2017 SR Written Exam Questions Flashcards
What category on the PDCA Dairy Cow Unified Scorecard receives the most points?
Breed of dairy cattle originated in Scotland?
Of the three major contagious pathogens, Strep ag., Staph aureus, and Mycoplasma sp., which should be suspected in herds when multiple cows have clinical mastitis in more than one quarter, but show few if any symptoms?
Mycoplasma sp.
Acetic, Butyric and Propionic acid are produced in what part of the ruminant digestive system?
Is the vulva becoming red and swollen is a sign of what in cattle?
Calving or heat
What is the liquid used in freezing and storing semen?
What percentage of solids is in whole milk?
What type of storage facility stores liquid manure?
What body system does Johne’s disease attack?
What is the enzyme that breaks down butterfat?
What disease in cattle is caused by a bacterium of the genus Brucella?
A locus is the position that a given gene occupies on what?
Inbreeding can decrease mature equivalent (ME) milk production by how many pounds per lactation for each percent increase in inbreeding?
60-80 pounds
What mineral deficiency causes anemia?
Name the unit of measure of energy in a feed, also known as the amount needed to raise 1 g of water 1°C?
Of the nine essential nutrients found in milk, which one helps build red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to working muscles in a human?
Vitamin B12
Semen for artificial insemination should be thawed in clean water heated to what temperature?
What is the name of the international Bull evaluation service based in Uppsalla, Sweden?
How many teeth does an adult dairy cow have?
Name one of the two most limiting amino acids in dairy cattle nutrition?
lysine, methionine
What genetic defect has been discovered in the Holstein breed denoted by the letters HCD?
Haplotype for Cholesterol Difiency
What are two heat detection and that can be used on a dairy farm?
heat expectancy chart, tail chalk, pedometers, accelerometer, pressure sensors, electronic heat detection systems, detector animals
Discussing fertilizer recommendations, P2O5 is the abbreviation for what nutrient?
Cellulose and hemicellulose are examples of what type of carbohydrates that the cow can use as a source of energy?
How many pounds of milk does it take to make 1 pound of authentic Greek yogurt?
Name the most common cause of high standard plate counts?
dirty milking equipment, poor cleaning of milking systems
What are the three places we are pathogenic organisms may gain entry into a newborn calf’s body?
mouth, navel, nose
What disease is caused by Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis?
You should remove how many inches of silage from the silage face daily to reduce spoilage?
6 inches
High grain diets are typically fed in the United States. Starch digestion is the key to optimizing what 2 nutrients?
protein and energy
What is the 18-carbon fatty acid present in milk, particularly in grazing cattle, which has been found to have cancer prevention effects?
CLA - conjugated linoleum acid
Where is bile stored in a dairy cow?
gall bladder
Name two of the four phases of a fly’s life cycle?
egg, larvae, pupa, adult
On average, what percent of cows experience clinical milk fever, characterized by a blood calcium level less then 5 mg/dL?
When breeding in cold weather, thawed semen should be kept warm. What should an inseminator do with the AI gun between thawing the semen and breeding the cow or heifer?
Tuck AI gun under clothing to keep warm
What is the difference between essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids?
essential amino acids ARE NOT produced by the cow and need to be fed, non-essential amino acids ARE produced by the cow and do not need to be fed in the diet
What year was the first national dairy show held in Chicago?
Milk processors may ensure a quality product by using this test, which measures bacteria not killed by heating milk to 143°F for 30 minutes?
LPC laboratory pasteurization count
What is the common term for leukocytes?
white blood cells
What is the most common grain fed to dairy cows in the United States
What is the thickening of the skin that lines the teat canal and surrounds the external orifice called?
What does TLC stand for in regards to harvesting forages?
theoretical length of cut
Name one of the two kinds of on-farm practices that Coliform counts in milk directly reflect?
hygiene, sanitation
What is the predominant class of immunoglobulins found in bovine colostrum?
Throughout the world what number is used as an indicator of milk quality?
SCC somatic cell count
Which former Maryland 4-H’er was recently hired as the Director of Animal Care for the National FARM Program?
Emily Yeiser Strepp
What does APHIS stand for?
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service
Name the only breed of dairy goat developed in the United States?
Name 2 cultured dairy products.
yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, acidophilusilus milk, cheese
Fertilization takes place in which part of the reproductive system?
oviduct (fallopian tube)