2016 INT & SR Questions Submitted Flashcards
Pressato is the name used to describe what variety of asiago cheese?
fresh Asiago
Name one of the animals whose milk is used to produce blue cheese.
cow, sheep, goat
Orange cheddar cheese is colored with what natural dye?
What is the optimal aging period for cheddar cheese?
5-6 years
At room temperature, what is the texture and consistency of cream cheese?
spreads easily with a smooth, creamy texture
Which cheese was formally accepted in 2002 as a Greek only cheese
Which tangy cheese, common in the Middle East and Mediterranean countries, is so strong that some consumers find it disagreeable?
goat cheese
What product can not be used to make curds for vegetarian cheese?
The large holes in Swiss cheese are produced by the release of what gas?
carbon dioxide
Why is goat cheese more common than cow’s milk cheese in the Middle East, Africa and in some Mediterranean countries?
because goats can survive in these areas and cows cannot
What vitamin is not required to be added to whole milk?
Vitamin D
An 8 ounce glass of what type of milk contains 100 calories and 2.5 grams of fat?
low-fat milk
How does a consumer know that milk has been fortified with vitamins?
it must be stated on the label
How many calories does an 8 ounce glass of fat-free milk contain?
80 calories
The term “organic” on a milk label refers to what?
farm practices
Sweetened condensed milk is usually sweetened with what?
Which fat-soluble vitamins are found in milk fat?
Vitamins A, D, E, K
Light cream may also be know by what two other names?
table cream, coffee cream
A dairy product that contains not less than 36% milk fat must be labeled as what?
heavy cream or heavy whipping cream
A creaming mixture or dressing is added to what to produce cottage cheese?
dry curd cottage cheese
Yogurt is created by culturing milk and cream products with what type of bacteria?
lactic acid-producing bacteria
Evaporated milk contains not less than what percent of milkfat?
not less than 6.5% milkfat
What frozen dairy product must contain a minimum of 10% milkfat and 1.4% egg yolk solids?
frozen custard or french ice cream
What is the daily recommended number of servings of dairy for children aged 4-8 years?
2 1/2 cups
How much cottage cheese counts as one cup of dairy?
2 cups
Casein, the protein found only on milk, contains all 9 of the essential what?
amino acids
Milk provides what two minerals in approximately the same ratio as found in bone?
calcium and phosphorus
The mission of National All-Jersey, Incorporated is to increase the value and demand for what dairy product?
Jersey milk
Based on dairy sales, what is the top dairy company in the world?
Nestle of Switzerland
Calcium plays an important role in helping blood to what?
Which of the vitamins provided by milk helps maintain normal vision and skin, helps regulate cell growth and maintains the integrity of the immune system?
Vitamin A
Which of the B vitamins helps build red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to working muscles?
VItamin B12
What percent of the daily value of Vitamin D is provided by milk?
In what mountain range is the Asiago HIgh Plateau located?
Italian Alps
How does mature Asiago cheese compare to fresh Asiago in terms of color and texture?
mature Asiago is more yellow in color and somewhat grainy in texture
Describe the characteristic flavor of blue cheese.
sharp and a bit salty
At what age does the sharpness of old cheddar cheese becomes noticeable?
12 months
The process of ripening cheese extends what?
shelf life
Feta cheese can be made from which animal’s milk?
sheep’s milk or sheep and goat’s milk
What causes the strong flavor found in goat cheese and how can it be reduced?
hormones, can be lessened by keeping nanny goats away from male billy goats
What two types of rennet are used by cheese producers?
microbial and vegetarian
How does the dairy industry use fig tree bark, thistle and mallow?
as a coagulant
Microbial rennet consists of enzymes that come from what two origins?
bacterial and fungal
Although not required, vitamin D may be added to whole milk at what ratio?
400 IU per quart
Why must reduced-fat, low-fat and skim milk be fortified with vitamins A and D?
because they are removed with the milk fat
All milk varieties must contain at least how many International Units of vitamin A?
2000 IU per quart
An 8 ounce glass of low-fat milk contains how many calories and how many grams of fat?
100 calories and 2.5 g of fat
A glass of low-fat milk contains 100 calories. About how many calories are in a glass of low-fat chocolate milk?
135 calories
What additive to sweetened condensed milk prevents spoilage?
What are the two primary proteins found in milk?
casein and lactalbumin
When cheese curd is formed by the addition of acidifiers, this process is known by what term?
direct acidification
Nonfat dry milk must contain not more than what percent by weight of moisture?
Frozen custard must contain 10 percent milkfat and at least what percent egg yolk solids?
1.4% egg yolk solids
Name one of the lactic acid-producing bacteria used to culture yogurt.
lactobacillus bulgaricus, streptococcus thermophilus
By federal law, before the addition of bulky ingredients, ice cream must contain at least what percent milkfat?
10% milkfat
What dairy product contains between 1 and 2% milkfat and weighs a minimum of 6 pounds to the gallon?
One slice of processed cheese is equivalent to how many cups?
1/3 cup
How much ricotta cheese counts as a cup in the dairy group?
1/2 cup ricotta
What type of protein constitutes about 18% of the protein content of milk?
whey proteins
In adults, a calcium deficiency, along with other factors, may result in bone deterioration known as what?
What company is the largest processor and distributor of milk and dairy products in the U.S.?
Nestle USA
Name one of the dairy organizations under the Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI) umbrella.
American Dairy Association, National Dairy Council, U.S. Dairy Export Council
Give one function of potassium in the body.
regulates the body’d fluid balance, maintain normal blood pressure, needed for muscle activity and contraction
Which of milk’s nutrients helps strengthen bones and generates energy in the body’s cells?
Which of milk’s nutrients is involved in the metabolism of sugars and fatty acids?
Which of milk’s vitamins helps build red blood cells?
Vitamin B12