energy in feedstuff minus the energy lost in what?
What term describes the actual amount of energy a cow can use for growth, lactation, reproduction and body maintenance?
net energy
Name the most concentrated energy source in dairy cattle rations?
What common dairy ration contains high levels of unsaturated fatty acids?
whole oil seeds
Which of the volatile fatty acids is the primary source of energy and milkfat?
acetic acid
Which volatile fatty acid is produced from digestion of starch and grain?
proprionic acis
If a farmer said he was feeding a 16% dairy feed, the 16% is referrring to what?
crude protein
Due to Mad Cow Disease, proteins from what food sources cannot be used in dairy cattle rations?
Name the two classifications of amino acids.
essential and non-essential
What term describes minerals needed in small amounts?
Ascorbic acid is also known as what vitamin?
Vitamin C
What element is critical for the establishment of legumes?
Name one reason immature hay is more valuable than mature hay as a feed for dairy cows.
higher nutrient content, higher digestiblity, greater palatability, lower fiber
What is considered the best material for covering a bunker silo?
Milk solids can be divided into what two groups?
solids-not-fat and fat
Casein is the primary protein found in mlik. Name another protein contained in milk.
whey proteins
What are the two simple sugars that make up lactose?
glucose and galactose
What vitamin is added to milk at processing time to prevent rickets?
Vitamin D
What on a milk carton assures the customer that the product they are purchasing is fresh?
expiration date
The Real Seal assures the customer that the product they are purchasing is what kind of product?
genuine dairy product
Milk should be kept under what temperature to maintain the best quality?
under 40ºF
A cryoscope is an instrument used to determine if what substance has been added to milk?
A sour flavor in milk results when they are large numbers of what present in milk?
Hazard Assessments and Critical Control Points HACCP is a system of quality control that identifies where what often occurs?
During milk processing which step ensures that all milk and dairy products will be in uniform in protein and fat content?
Lowfat milk contains how many grams of fat per cup?
One stick of butter is how many tablespoons?
8 Tablespoons
What substance that comes from the lining of a calf’s stomach, contains many enzymes, one of which is used in cheese-making?
Cream must contain at least what percent of milk fat?
Yogurt cotains at least 3.25% milk fat and 8.25% of what?
What material is used to strain the yogurt during the making of Greek yogurt?
muslin or cheesecloth
How much milk is required to make one pound of authentic Greek yogurt?
4 pounds
Yogurt, ice cream and cottage cheese all belong to what milk class?
Class II
Which state has the highest number of organic dairy cows?
Which fast food chain in the U.S. uses the most milk?
In April the dairy industry celebrates what sandwich?
grilled cheese
What dairy product results from the removal of water from a mixture of milk and sucrose?
sweetened condensed milk
What frozen treats are similar to sherbets, but contain no dairy ingredients?
sorbet and water ice
What dairy product contains a minimum of 36% milkfat and can come in aersol cans?
heavy cream
Improved flavor, long shelf life and increased cheese yeild are advantages of high quality milk from whose standpoint?
a milk processor’s point of view
Low treatment costs, low culling rates and greater profitability are advantages of high quality milk from whose standpoint?
a dairy producer’s point of view
The phophatase test is used to determine if what two liquids have been mixed together?
raw and pasteurized milk
What two types of light can cause an oxidized flavor?
sunlight and fluorescent light
A surface made of what metal can give milk an oxidized flavor?
HACCP is an acronym for what?
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is what kind of system?
quality control system
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points is a system that identifies what?
where mistakes often occur in food production
Why is it necessary to destory lipase and other natural milk enzymes?
Because lipase and other natural milk enzymes may cause an off-flavor in milk during refridgerated storage
Why is a cryoscope used in milk testing?
to test raw milk to be sure water was not added to it
What natural milk enzyme is destroyed by pasteurization?
In the high temperature, short time method of pasteurization, milk must be heated to 161ºF for how long?
15 seconds
Name two proteins found in milk.
casein and whey proteins
Which beverage milks must be fortified with Vitamin A to be nutritionally similar to whole milk?
reduced fat, lowfat and skim
Eight tablespoons of butter is equivalent to how many sticks of butter?
One stick
During cheese making, rennin is used to do what?
coagulate the protein (casein)
The terms soft, semi-soft, hard and very hard are used to classify what dairy products?
What product is strained from regular yogurt to transform it into authentic Geek yogurt?
What governmental official regulates the Federal Milk Marketing Orders?
Secretary of Agriculture
How many Federal Milk Marketing Orders are there in the U.S.?
Butter belongs to what milk class?
Class IV (four)
In milk marketing terms, what term is used to describe beverage milks, fluid cream items and yogurts?
fluid products
What program in the USDA regulates the standards for any farm, wild crop harvesting or handling operation that wants to sell an agricutural product as organically produced?
National Organic Program
How much money is decducted from every dairy producer’s milk check to pay for promotion and research through the dairy checkoff?
fifteen cents per hundred weight
What dairy product is celebrated in the month of July?
ice cream
It is important to choose fat-free or low-fat dairy products because diets high in saturated can raise the “bad” level of what?
To improve bone mass, a diet should include how many cups or the equivalent of dairy products each day?
3 cups
What mineral found in milk may help to maintain a healthy blood pressure?
In the body Vitamin D helps maintain proper levels of what two minerals?
calcium and phosphorus
Consuming dairy products is linked to improved bone health and reduced risk of what bone disease?
Milk contains significant amounts of what water soluble vitamin also known as riboflavin?
Cottage cheese is produced by adding a creaming mixture to what other dairy product?
dry curd cottage cheese
What dairy product is heat-sterilized and has an extended shelf life?
evaporated milk
By federal law, a gallon of ice cream must weigh a minimum of how many pounds?
4.5 pounds
Frozen custard by definition must contain a minimum of ten percent milkfat and at least 1.4 percent of what other non-dairy agricultural product?
egg yolk solids
What two frozen dairy products contain egg yolks?
frozen custard and gelato
Sorbets and water ices are similar to sherbets, except that sorbets and water ices do not contain what?
dairy products
What mineral found in milk helps strengthen bones and generate energy in the body’s cells?
What nutrient in milk serves as asource of energy during high-powered endurance exercise?
Which B vitamin found in milk helps build red blood cells?
What B vitamin found in milk helps convert food into energy?
What B vitamin found in milk is involved in the in the metabolism of sugars and fatty acids?
B3 or niacin
Blue cheese can be made from the milk of what three ruminants?
cow, sheep, goat
What veined cheese was originally produced in caves?
blue cheese
Cheddar cheese originated in the village of Cheddar in what country?
What cheese are coagulated with plants, fungi or bacteria?
vegetarian cheese
The large holes in Swiss cheese are the result of the release of what gas during maturation?
carbon dioxide
Name one plant that is commonly used to coagulate milk?
fig tree bark, thistle, mallow
Light cream is also known by what two other names?
coffe cream and table cream
MyPlate is an illustration of what five groups?
five food groups
Throughout the world what number is used as an indicator of milk quality?
SCC somatic cell count
The current Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance sets the somatic cell count limit at 750,000 cells per milliliter. There is considerable pressure from health advocay groups to lower this number to what?
400,000 cells/mL
An SCC count of how many cells per MLwould suggest that an inflammatory repsonse has been elicited or a mammary quarter is infected or is recovering?
200,000 cells/mL
What percent of potential milk production is lost to herds with SCC counts between 200,000 and 500,000 cells/mL?
According to a study by the USDA Animal Improvement Program Laboratory,dairy farms in what area of the United States had the highest dairy herd SCC counts?
Southeast, southern US
What milk quality test counts the number of viable aerobic bacteria present in raw milk?
Standard plate count (SPC)
Milk from clean, healthy cows that has been properly collected generally has a Standard Plate Count of what?
1,000 cfu/mL (cfu - colony forming units)
Name the most common cause of high standard plate counts?
Poor cleaning of milking systems
Name one reason for high SPC counts in raw milk.
cows with mastitis, soiled cows, unsanitary milking practices, failure of water heater, failure to cool milk rapidly to below 40ºF, extremely wet or humid weather
The PI count or Preliminary Incubation count counts bacteria which thrive in what type of environment?
cold (bacteria grown at 55ºF)
What is indicated when the Preliminary Incubation count is three to four times higher that the Standard Plate Count?
problems related to cleaning and sanitation of the milking system OR poor udder preparation
Coliform counts directly reflect what two kinds of on-farm practices?
hygeine and sanitation practices
Name one way coliforms may enter the milk supply.
milking dirty cows, dropping the milking claw into manure during milking
Milk processors may ensure a quality product by using this test, which measures bacteria not killed by heating milk to 143ºF for 30 minutes?
laboratory pasterization count (LPC)
Pathogenic microorganisms that most frequently cause mastitis can be divided into what two groups based on their source?
environmental pathogens and contagious pathogens
With only a few exceptions, most contagoius pathogens gain entry into the mammary gland thru what opening?
teat canal
What is the main source of contagious organisms which infects a dairy herd with mastitis and then transmits mastitis to unifected cows during milking?
an infected mammary gland
Of the three major contagious pathogens, streptococcus agalactiae, staphylococcus aureus and mycoplasm species, which of these causes mastitis with few clinical signs and high SCC counts?
streptococcus agalactiae
What two parts of the mammary gland are most commonly infected by streptococcus agalactiae?
cisterns and ductal system
What characteristic of staphylococcus aureus is partially responsible for the poor cure rates of this infection even after antibiotic therapy?
the bacteria establish deep pockets of infection which they wall-off with scar tissue
Of the three major contagious pathogens, streptococcus agalactiae, staphylococcus aureus and mycoplasm species, which should be suspected in herds when multiple cows have clinical mastitis in more than one quarter, but show few if any symptoms?
mycoplasm species
Spread of contagious pathogens may be greatly reduced by what two practices?
good udder hygeine and post-milking teat dipping
Healthy teat skin is considered the first line of defense against what infection?
Research indicates that dairy rations deficient in what two trace minerals, may lead to increased incidence of mastitis?
selenium and copper
The role of milking machines as carriers of bacteria to uninfected cows can be minimized by segregating and milking which cows last?
those cows with known infections or those with high SCCs
What specific on-farm practice is the single most effective practice to reduce the rate of new intramammary infection by contagious pathogens?
post-milking teat dipping
Excess milk left on the surfaces of milking or milk storage equipment can leave mineral deposits which combine with organic soils to form a deposit called what?
Effective cleaning of milking equipment begins with a careful analysis of the water supply for what?
mineral content or hardness
In areas with high mineral content in the water or very hard water, what treatment should be utilized to ensure proper cleaning of milking equipment?
water softeners
In the process of cleaning milking equipment, what type of cleaner is used after washing to remove or prevent accumulated mineral deposits or milkstone buildup?
acid cleaners
Where should equipment and bulk tank cleaning procedures be posted?
on the milk-house wall
Considering cleaning and sanitizing procedures, when should bulk tank sanitizing occur?
just before the next milking
How often should automatic clean-in-place (CIP) milking and bulk tank systems be checked to ensure they are in good working order?
at least twice a year
In terms of farm safety, where should cleaning and sanitizing chemicals be stored?
in a locked room inaccessible to children and unauthorized personnel
In terms of farm safety, what protective gear should be worn when mixing chemicals?
detergent/acid-resistent gloves, eye protection (or face shield), and protective footwear
In terms of farm safety, what type of station should be located near where chemicals are mixed?
an eye wash station
In terms of farm safety, why should you never climb into a closed container like a bulk tank?
a lack of oxygen and chemical vapors which can burn eyes, nose, sinuses and lungs
In terms of farm safety, what sanitizing agent should never be mixed with other detergents or acids due to the risk of poisonous gas forming?
Considering a dairy cow’s environment, what cows have the greatest risk for environmental mastitis?
housed cows are more suseptible than pastured cows
Control of environmental mastitis is best acheived by what methods?
decreasing teat end exposure to potential pathogens or by increasing the cow’s resistance to mastitis pathogens
Name two sources of environmental pathogens.
manure, bedding, feedstuffs, dust, dirt, mud, water
What type of bedding material frequently contains high coliform and streptococcal numbers?
finely chooped organic bedding materials, such as sawdust, shavings, recycled manure, pelleted corncobs, peanut hulls, chpped straw
Name three environemntal conditions that can increase exposure to environmental pathogens.
overcrowding; poor ventilation; inadequate manure removal from back of stalls, alleyways, feeding areas and exercise lots; poorly maintained free stalls, acess to farm ponds or muddy exercise lots; dirty matermity stalls or calving areas; genral lack of farm cleanliness and sanitation
At what age does the sharpness of cheddar cheese become noticable?
12 months
What cheese was first developed in a region within the Italian Alps?
Asiago cheese
Name the three B vitamins present in milk.
riboflavin(B2), B12, niacin (B3)
Milk contains at least 20% of the daily value of what 4 vitmins and minerals.
calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, riboflavin
Fluid utilization is the proportion of Grade A milk in a market used to produce what?
Fluid (Class I) milk
CWT - Cooperatives Working Together is a dairy farmer-funded self-help program to address issue with depress milk prices. It is funded by farmers who invest how much of their milk check?
4 cents per hundredweight of milk sold
Culturing milk samples can provide information for the prevention, treatment and control of what?
mastitis-causing pathogens