2016 Intermediate Exam Flashcards
From which side should a dairy animal be led?
What are plants called that have a life cycle of more than two years?
Which cheese was formally accepted in 2002 as a Greek only cheese?
What is a record of an animal’s ancestry?
What is the failure to have an estrus cycle?
If a farmer says he was feeding a 16% dairy feed, what would the 16% refer to?
crude protein
Dairy farmers strive to make forages at the optimum time to manimize milk production by minimizing what in the forage?
lignin amount
Which breed of dairy cattle orginated in Switzerland?
Brown Swiss
The large holes in Swiss Cheese are produced by the release of what gas?
carbon dioxide
In which stomach compartment does hardware disease occur?
What hormone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy?
How many animals are in a class in a 4-H dairy judging contest?
Milk provides what two minerals in approximatley the same ratio as found in bone?
calcium and phosphorus
What is the recommended serving size for ice cream?
1 1/2 cups
What is the major support of the udder which divides it in half when viewed from the rear?
median suspensory ligament
In a dairy animals’ production record, what does 3X mean?
milked 3 times a day
What type of hay is most valuable to dairy cows?
immature hay (has less lignin)
Normal milk typically contains fewer than how many somatic cells?
200,000 cells/ml
What is the common name for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy?
Mad Cow Disease
What percentage of cows will come into heat while pregnant?
What is the first milk produced by the cow after calving?
What is the normal body temperature for a normal cow?
Which category has the most points on the dairy cow unified scorecard?
What is the recommendeddaily intake of calcium for adolescents?
1300 mg
What is the natural dye used to color cheddar cheese?
The process of joining an ovum and a sperm is known as what?
Glucose and galactose make up what sugar found in milk?
The genetic disorder known as limber leg and RVC, affects what breed of dairy cattle?
What are two hormones responsible for facilitating the delivery of a calf?
oxytocin and relaxin
What is the primary protein found in milk?
What do the letters AI stand for when discussing dairy cattle breeding?
artificail insemination
In animal identification, what is the country code for the United States?
Name the two main reason to add molasses to a dairy ration.
reduce dustiness, to improve taste (improve flavor)
One stick of butter has how many tablespoons?
Calcium plays an important role in helping the blood do what?
What company is the largest processor and distributor of milk in the world based on dairy sales?
Nestle of Switzerland
A dairy product that contains not less than 36% milk fat must be labeled what?
haevy whipping cream
What is the taste or likability of feedstuffs?
How many pairs of chromosomes do dairy cattle have?
30 pairs
At what percent protein should calf starter be?
What percentage of water is removed from whole milk to make evaporated milk?
What does CIP stand for?
clean in pace
Where are E. coli and Klebsiella bacteria most commonly found on a dairy farm?
environment, bedding
Who is the largest yogurt maker?
What is a substance called that can reduce changes in pH when an acid or alkali is added?
What are two coat color patterns in the Holstein breed?
black and white, red and white
When talking about milk processing, what does the acronym UF stand for?
ultra filtration
What disease causes grey crusty patches on the skin?
Are alfalfa hay and corn silage considered forages or concentrates?
You purchased a 15-10-5 fertilizer. What percent of the fertilzer is nitrogen?
15% (nitrogen-phosphate-potash)